
The trip to the Imperial Capital was organized by the American colleges and universities. It was mainly to go to the Central American to participate in a Chinese painting exchange meeting. However, Wu Tong, as a member of the accompanying team, had great discrepancies with other itineraries.

First, normal class and communication, and then by the teacher Hu Yan took a visit to a Chinese painting master, met and chatted and went to the Forbidden City in advance to participate in the work of repairing ancient paintings. At the beginning, it was a bit of scrap, and when I was squatting, I was thrown a big job.

Then, the photos of the most beautiful ancient restorationists were spread on the Internet. Finally, the Chinese painting master took him to participate in a CCTV-related program related to national treasures.

The exchange group organized by the school returned to Hangzhou a few days ago. Wu Tong returned to the scene today after recording the program.

The trip to the Imperial City was a dream for Wu Tong. He had gained a lot of knowledge and learned a lot of things. It can be said that it was full of rewards. As for the inexplicable, it became a net red and participated in the recording of CCTV programs. For Wu Tong, it was only An episode, even the surprise of the accident is not counted.

"Sister, you are so beautiful! Mom said that you are the most beautiful painter, are you?"

"The most beautiful is the most beautiful. Why do you want to add a painter? I think my sister is the best person except my mother."

"Sister, what is the painter?"

"Is it a painting? You will also paint, you will draw a piglet!"

“Painting will be beautiful? Really? After that, I have to work hard to learn to paint!”

On the plane, Wu Tong chatted with a little Lolita next to him.

"Hello, are you the most beautiful restoration artist?"

"My name is Lu Junjie and I am currently working at xx."

"I just came back from the Emperor's business trip. I didn't expect to be on a flight with Miss Wu. I am so lucky!"

"Miss Wu, can I have a contact with you? The amount of our company has a lot of Chinese painting business, which is convenient for future."

"I will help you."

"Miss Wu is going back to the Academy of Fine Arts? I am going to go there, I will send you."

"Don't take a taxi, Miss Wu is so beautiful, not safe!"

When I got off the plane, Wu Tong was entangled by a man who could wear a brand name. The brand name is still a relatively low-key brand. It is the hand that turns the Mercedes-Benz key on the hand...

"Thank you, someone came to pick me up."

Wu Tong took the suitcase and walked toward the outside. However, Lu Junjie followed suit step by step. He talked about the business of his company and Chinese painting. A snack company insisted that what can you say when you take Chinese painting as a package? .


Wu Tong saw Meng Fan in the crowd far away. After all, the sense of existence, not to mention the fact that he waved his hand and called himself, he accelerated the pace and walked toward him.

Wu Tong's dress has always been very simple, jeans, an orange thick knit shirt, monochrome shoes, simple light makeup, loose shoulders, long hair, but even with such a simple match, with a long leg, gold waist and hip height value Good temperament, still can easily get out of the supermodel gas field.


Meng Fan smirked and took Wu Tong's luggage and walked a few steps toward the outside. Then he whispered, "Who is that man? I have been following you, how can I run when I see it?"

Wu Tong said: "I met after I got off the plane and said that I was worried that I would safely send me back. Later, it is estimated that I feel safe after seeing you, or worry about his own safety."

Meng Fan said: "Is it so fierce?"

"It doesn't look fierce, but it's fierce."

Wu Tong suddenly laughed and pointed to the clothes of Meng Fan. He said, "Are you not talking about fitting? How does it look so awkward, is it tight?"

Meng Fan's body, from socks and shoes to clothes and pants, was bought by Wu Tong double eleven, specially dressed to pick her up.

"Combined, combined." Meng Fan smiled and stupid, looked at Wu Tong's orange thick knit sweater, touched his male thick knit sweater, said, "The clothes are not tight, I am inflated It is."

"Stupid is not stupid, I am giving a big change."


"Then can buy one more?"

"this is okay."


"Look, that is the iron god!"

"I haven't seen him in school for a long time!"

"Wu Tong came back when he came back, hey, what iron god, but it is also a dog!"

"Who is clearly a man who looks like a singer!" The two big nets are paired into pairs, no problem!"

"Ha ha ha gives you a chance, I guess you are too embarrassed."

"Impossible! I would rather be a lone wolf than a dog... Ah, you said that Wu Tong is so beautiful!"

"Unfortunately, there is no chance anymore. These two couples have installed my day!"

"I really believe in love! I really want to fall in love!"

"Life is too short, don't hesitate. If you want to go, go. If you want to fall in love, think."

"Mom egg brushed this silver in the morning, this collar has been crying for a long time, you come again!"

"Ha ha ha! You can't hope for it, you can't escape it! This is what Wang Dage said."

"Oh, you have a mouth!"


Wu Tong took the luggage into the girls' dormitory, and Meng Fan was downstairs.

The aunt of the board called a gas: "You kid, the suitcase is multiple, and you don't help to get upstairs. So what do I do, I said that you will not let you in? You have to ask, know no!"

"Auntie is right!" A few girls on the side laughed. "The girl in the dormitory building~www.readwn.com~ definitely welcomes the iron **** to visit. Wow, iron god, are you blushing? Iron God is actually shy, so cute!"

"Iron God, where have you been in the past few days? Why, Wu Tong does not come back, you are planning not to go back to school?"

"Can we have a photo?"

"Iron God, your clothes are a little out of place! It is Wutong who bought it for you, right?"

Being regarded as a large-scale animal in the female dormitory's downstairs exhibition, Meng Fan, who is also responsible for taking a group photo, can only make himself laugh as much as possible to see the mirror and feel good.

After Wu Tong came down, the two went to have dinner. They planned to go to see a movie again. Meng Fan saw Wu Tong’s face tired and sent her back to the bedroom.

Meng Fan went back to the bedroom for a while and went home. Just entering the door, Wu Tong sent a WeChat: "Buy."

There is also a screenshot, but not a screenshot of the clothes, but a pile of wool balls.

Meng Fan looked excited: "Ah? I weave it? You won't even weave clothes!"

"I have learned, but I haven't woven for a long time. It may take a long time."

"How long will it be!"

"It's just weaving, let's give you a scarf."

Meng Fan suddenly smirked: "Good!"

Wu Tong: "What more? I will play slowly. Do you want a wool trousers?

Meng Fan: "As long as you play, it is too hard for you."

Wu Tong: "The remaining wool is estimated to give you another wool underwear, to wear it. Witty expression"

Meng Fan almost spurted out a blood, but also just positive: "When you wear it, you still check it!"

Wu Tong did not show weakness and sent a "Come to give you a check on the body" of the gold curator, Meng Fanyi raised his hand is a pope... The two really fought on the map.


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