My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 250: Is it in love?


"The grass is really Su Qingying!"

At this point, Su Qinglan has removed the mask, and appeared in the live video, the camera naturally became Meng Fan.

"The cow has been approved!"

"Sure enough, I am playing role-playing! 666!"

"Whoever does not obey will serve Meng fat! Fans do this, who else!"

"Oh, there are more than the fat cows, such as Zhu Liqian, Chen Ruoyi, Zheng Yuncan, Chen Huilian, Li Yulei, Kunling..."

"...that's also a female fan who marries a male idol."

"There are also male fan nieces, such as Sun Yanzi and, oh, Guo Jingjing."

"Are you talking a little farther!"

"Do things!"

"Don't swear, okay!"

"Don't be too big!"

"Refused to do things, take the mountain today big brother!"

"Refused to engage in things, take away Mengfei... I am sorry, I am bragging, I can’t hold it!"


Can it still be like this? !

Seeing the original chaotic scene, because Meng Fan’s words were quiet, Su Qingying was really convinced.

She has seen too many scenes of chaos because of her appearance, but so far has not met anyone who can be a town in a word, no more bodyguards, or even myself!

In the end, Meng Fan’s voice is too charming and magical, or is his tower-like body too deterrent, or is it too fierce?

After all, he has seen many pictures of hitting people. It’s really not a joke. If you don’t say anything, it’s a big break!

Maybe, there are all these aspects.

In fact, Su Qingyi also overlooked a seemingly unimportant reason, that is, the relationship between idols and fans is also an enemy.

Talk show actor Li Xuan once said that Zhang mouth shuts up and thanked the fans for their idols. In fact, the biggest enemy is fans, otherwise so many bodyguards are hired.

Although it was said in a paragraph, I have to admit that this is reality.

Idols are the most inseparable fans, but they are also the most annoying and most anti-fans.

It is not who is wrong, but because of the nature of the two.

How to get idols and fans together?


The best way is undoubtedly to keep the distance.

Few fans can reasonably stand in front of themselves without being excited and chaotic, and few idols can be brave and calm to enter the fans. There are several people in this world who are so powerful and kind.

Nor is it that idols don't want to go into the fans, but they are worried about safety, worry about their own safety, and worry about the safety of their fans. There are too many incidents of chaos and trampling because of the appearance of idols, so there are not many idols who dare to risk.

Of course, there must be idols to keep their mystery and cards.

Having said that, Meng Fan’s screaming is a temporary break for the relationship between idols and fans. While maintaining a certain distance, he also told fans that Su Qingying would not escape, so you don’t have to worry. You don't have to chase it, you can see it if you want to see it.

Let's make a very inappropriate metaphor. Su Qingying is like a group of wolves staring at it. She has to dare to show a little panic to escape. The wolves will definitely come up, including those who don’t know how to go back. The wolf of the matter will follow suit, and it will be chaotic.

Then it is considered that Su Qingying is not in a hurry. This group of wolves will still have an irrational impulse to pounce on. The reason why it is held back is probably because Meng Fan’s "shotgun" is here.

In addition, the metaphysical power of sound appeal has indeed played a big role.

"This road can ruin me. You don't know how much this guy hates. All the way through the way, I also introduce the food with the narration of the tip of the tongue. I don't dare to eat it. I can't help but lick the hood. The mouth has been recognized by you. Now it is a relief. Hahaha, do you have any delicious introductions?"

Su Qingying saw that the scene was not chaotic, and he calmed down. Then he took out the hearty and big brother Fan, and he really ate all the way.

When fans see Su Qingyi really don't run, they are even more calm. It is also very enjoyable to calm down and discover that they are enjoying their idols and beauty. It is more interesting than chasing after running.

Usually, even on TV, it is impossible to see such a scene.

Even some of the more sentimental ones feel that the idols are quite pitiful, and it is very difficult to get something to eat in normal shopping.

A girl with a look of excitement and shame, but also very embarrassed: "Mountain today big brother, this grilled ribs super delicious ..... I just bought, clean ..."

“Is it?” Su Qingyi asked, without waiting for her, “Can you give me a bunch?”


The girls were so excited that all the brains were handed to Su Qingying.

"Thank you."

Su Qinglan took a bunch and came, took a bite, and his eyes smashed: "It's really delicious."

"Mountain today, my brother!"

"This pot is super delicious!"

"Mountain Today Big Brother!"

For a long time, the people around him raised all the things in their hands.

This is a bit messy!

"Hey Hey hey!"

Meng Fan, who has already returned the horn to the speaker, called out by voice: "Are you a bit too much? I am so big, why aren’t there any one who is willing to feed me? How~www.mtlnovel .com~I don't seem to be able to eat?"

Everyone listened and laughed, and the scene was restored. Of course, there will definitely be people who have a white eye in their hearts. Please, who are you, why should you feed them?

The street has already been halfway through, and the rest is half. In fact, it takes a lot of time to eat it all the time. Plus, which store you want to eat basically has ready-made, and it will not be long before you go shopping. It’s over.

The time is not long, but Su Qingying is very happy. It hasn't been so strolling for a long time. Don't say it is domestic, even if it is abroad, there are few such opportunities.

Which shopping is not a trepidation, buying something is no different from stealing things, for fear that others will recognize it.

"thank you all!"

Finally arrived at the end of the street, Su Qingying finished the last snack, turned and looked at the fans and passers-by who came over slowly. After a sigh of relief, he said with a smile: "I am very happy to eat today. Very happy, thank you for your support!"

Waving his hand: "Goodbye."

At the end of the street, the driver had already driven the car over and waited. The two men waved the car and the car quickly disappeared into everyone's field of vision.



"I am a big brother, I love you!"

In a farewell and confession, there was a rather awkward voice: "Are they two in love?"

When the sound appeared, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Yes, why did Su Qingyi go out shopping with this guy alone!

The assistant is not there, the agent is not there, just two of them, one man and one woman!

On such a night, I also pretended to be disguised. How do you think that the big stars and small fans in the idol drama secretly fall in love!

Too suspicious!


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