My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 255: Classic voice


The "Big Big Coffee" annual big show is divided into three venues, one is the main stage, one is the second floor dub, and the other is the outfield.

On the main stage, there are hosts on the top, and there are audiences below. The host is still the same as the first season, the famous host, the famous voice actor Kai Shu.

The dubbing room is only two groups of guests and a voice assistant host.

The outside field is a rest chat room. The guests who have finished the sound and have not yet matched are gathered here to chat, and there is also a voice ceremonial "to accompany the chat". The ceremonies are also the same as the previous season, Zhang Sanshu.

After the second group is over, the third group is over, and it has been more than three hours since the beginning of the recording.

The third group and the white PK are also an actress. With the white moonlight of the "Latent Raiders" Queen's fire, she has always been outstanding, most of them are her own voice, like the Queen of Yan Yan, the voice Gentle and moving, and this time in the "voice big coffee" performance is very good, but also shows her multi-faceted, very popular.

Zhang Sanshu, who played Kangxi, smiled and said to Bai Yueguang: "Sun Haofu, introduce your guest speakers."

The white moonlight is warm and moving, and the clothes are very fairy. When I listen to this joke, I jokingly said: "The guest I invited, handsome, heroic, domineering, you still have a lot to do with it."

Zhang Sanshu will also pick up: "Is it handsome, heroic, domineering and I have a relationship? Please ask him out."

The door on the second floor of the door is pushed open, and one person is out, but it is not the actor of Emperor Qianlong in "The Raiders".

"The big pig's hoof is coming."

"The Empress CP reappears!"

A group of guests in the rest room greeted and ridiculed.

After a little teasing, the emperor CP walked into the dubbing room.

Zhang Sanshu looked at Bai Hao again: "White 芷, introduce your guest speaker, I heard that it is not the person who plays the art circle."

Bai Yan said with a smile: "He is really not a person in the entertainment industry. He is still a student at school, a painter and a network anchor. Dubbing is his hobby and dream. If you have the strength, you will know what you are waiting for. ”

"Is it? Then please let him out."

In the morning rehearsal, several stars have already seen Meng Fan's rehearsal, including Zhang Sanshu, which is really scared. Meng Fan can be said to have won expectations and respect with strength.

Meng Fan came down from the second floor. Today, he was asked by a white suit to wear a suit. Meng Fan never went through the formal dress. There is really no formal dress to hold him. This time he was forced to try it. The effect is still It's really good, at least it can be answered from the eyes of the costumer and make-up artist as well as their eyes.

In addition, after adding 11 points to the charm, it is indeed a terrible thing.


Bai Hao saw that these guests were shocked by Meng Fan from the top, and they were proud of it. They couldn’t help but show off.


Zhang Sanshu raised his head and asked, "Hey! How tall are you?"

Meng Fan asked, and smiled: "One meter is not nine."

Zhang Sanshu said with a smile: "You can look like two meters. No wonder everyone calls you a tower man!"

Shen Haojian on the side is also the person who can talk with Zhang Sanshu in the field in this season. He smiled and said: "This is a crime! It’s not a night to say that you are a fan of height. This is the next thing, one meter is It's impossible."

Zhang Sanshu pointed to Shen Haojian and said, "Don't you say that you are one meter eight?" Then he made a classic movement in Shen Haojian's movie, with a finger hook. "You come over!"

The outside field laughed into a group, and Bai Hao took Meng Fan’s hand to the dubbing room.

Entering the dubbing room, the two groups of guests were chilling.

In the near future, this white eye is indeed full of scent, big pig hooves, Meng Fan impressed him still in the "Song and Tang Heroes", but now it is not clear what he and Huang Haibing played in the end of Qin Shubao who played Luo Cheng.

Downstairs, the host of the main stage, Kai Shu, is already doing the third group of oral broadcasts, and then the guests and celebrities on the cue upstairs say hello.

Baiyueguang imitated the character of a character that had been used in this program before greeting everyone. After the opening of the big pig's hoof, the audience under the main stage was already blown up. The appearance of the Empress CP made them very pleasantly surprised and happy.

Then it was the turn of the day, the popularity of the day was not low, and the performance before the show was also very powdery, and greetings also attracted screams and applause.

Then I went to Meng Fan. According to the requirements of Taiwan, I need to dub a character first and then introduce myself.

Moderator Kai Shu: "Who is the assistant to the white singer, who is he?"

When the voice just fell, there was a cry in the audience: "Italian Man!"

This is to make the host and the star guests on the second floor and the outfield have some surprises.

"I guess this?"

"Popularly high!"

In the outfield lounge, I was recommended to participate in this program through a voice of the last season. I also really showed off the children’s debut in the annual big show, Yu Xiao Er, and the seniors of the scene, said: “He is in the second The popularity of the secondary field is very high. The popularity of the 8 stations is estimated to be higher than that of ours.” Looking at the player of Li Yunlong, he laughed. “Except for Teacher Li.”

Meng Fan also had some accidents. Is this a place to arrange people to bring rhythm or something?

Seeing his turn, he opened his mouth and followed the original good book. He screamed: "嗷——SU——PER! One of the boatmen of the One Piece has become a master!"

This piece of magic is mixed with the lines of the tongue, and Meng Fan is of course the Francis in the pirates. It is also used in the neon language The reason why he chose him as the opening of his introduction, Because the Francis nickname Iron Man, it is also linked to the real man of the tower.

This dubbing, whether it is a star guest, host or audience, is a bright eye.

"Hello everyone, I am Meng Fan."

Meng Fan changed back to the original sound, no need to go to increase the charm of the sound, they are very attractive.

The sound of the outside field was bright and the eyes were raised.

"When the expert opens his mouth, he knows if there is any."

"I have seen his online dubbing clips, it's amazing, it's definitely a professional voice actor!"

"I have also seen it, everyone can be careful, this is really ready for the day!"

The audience at the scene is obviously more excited and the applause is very warm. The audience is relatively young, and there are not many people who like the second yuan.

Kay Uncle announced the start of the third group of "Classic Voices". The first group in the third group was dubbed with white moonlight, followed by big pig hooves, and each of them was very exciting. Applause bursts.

Then, the two men hand in hand downstairs appeared on the main stage and started two cooperation shows, which is equally exciting.

Then naturally it is the turn of the day, the white pipa is accompanied by the "July and Ansheng" fragment and the "Wan Jian Chuan Xin" fragment, the former one is decorated with two corners, brilliant, the latter is a tear.

"Next, there is a request for Meng Fan to bring his first ‘Class of Sound’, “Wind.””

Uncle Kay’s mysterious reminder: “Everyone should pay attention.”

On the second floor of the dubbing room, Meng Fan went to the position of the dubbing, unlocked a button on the neckline, and spit a long breath. It is impossible to say that there is no tension.

Bai Hao gave a thumbs up to Meng Fan: "It will be easy."


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