My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 264: 0 hand pick

The Fengji Wudao Fighting Hall has a special canteen. In addition to providing working meals for the coaches and staff, it also provides nutritious meals for the students.

Of course, this nutritious meal is subject to an additional fee.

However, Meng Fan, such a big customer, Yang Feng did not mean to let Meng Fan pay the fee again.

Nutritional meals, it must be very nutritious, beef, chicken breast, fish, shrimp plus broccoli, corn and other vegetables, as well as fruit, but the taste... Anyway, Meng Fan is not used to eating.

Such a nutritious meal, Wu Tong also gave Meng Fan a copy, saying that one of her cousins ​​was customized according to the physical condition of Meng Fan at that time, and it seems that she is a dietitian.

If you eat it according to that nutritious meal, it must be very thin, but Meng Fan is useless. It is not too troublesome, but it is really a hobby. It is hard to rely on the terrible amount of exercise.

"Iron God."

Long Yu and A Bin were eating together. After sitting together, they ate a few mouthfuls. They didn’t hold back. They still asked the question of gossip: "Do you really fall in love with Yamada’s big brother?"

Meng Fan shook his head: "No, isn't the big brother's studio in the mountain now ruined?"

"What is the relationship between the two of you?"

"What kind of person is this big brother in the mountains?"


Once the first gossip question is asked, the ensuing is all kinds of curiosity. After all, there are a lot of people who are curious about these things. Usually, they discuss and discuss in private. This time they met an "informed person". I can live.

Meng Fan is also a big head: "So what, let's talk about something else. For example, how did you both know each other? Have you known it since childhood? Did you know the name of the other person for the first time?"

As soon as I heard these questions from Meng Fan, the two of them suddenly collapsed.

After eating, take a break and start the afternoon class.

Meng Fan paid a lot of money, but he appointed his own private education. Yang Feng also found someone to replace his afternoon class. Abin and Long Hao also used it, so they will also put them into practice. The class was adjusted and merged with Meng Fan.

In this regard, Abin and Long Hao naturally have nothing to say, Yang Feng's actual private lessons are not cheap, this is free.

In addition, Meng Fan does have a kind of charm, even if they know that the actual combat class in the afternoon may be the whole process of being thrown, still very willing.

Being thrown, it is also a practical experience.

I was used to being smothered by the Iron Tower, and it would be difficult for others to fall.

Well, although I think this idea is ridiculous, the two think so.

Of course, in actual combat classes, it is definitely not asking them to stand and be thrown. They can also go to Meng Fan, but they can’t stop.

After ten minutes of falling, Meng Fan also fell into the experience, let alone, it fell quite cool.

Moreover, the actual combat is indeed somewhat different from the practice.

During practice, the practice object is standing and being thrown by yourself. In actual combat, the opponent can avoid it. This requires Meng Fan to spend more energy and energy to grasp, and to adjust the position and posture after grabbing the person.

The reason why it is only a little different, not a big difference, is indeed because Meng Fan’s ability to grasp the hand is too strong, the speed of the hand, the sly, whether it is Abin of the leucorrhea or the dragon of the blue belt, unless It is to turn around and escape. Otherwise, as long as you stand in front of Meng Fan, how to avoid and struggle is useless. Meng Fan can always grab the part he wants to grasp with lightning speed.

Although Meng Fan's speed of adjusting the position and posture is slow, but he is really only waiting for him to adjust his position and posture and then fell.

The power is too big to struggle!

With the increase in the amount of practice, the two also found that Meng Fan adjusted faster and faster.

After forty minutes, it can basically be said that after a grab, it was a smashing and was thrown out.

"Can not be done!"

Yang Feng, who was watching on the side, squatted. The more he went to the back, the more he felt like a skill exercise than the actual practice. The two men stood in front of Meng Fan, but the more they looked like the wooden pile.

In addition, Yang Feng also discovered a feature of Meng Fan, that is, the hand is fast.

I also knew it before, but it is really fast to see through practice.

The speed of this grip...

Yang Feng clap his hands and let Meng Fan stop practicing. He said, “Have a rest. Next, I will teach you skills. Your hand speed is very fast, and your skills should be more suitable for you, which will greatly increase your actual combat level. ""

When Meng Fan heard it, he was slightly disappointed. He thought that after a break, Yang Feng personally went to the court and practiced himself. To be honest, Meng Fan’s actual combat has been a little inflated, but it really feels that Abin and Long Hao are a little weak, not enough for him to play. At least when they fall, they are afraid to use force. If they change to Yang Feng, they should fall. It will be much better.

Of course, the expansion is expanding, and Meng Fan has not expanded to be able to fight against the black belt master of Baro. If Yang Feng is pressing the strength and only shows the skills of the fall, Meng Fan is still a little confident.

In fact, the dragons of the Baro Blue Ribbon are not really weak. He was originally a student of Sanda, and Barou has already learned to get started. Under normal circumstances, he dare not say much. One or three or four questions are not big, even because there is a basis for Sanda, in this venue, he It’s not a double time to abuse the Pakistani purple belt.

It is a pity that I met Meng Fan’s unreasonable existence.

Long Hao thinks that even the Bagu brown belt may be slammed by Meng Fan.

Having said that, Meng Fan is even more disappointed with the system!

Before and after this study, plus the actual combat behind, I said that I also fell a hundred times, but the system did not trigger any tasks related to wrestling.

Say good to try it!

Is it possible to trigger without trying?

I still insist on this!

At the beginning, I decided to temporarily try something to deal with the "Lion City Tour", mainly to trigger some tasks.

Is the system not the title of achievement related to wrestling?

Or is it not enough to insist on it?

However, so far, it seems that no achievement title is so difficult to trigger, if there is, it should be triggered early... Maybe there is no title of wrestling.

Disappointment was disappointing. Meng Fan still actively adjusted his mentality. Based on his current conditions, he should also play the role of ordinary people in practicing for many years. After comparing it, he will help himself through rebirth. The people on the plane solved the kidnappers, and this time it should be easier.

Ok, although the cost of the effort at that time was really big.

Meng Fei, Meng Fan is still very yearning.

After the break, Yang Feng began to teach Meng Fan skills.

Grab the grip, it is also useful in the trick. To put it bluntly, it is how to grasp the part that needs to be grasped. This point, Yang Feng explained some methods and let Meng Fan try it, even if the professor Meng Fan avoids it. After Meng Fan tried to grasp himself, he accelerated the teaching of skipping this part.

Yang Feng is also very helpless, Meng Fan wants to catch him, can't hide!

This helplessness is more helpless than falling into Meng Fan. It can be said that because Meng Fan is overweight, can't hide what can be said, saying that Meng Fan is too fast?

After skipping, Yang Feng also increased the difficulty. He talked with Meng Fan with the joint technique. There is no way to worry about Meng Fan’s ability to control the object of practice when he practiced. He talked about joint skills and can tell Meng Fan how to Using the joints to subdue the opponent, Meng Fan also knows what kind of way will hurt, not to forcefully smash, Meng Fan's power is easy to bend people!

"These six are the simplest and most basic skills. You are already there, and you should get started quickly. If you do, then, keep it for a while."

"If you use it, you can use it in combination with the technique of throwing. It can be before the skill or after the skill. Then we will talk about how to combine the skill and the skill."

"The trick that I taught before is just to teach you how to fall over the opponent, but if you just fall over the opponent, you can't really fall over the opponent. There are many ways to surrender your opponent. In judo or jujitsu, the ground skill is to surrender the opponent. The main way. Judo and Jiu Jitsu's ground technology is collectively called sleep technology, this bed is sleeping, the bedroom includes lock technology..."

"Let's talk back to the tricks, the amount, the tricks. The tricks are also able to downgrade the opponents. The average opponent will not be able to stand the pain of the joints and surrender. Of course, in Barouli, the trick is to increase your grip. The success rate, after the successful use of the technique, the success rate of using the skill is naturally higher."


I talked a lot about The theory is still very important, and then I started to practice. This time, Yang Feng did not let Abin or Long Yao come, but came by himself.

Mainly still worried that Meng Fan is too aggressive, especially Meng Fan has to even fall on the skills, he is worried that Abin and Long Hao can not stand,

The practice is divided into 擒 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连


Still can't escape the fate of Meng Fan's fall. After practicing a few times, Meng Fan successfully started to throw skills and skill. Meng Fan has great strength. Yang Feng has a lot of ways to break free, but he still can't really break free. I am afraid that Meng Fan, a newbie who will use his strength when he breaks free, will turn over in the real gutter.

Every time Yang Feng was taken by Meng Fan, he chose to shoot the land.

For a time, the practice room was full of noise.

Not to mention, this practice martial arts is very similar to sports. Many movements and pictures, even professional terms, are easy to misunderstand and misunderstand. For example, the most basic way to suppress opponents after judo throwing skills is called riding position. Then there is the half-ride ride...


I don't know how many times Meng Fan practiced, and suddenly there was a tone in my mind.

“Hey! Trigger achievement task [Thousands of hands to take].”

“The mission requires the correct use of the capture technology to subdue the opponent 1000 times.”

"Task completion is the achievement of the title [Thousands of hand picks] (擒技术+10, hand speed +3)"

There is only one process, and there are an additional 100 points after completion.


"let go!"

Yang Feng shot several times to see Meng Fan ignoring himself. Habitual attempts to struggle, but Meng Fan’s strength has been pressing, and suddenly the cold sweat on his head has come down. There is no way to call it.


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