My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 267: Inexplicable challenge


"Envy? Envy is not coming."

Laohe stood up and wanted to hold Meng Fan's shoulder, but when he reached out, he found that Meng Fan was a bit tall. How could Nima be able to live up and hold his arm, so he changed his hand to elbow and touched Meng. Fan, said, "This stick is our Taekwondo coach here. It looks handsome. It’s the star coach of our Budokan. I don’t know how these women like the stick so much. Is it because of the two characters? Mom, what is the stick, Laozi or stick!”

Meng Fan smiled and said: "Maybe just like handsome, it doesn't matter with the stick."

Old black is not very cool: "Shuai is handsome, it is too special to love the ratio, but also arrogant."

Meng Fan smiled and said: "Are you martial arts people not direct? I think that he is more arrogant than a arrogant one. If you don't come, you won't have it. Old black, you won't be doing it, but you can't do it, you can compare it, you I can only bear it."

"Cut! I can't do him? I can't stand him and let him fight. He can't move." The old black is even more uncomfortable, but then it is a glimpse. "Hey, you don't understand. This stick is a cash cow, extra large. The kind of the tree, the old Yang has to squat, and the old man can only endure it if he is unhappy. Going away, the eyes are not seen as net."

Meng Fan smiled and walked toward the outside of the big exercise room with the old black.

"Well? Isn't that Meng Fan?"

Some of the ten female students recognized Meng Fan. After all, it is difficult for Meng Fan to feel that he does not want to be noticed.

"It's really him! How come he is here!"

"I hate this guy the most!"

"I really hope that he will explode in place!"

Inexplicably, Meng Fan, who was ridiculed and cursed by a wave of ridicule and cursing, also had a slap in the face. The same is true of the old black. How do these female students know Meng Fan’s, and they have to eat and smother him? This guy will not be What have you done to these women?

"Meng Fan?"

Jin Taiyun heard the words of Meng Fan suddenly come to the spirit, followed the female students to see, the eyes lit up, striding toward Meng Fan, stopped in the place three steps away from Meng Fan, There was a big smile on his face: "Meng Fan, how are you."

Meng Fan was inexplicably stunned by the female students. When he saw this Jin Taiyun coming over, he once again said that this guy was a South Korean, and naturally he jumped out of another South Korean, and soon thought Why did the women’s neuropathy lick themselves, and the brow wrinkled a little, asking: "Do we know?"

"You don't know me, I know you."

Jin Taiyun feels very good and introduces himself: "My name is Jin Taiyun, South Korean, and the peak Taekwondo coach. Excuse me, are you also a peak student?"

Meng Fan said: "Oh, what?"


Jin Taiyun is even more happy, saying: "This is the case. I know you through the video of you hitting Park in the sea. Because of this video, too many people say that South Koreans are too weak, and three South Koreans can’t beat you. I will even watch you on the video. You have seen the video. You are just behind the sneak attack. Just happened to meet you. I challenge you. It is not for Park in the sea, but for the South Korean man. ""

Meng speechless: "To be blunt, you're wanted to hit me a meal?"

Jin Taiyun smiled and said: "You can think so. Of course, you can also choose to refuse. However, the way to refuse is to admit defeat. I don't need to apologize to you. I just need to admit that I can only win if I sneak attack."

Meng Fan brows again and wrinkles: "Win! You think the events in this video, winning or losing is more important than right and wrong?"

"Yes?" Jin Taiyun shook his head. "This happened in your China. What is the right and wrong, who knows, even the video is not necessarily true."


"How can Park in the sea beat people!"

"The video is fake!"

"Gold coach, teach him!"

"Gold coach cheers!"

Jin Taiyun’s words came out, and half of the ten girls had followed up, and that, at any time, I felt like I would rush to tear up Meng Fan.

"Death does not admit, and anything that dares to recognize is also a feature of your South Koreans."

Meng Fan is really a little angry now, not because Jin Taiyun even dare to say that it is a fake, but because of the group of women on the side, one by one is the same as being pushed by the iron, brain damage No.

Meng Fan points to Jin Taiyun and asks Lao Hei: "Do I break his words and break the law?"

"Meng Ye, it’s definitely a crime to kill."

The old black face is dark, although I don’t know what kind of grudges I have in front of me, but I can feel Meng Fan’s anger. I’m really worried about Meng Fan’s death. However, I immediately thought about what Meng Fan wanted to ask. Then he said, "But if you don't get rid of it, you can say it."

"Kill me?"

Jin Taiyun heard a big joke: "Come on, soon, I will let you kneel down and admit that you are a sneak attack!"

Said, went straight to a venue, began to warm up, not afraid of Meng Fan escape, anyway, someone is taking a video, he will definitely help Park in the sea to help this face back, what the tower really Man, garbage!

"Gold coach cheers!"

"Gold coach must cry and cry him!"

These brains did not leave, cheering and ran to the side of the field to fuel Jin Taiyun.

The old black look at Jin Taiyun's eyes is like looking at a slap, this Nima is so accustomed to know who he is!

Seeing that Meng Fan was calmly facing the venue over there, he sighed and sighed, Grandpa, don't fold the old cash cow tree.

And moved for a thought, feeling good, I have long wanted to hit this Shabi stick a meal, but unfortunately no chance, now Well, look at this stick beat mood is also quite good.

"what happened?"

Laohe is thinking about it, the owner of the money tree, no, the head coach of the martial arts hall, Yang Feng, came. It is obvious that I know the things here. I accelerated my footsteps to Jin Taiyun’s front and stopped him, saying: “Jin Taiyun, you What are you doing?"

Jin Taiyun said: "Yang Feng, he has accepted my challenge, please don't stop me."

I am not going to stop you, I will be abolished!

Yang Feng and Meng Fan said how to contact for a long time, Meng Fan that he still knows what strength, a trick to eat all over the sky, once this Jin Taiyun was succeeded by Meng Fan, then it is 100% abolished.

What is the strength of Jin Taiyun, Yang Feng is too clear You let him play the handsome lifting board no problem, but let him play Meng Fan this iron tower man, can the feet not waste?

Jin Taiyun is very strong in Taekwondo, but the actual combat of Taekwondo itself is too general.

Don't say that Meng Fan learned the skills of throwing and squatting. Yang Feng thought that even if Meng Fan didn't learn anything, the black belt of Taekwondo would be enough to hit him. You kicked him a few feet and he was fine. Once he was close, with his strength, you kept it. Just finished!

Yang Feng smiled bitterly: "Jin Taiyun, you can't beat him. It's better than this, I will help you to talk about it, you apologize, this is over."

"I apologize? I can't beat him?"

Jin Taiyun’s face suddenly became ugly and asked: “Yang Feng, is he stronger than you? This martial arts hall, besides you, who can resist my leg method?”

When Yang Feng heard this, he wanted to die. Big Brother, usually everyone is playing with you. The coaches in the martial arts hall can slap you!

Just, what do you say now?

"Yang Feng, you don't have to worry about it, you can rest assured that my feet will not be too heavy. I still know that even in China, even in the martial arts hall, I can't fight privately. I just play with him."

Jin Taiyun saw Yang Feng's face ugly, sneered a little, knowing that Yang Feng is maintaining the Chinese people, in order to prevent Chinese people from losing face.

Iron Tower Man, huh, I will kick you off!

Said, went to the venue.

Yang Feng really wants to give this guillotine a guillotine directly. Do you think that the black belt of Taekwondo has practical ability?

Forget it, love to die!

Yang Feng turned away and didn't want to see the next picture, but another thought, still went to Meng Fan, raised his hand and said: "Mr. Meng, count me for you, lightly, just as normal combat training."


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