My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 270: Also hit a hot search


Meng Fan and Lao He went to the shower and went straight to a very high-end steakhouse nearby. Both of them belonged to the kind of appetite. This meal was painfully eaten, and the consumption figures were still very impressive. .

"To replace the wine with milk, I am one of the old men."

Laohe had only one service word for Meng Fan, and he didn’t get along very well, but he felt very happy. As for the questions that Meng Fan asked during the meal, Lao Hei knows everything.

Laohe is a kind of person who is very complicated in learning. He started out as a Chinese martial artist. Later, he practiced Sanda and Sang, and then he was contacted by fighting sang and judo. With the rise of domestic MMA, it was the rise of the comprehensive fighting competition. Laohe is currently preparing to transform to play MMA.

Of course, I am currently practicing. If I am in the time of playing the game, I am afraid I will not eat anything outside.

The miscellaneous learning has a benefit for Meng Fan, that is, the old genre knows a little about what genre, which allows him to ask questions indefinitely without having to go online to find it.

Among them, Meng Fan also clearly understood the "wrestling technique" from the old black mouth.

Wrestling is recognized as the earliest competitive sports in the world. If it originates from the origin of this movement, it can be divided into two. The West is an ancient Greek wrestling. It is slowly developed as the classical Olympic wrestling of today's Olympic Games. Another kind of freedom. Wrestling is also originated in Europe; the words of the East are Chinese-style wrestling, also called 蚩尤戏, wrestling, sumo, and disputes.

Of course, there are also Mongolian wrestlings, etc., which are more or less affected by these two origins.

Chinese-style wrestling was introduced into the neon in the Tang Dynasty, and it developed into a neon sumo. At the same time, neon jiu ji was born. After the soft surgery, judo and karate were evolved. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu also originated from neon. Rainbow Jiu Jitsu.

Of course, in the process of evolution, there must be development and influence by other martial arts schools. At the same time, each martial arts school has its own development and changes as well as learning from others, slowly forming a modern martial arts school.

It is necessary to say that the development of wrestling, judo and jujitsu has a lot in common. Among them, wrestling technology runs through these three kinds of sports. The difference is that wrestling is mainly based on wrestling. Jiu Jitsu is mainly based on ground technology, and judo is two kinds of consideration.

The biggest difference between different names is the rules at the time of the game.

As for the MMA competition that Laohe is going to play, what kind of martial arts genre can be thrown inside, the rules make it clear how wrestling technology is going, Meng Fan knows how to brush [wrestling barge] this task. .

After eating a bite, Lao Hei sent Meng Fan to the taxi. After thinking about it, he turned back to the Budokan. He still wanted to see how Jin Taiyun was doing. Don’t affect the Meng Fanlai Budokan. Training. The double private tuition fee is second to none. The key is Meng Fan’s appetite for him.

"Old black."

Just coming in, several coaches and trainees came around and asked about the things related to Meng Fan. And when asked, the old black is the reason why Meng Fan and Jin Taiyun suddenly started to fight.

"The sunspot, come over."

The old black is wow wow, and after hearing a cold voice, the whole person is paralyzed, and he follows this person into an office: "Grand brother, are you looking for me?"

"That Meng Fan is gone?" the man asked, seeing the old man nod and asked, "Is he still coming to train tomorrow?"

When I heard it, I hardened my neck and said, "Why don’t he train, he paid the money, oh, you can’t do that for the stick...”

"When you ask what you answer, there is so much nonsense." The man glanced at the old black and asked, "When will he come tomorrow?"

The old black and soft neck is hard again: "Grand brother, you don't want to avenge the stick?" After being glanced, it was soft again, nonsense, but this is his coach who played MMA, old black. I don’t dare to harden him with him, and then honestly answer, "After nine o'clock tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go."

"Oh, okay!"


"still busy?"

Meng Fan didn't go back to school and didn't go home. Instead, he went to the Damei Studio first. It was near the Xizi Lake Scenic Area. It took less than a few minutes to walk from the restaurant. On the road, Wu Tong sent a WeChat.

At noon, Meng Fan had already sent a WeChat to her and said that she was back. Wu Tong replied that she was rushing with the teacher for a group of works.

Meng Fan wants to know that she is busy now. If she is busy, she will go back to find her.

"Not yet, it is estimated to be very late. You are busy with you, see you tomorrow morning. (sad expression)"

"Okay. (Great crying expression)"

Soon, Meng Fan went to the big beauty studio. Now it is less than six o'clock. Although the sky is already dark, there are still many people in the studio.

"You are far from me!"

Sitting around Zhang, who was sitting in the doorway and playing mobile phone, Meng Fan walked toward himself and immediately hid behind: "I am afraid that your kid will fall."

Meng Fan glanced, and then took a look at the first floor, a studio member looked at his own eyes, but helplessly said: "You all know it? It is a good thing not to go out, bad things pass thousands of miles."

"I have a hot search on the bib, how can I not know!"

"This is not a bad thing. At least everyone knows that you are true? The tower is a man."

"Mr. Meng, you are so fierce!"

"How was the last stick?"

"Is it really faint? I looked like it was really dizzy!"

"Iron God ~ Why are you on the stick?"

"That is the iron **** and the stick bar, obviously it is the stick and the iron **** bar."

The members of the studio are surrounded by a sentence from me. They are all very hot-eyed. I don’t know if the uploaded video is too much for the men or Meng Fan has added 11 points of charm, or it may be the reason for the combination. These members see Meng Fan feel particularly attractive.

The key is that the studio members are basically women, and these eyes make Meng Fan somewhat uncomfortable.

Well, if you are a man, you will definitely not be able to adapt.

Finally, I asked some of the right things, Meng Fan quickly found an excuse to leave.

Just arrived at the door, I met a man carrying two bags of tea and coffee, about twenty-five years old, a board, looking pretty handsome and sunny.

I almost didn't hit Meng Fan's body. I looked up at Meng Fan and stunned it. Then I said with surprise: "Mr. Meng, hello, thank you."

Meng Fan smiled and nodded: "I haven't seen you, are you a new member?"

This board said: "My name is Xiang Ping, oh, my pen name is Pingtou, we have talked about the sky."

"Flat head brother?"

Meng Fan naturally remembered the author of "The Rampage Reality" for the first time. This is his first novel illustration, curious and asked: "How are you here?"

Pingtou brother heard this and blushed.

At this time, Zhang flashed around, facing Meng Fan's eyes toward the studio responsible for the studio's chief painter Yan Yan.

When Meng Fan saw Yan Yan, he also blushed and immediately understood.

This is the party’s hegemony to the party B!


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