My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 272: Wait, big brother!


"This girl will be attentive to me!"

At this moment, Wu Ji has stood at the door of a practice room and saw the time: "If you come to the Academy of Fine Arts, you will definitely be able to arrive in twenty minutes. Counting on shopping, I only have two minutes."

Push the door open, walk in, see the old black inside is taking pictures, and then see the old black Meng Fan, Wu Ji is even more angry.

What a simple sister, because this stinky boy has learned to play with his eyes!

If you hurry up, you should have five minutes to abuse this kid!

Wu Ji is happy to change his mind temporarily.

"The sunspot, you go out."

Wu Ji put the phone on the ground and made a simple warm-up.

"Extremely, what are you doing?!"

When I saw Wu Jijin coming in, the old black immediately climbed up and rolled over. He specially changed a private teacher. After practicing for more than half an hour, he thought it was okay. How come this really happened.

He and Wu Ji are still relatively familiar. They often hear Wu Jizhen’s Jin Taiyun stick. It is certain that Wu Ji is very annoying to Jin Taiyun. He thought that yesterday was just asking questions. How did this really revenge for Jin Taiyun?

This is not like Wuji!

The old black see Wu Ji is still warming up, more anxious: "Grand brother, if you want to avenge the stick, I can just sever the relationship with you... I am not kind!"

Wu Ji twisted his neck: "You get out of Laozi."

The old black is very hard this time, hard neck: "I don't go out."

"Then you will stay, it's best to stop, Lao Tzu even you!"

After that, I didn’t take care of the old black, took off my shoes, went to the venue, and pulled my hands back and forth. I did the final warm-up and looked at Meng Fan. He said, “You have learned the skills and skills. right? I'll just use two techniques to beat you and give you ten seconds to prepare. "

When Meng Fan listened to the dialogue between the two men, he probably understood what was going on and his face sank.

It’s not hard to hear from the old black saying that this is very powerful. If the name is this, it should be related to the name of the martial art museum, “Yanji”, a Yang Feng, a very brother.

Look at the old black look, this is what the extreme brother should be more powerful than Yang Feng.

At the same time as the face sinks, Meng Fan is also a little excited, and it is also possible to practice as a master!

However, Meng Fan looked at the handsome man who was tying his hair. He always felt familiar, but he was 100% sure that he had never seen it. This made Meng Fan feel a bit strange.

I always feel like who is in the eyebrows!

Slightly frowning asked: "Have we seen it?"

"I haven't seen it, I have seen it, I have already married you." Wu Ji tied his hair. "There is still five seconds to prepare."

When Meng Fan heard it, I felt even more strange. Listening to this means thinking about myself.

"Two seconds."

"One second."

Wu Ji did not give Meng Fan any time to think. After a sigh of relief, the whole person rushed toward Meng Fan as a cannonball.

"Fast speed!"

Meng Fan was shocked, and hiding was definitely not hiding. He forced himself to calm down and concentrate, waiting for Wu to be close.


The moment when Wu Ji was close to Meng Fan was a turn, which was like a ghostly charm around Meng Fan. At the same time, his hand was wrapped around Meng Fan’s waist, which was directly a step.

This skill, Meng Fan learned, a basic skill, but in Wuji this has a miraculous effect.

Meng Fan only felt that a huge force hit, the body was directly biased, although the strength did not fall directly, but lost the focus.

At this moment, Wu Ji has already reached the other side of Meng Fan's body, reached out and grabbed the arm of Meng Fan, and then the body rushed forward. Under this cast, the hand will force, hey, directly Meng Fan turned over and fell out.

Hey, Meng Fan, who has never been beaten, is a pain!

Some of the old blacks on the side are afraid to look at them. Meng Fan is a cow, but it may be Wu Ji’s opponent.

Yang Feng can't move Meng Fan, but it doesn't mean Wu Ji can't move.

Wu Ji’s hand still held Meng Fan’s hand and held back a sweeping technique and added a cross-solid impulse. He said that there is no other technique to use the technique of throwing and smashing.

Grabbing, one rolling, the other hand grabbed Meng Fan's shoulder, and then the power of rolling, and Meng Fan fell out.

"Kid, can you be so good?"

Wu Ji gave Meng Fan a chance to breathe, did not go up and chased, sneered: "Stand up!"


Meng Fan took a sigh of relief and stood up. He was thrown twice in a row and his eyes were red. It was mainly painful!

This long-haired handsome man in front of him has great strength, fast speed and super terrible reaction!

Can be sure that this is a terrible opponent.

If it wasn't for this guy who said that he didn't use techniques other than throwing skills and tricks, Meng Fan had already "switched" his hat on his finger at this moment.

Meng Fan knows that this level of opponents, if they use lock technology or other techniques, they will suffer a big loss.

Of course, Meng Fan also determined that this guy's strength is not big, and he only needs to grasp the success, and the outcome is hard to say.

This is a rare opponent!

Otherwise, Meng Fan could not stand this grievance.


Meng Fan wiped a mouth and poured the sports drinks that were exchanged, which raised the competitive state and calmed down.

When Wu Jihong came over, Meng Fan was slightly in the body of the cat. When Wu Ji was close to change direction, Meng Fan did not escape, but the whole person ran into it.


Meng Fan’s collision was very powerful. Although he did not hit it, he also disrupted Wu’s route. At the same time, his hands suddenly slammed and he succeeded.


Meng Fan did not adjust his position and posture, and completely fell Wuji out of strength.

If adjusted, Meng Fan is worried that this guy's reaction speed will counter himself.

Experience is definitely not comparable to him.


Wuji, who fell on the ground and rolled up, went to and did not give Meng Fan a chance to take advantage of the skills. When he stood up, he swooped down and came up with a leg.

After the success, it was another roll, reaching out to catch Meng Fan’s wrist, but he still didn’t catch it. Instead, he was taken by Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is still on the ground at this moment, no matter what technique, it is hard to lift Wu Ji by a force to roll it up.

Hey, this is not a light fall.

After Wu’s landing, the tumbling movements were slow.

When his movements were slow, Meng Fanke went up and grabbed it.

Wu Ji tried to take it back, but Meng Fan’s strength was too great, and his reaction speed was no better than that.

Instinctively, one pulls backwards, and then one bridge breaks out with a sweep.

The old black yelled: "Grand brother, you use sweeping skills!"

"To shut up!"

Wu Ji glanced coldly and then stood in the same place, indicating Meng Fan: "Come, catch me."

Even if Meng Fan grabs the top, Wu Ji is a punishment for his "foul".

After Meng Fan grabbed the success, Wu Ji also reached out and grabbed them. After they seized each other, the two men smashed.

Meng Fan’s strength is greater than Wu’s, and Wu’s wrestling skills are stronger than Meng Fan’s.

A few of them changed positions back and forth, and they couldn’t hold each other. For a moment, no one could fall.

The big eyes are wide-eyed and the heads are almost together.

Kneeling, the anger and fighting desires in Meng Fan’s eyes suddenly went out, and a terrible thought appeared in his mind.

I have a long life, and I have an urge for Mao to love him!

Suddenly, Meng Fan let go of his hand and slammed open.

"and many more!"

Meng Fan reached out and paused, holding his head: "Big brother, are you surnamed Wu?"


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