My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 274: Gangyu only in 1 moment



"Wu Tong!"

Wu Ji and Meng Fan followed the sound and looked at Wu Tong at the door. They were all dumbfounded.

Wu Tong is also a bit dumbfounded. She can't get through the phone of Meng Fan. I think he is likely to come to the martial arts hall to start training. He also wonders if his brother can't just get up at this time. She is not sure if they will meet. On, but just in case, it is the first time to fly to this side.

Worried about Meng Fan!

Meng Fan played two South Koreans before and after, watching it is amazing, but her brother is professional after all!

There is no direct opening to remind her brother, that is to know her brother's character, really want to say, even if her brother does not know that Meng Fan will be rushed in the martial arts museum, if her brother already knows that Meng Fan is in the martial arts hall, even looking for He is in trouble, but it will be heavier.

Why did she not think that Meng Fan did not suffer, but lifted Wu Ji.

Worried, after the accident, it becomes angry: "What are you doing? I want to mad at me, right?"

"Ah? No, no."

Wu Ji and Meng Fan are almost all seconds.

Meng Fan quickly released his hand, and Wu Ji slid down. The two stood up, no different from the primary school students. Their eyes were dripping, seemingly thinking about how to explain to the teacher.

The two responded super fast, one faster than one, looking at Wu Tong, pointing at the other side, almost in unison asked: "Do you know?"

Wu Tong smiled and looked at the two people: "Pack, give me the continuation."

"Packed, what is it?" Wu Ji looked innocent, then suddenly seemed to understand, pointing to Meng Fan, asked Wu Tong, "Tong Tong, what did you call him? Meng Fan? This kid is Meng Fan ?"

Meng Fan is also shocked here: "Wu Tong, you just called him, brother? God, he is your brother!" Hurry and find the reason for the round, "I said when I was training, how to see The coach is so kind, it turned out to be your brother!"

Wu Jiyi listened, his face appeared angry and disgusted, tacit understanding, pointing to Meng Fan: "Don't give me this set, if I know that you are Meng Fanna, you can't guide you when you kill." !"

Anyway, both of them were killed and did not admit that they just played.

When Wu Ji finished, when he turned to Wu Tong, his face was full of smiles: "That, sister, I am sorry. I just got it, it is already up, that is... right, the sunspot, the sunspot, he is looking for me. Let me help guide this kid. I did not expect to guide the guidance... The sunspot said that he was uncomfortable, I temporarily replaced it, I did not expect to forget to buy breakfast for you. Right? Isn't that the case?"


From Wu Tong’s appearance, Lao Hei knew that the Gao Chao part of today’s good play came. Hey, hey, these two just-in-one batches, Wu Tong’s appearance has become like this, this picture Turning back and forth, hey, it’s too special!

Just, I didn’t expect how to bring myself.

Looking at the eyes of Wu Ji and Meng Fan, the look of the building was over, and then look at Wu Tong’s faint look with scrutiny. Laohe did not dare to offend the two uncles, and even dared not lie to Wu Tong.

It is said that the desperate situation can stimulate people's desire for survival. This time, the old black is really forced out. Suddenly, it is a belly: "Oh, oh yeah."

Did not say half a word, directly rushed out of the private teaching room.

Lively and beautiful, but life is more important!

Wu Ji saw this and said, "Look, the sunspot is not comfortable."

"When you are stupid, he is obviously scared away by you." Wu Tong gasped, hands crossed in front of him, took a look at Wu Ji, then looked at Meng Fan and said, "Call, you two are not Do you like to play? Keep on playing! I will take a look!"

At this moment, Wu Tong can not see the two people actually know who the other person is, but Wu Ji knows that Meng Fan is very simple, but Meng Fan knows that Wu Ji is his brother and let Wu Tong Something unexpected.

With Wu Ji’s character, it is impossible to tell who he is.

In Wu Tong's view, the only possibility is that Meng Fan knows the name of Wu Ji through others such as Lao Hei. As for how Meng Fan listened to this name, he could think of him as his brother, or let Wu Tong feel a little magical.

"What to fight!"

Wu Ji repeatedly shook his head and looked disgusted: "I can't guide this stinky boy any more." Then I immediately put a smile on her face. "Sister, are you not hungry? Go, brother, take you to eat."

Wu Tong glanced at Wuji. Of course, it was the best to not fight. He nodded and then looked at Meng Fan and asked, "Are you okay?"

Meng Fan’s heart was warm, but it did not prevent him from shaking his head again and again: “No, nothing! Seven brothers, the guidance is good!”

Wu Ji suddenly rushed: "Don't call me my seventh brother!"

Then, both of them chose to shut up at the same time.

Wu Tong laughed and said: "I thought you guys can be loaded when!" Cold look at Wu Ji, "How many times have you told you, you don't listen?" Then look at Meng Fan, "You... let's talk at night!"

"I don't have time to take care of you. How do you love tossing how to toss it. I am gone, you continue to fight, play well!"

Then he turned and went outside.

Wu Ji glanced at Meng Fan and then rushed to catch up.

" You are mad at me, you can do it, but you can't meet this stupid boy at night!"

"What face to see at night! How dangerous!"

"This stinky boy is not something. If you blame him for breaking things, you haven't caught up with you yet, and you have a scandal with others. If you catch up, it will be enough!"

"You blame him again."

The old black out of the private teaching room did not leave, the cat has been at the door, the fire of gossip is burning.

At this time, Wu Tong came out, Wu Ji chased it out, and kept talking in his mouth.

The old black horse immediately gave it a squat, turned around and pretended to tie the shoelace.

Hey, when did you see Wu Ji like this, this is another thing!



Wu Ji chased out, directly to the old feet, you have a bit of a brain, your shoes are not a ghost shoelace!

After the old black was kicked, he stood up and watched Wu Jiyuan, who was chasing Wu Tong. Then he went into the private teaching room with a flash of his body. He closed the door and turned to face Meng Fan. He was an eyebrow and the facial features were exaggerated. : "Meng Ye, what is the situation?"


Meng Fan sighed and gestured to the old black to say that when the old black was close, it was a top, and then he slammed it out.

The old black shouted: "What do I mess with!"

Meng Fan also wants to catch up with Wu Tong to explain, although this matter is the head of Wu Jiqi, but how to say that he is playing with her after knowing that Wu Ji is her brother, the key is that Wu Tong pushes the door in. I was holding her brother.

However, Wu Ji has already caught up, and it is not appropriate for him to catch up.

Since you can't catch up, you can only get rid of the old black brush experience.

Hurry and finish it, here can't come!


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