My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 278: Still coming!


Meng Fan took Wu Tong's hand and smirked and walked the school in a happy way. Of course, he was very honest and embarrassed.

After all, there was something in the trouser pocket that was discovered by Wu Tong.

Wu Tong did not directly give Meng Fan's hand and then licked him and his mouth has already made Meng Fanqing lucky!

As a result, Meng Fan has not only had a sweat in his hand, but also other things, no, not even other thoughts.

Of course, throwing away the distracting thoughts, just pulling on the hand, is enough to make Meng Fan fully happy.

"Then, I am going up."

Wu Tong slowly pulled his hand out of Meng Fan's hand, and then went on a scarf. He carefully tied Meng Fan, and the department was much better than Meng Fan. Finally, he took a light tap.

This gentleness, let Meng Fan almost sit on the ground with his legs.


"You go back early, cold."

"it is good."

Meng Fan looked at Wu Tongjin’s female dormitory building with a reluctant look.

"Iron God, amazing!"


"Life is a winner!"

"Great, I finally saw you together!"

"Iron God, although I am very sad, but I still have to cry with tears to bless you!"

"Asshole, I even took my Wu Tong, you must be happy!"


"thanks, thanks."

Meng Fan, who was still going to go back, was a little embarrassed by the strange and warm blessings of the girls who passed by, so he stood for a few more minutes.

On the way back, all the way is a blessing, Meng Fan has no way, can only slow down the pace, and make up enough 365 blessings to go out of school.

When I got out of school, I could be more cheerful in my footsteps. When I was nowhere, I couldn’t help but pick it up, and then I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Meng Xiao brother, why are you so happy? Haha."

A car parked on the edge of Meng Fan, the window was shaken, but it was not the same Charlie living in a community.

At this time, the hot debate on Meng Fan and Wu Tong on the Internet is not so exaggerated, and Charlie still does not know.

Meng Fan accepted the laughter: "Check, is it so clever?"

"You wait for me at the door of the unit building, something to say to you."

At this time, it was not far from the gate of the community. Charlie parked the car in the garage and rushed to the door of the unit where Meng Fan lived.

"You can do it. If you don't move, you go to "Sound Big Coffee."" Charlie complained. "I don't say anything when I come back."

The real thigh in the dubbing industry was also the voice-over guide of "Sound Big Coffee". When Di Di called him, he was still depressed. How did Meng Fan go to the Mango TV on the first day of the studio dubbing? Recorded "Sound Big Coffee".

However, when Di Di said that Meng Fan's dubbing ability is terrible, Charlie basically determined that it was Meng Fan. Besides Meng Fan, he really couldn't think of anyone who had the dubbing ability to make Di Zhen, the true Buddha, terrible.

As for Di Di said that he would borrow Meng Fan from the chocolate factory, Charlie almost agreed without even thinking about it.

What does Di Di want to borrow from Meng Fan?

Of course, it is a job to find a voice for him. Di Di is looking for a job for a person. It is called a resource!

This resource will definitely be splashed out, which means that the chocolate factory can pick up this resource!

Moreover, still borrow, Charlie, there is no reason to agree.

However, he also knows about this matter, he promised that it is not counted, and Meng Fan agreed.

"Dr. Di?"

Meng Fan did not expect that this trip "Sound Big Coffee" also had such a good relationship, saying: "Of course, no problem, however, I may not have much time in the near future."

Although he has already completed the dubbing task and won the achievement, Meng Fan still has to continue to dub. After all, this is his interest and dream. It is impossible to say that he has gotten aside when he completes the task, but only on the trip to Lion City. Before, Meng Fan did not know the time, especially the big time.

"That didn't say that I will let you match now. She didn't contact me for the time being. I said to you in advance. If you have something, please do it first. If there is news, I will tell you, as for the time. It should be flexible."

After the two chatted a few words in the night wind, Charlie was really cold and said goodbye.

Meng Fan went back to habitually taking a shower. Before the shower, he sent a WeChat to Wu Tong saying that he had arrived, and then washed it out. Wu Tong naturally replied, and he returned to the past.

"After so long?"

"Take a shower."

"Do you do something bad?"

Seeing Wu Tong this article, Meng Fan scared!

There are three reasons for the scare. One is that Wu Tong is a bit bold in asking questions, and the other is to think of the trouser pocket.

"What can be done in the bath!"

"Do you need to say something bad about taking a bath?"

"Actually, boys rarely do bad things in the shower, girls will, you ask, are you..."

Wu Tong lost a expression of the dog's head and waited for it, and soon sent another message: "I won't talk to you, I took a shower."

Meng Fan: "Go, I understand."

Wu Tong immediately lost a lot of expression packs.

Meng Fan looked at the phone and smiled. He liked the chat style after holding hands. It was a little exciting!


There is a group chat @, Meng Fan looked at the group name, inexplicably nervous.

Mengjia eight thousand gold!

These days, every movement of this group name made Meng Fan nervous.

This group, of course, is the Mengjia seven thousand gold plus Meng Fan, a thousand people. In this group chat, Meng Fan’s name was forcibly changed to “Meng Cai”.

Into the group, I saw a few screenshots of Meng Cai’s bursts. There is a screenshot of Meng Cai’s admission to a research center under the National Government of Lions National University (NUS), and there is news of Meng Cai’s paper on what sports mechanics is on top publications. Screenshots... There is also a screenshot of the most important thing for Meng Fan, which is a screenshot of the award-winning news!

Before reborn, Meng Fan went to Lion City to attend the award ceremony of Meng Caiyu.

What is the specific prize? To tell the truth, Meng Fan did not figure it out. In short, it seems to be a very big prize. Anyway, Meng Fan’s "skills" is completely incomprehensible.

Meng Caiyu, Meng Fan's cousin, is one year younger than Meng Fan. The year before, when Meng Fancai was a freshman, she graduated from the University of Hong Kong and then admitted to the NUS graduate school.

Both Hong Kong University and NUS are full scholarships.

She had already been insured by the University of Hong Kong, but she changed her job and changed her major.

Speaking of it, Meng Caiqi is not the kind of child prodigy from childhood, from childhood to junior high school, it is no different from other students, that is, not very hard to learn can also test a good grade, what is the tutorial class, basically not on, nor on What kind of interest class, that is, I like to hide all kinds of gongs and 捣 好 好 然后 然后 好 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟 孟

After I was in high school, I didn’t know how to make a sudden nerve. When I was high, I was going to take the university, and then I was admitted to the university in a few months. It was also a HKUST, full scholarship!

Then there was Meng Fan just going to college, and she was admitted to NUS as a graduate student.

Now think about it, Meng Fan is wondering if this girl is getting a school system!

Meng Caiqi: "Brother, they all said that they don't have time to attend my awards ceremony. You won't be free?"

Then there was a very soon one: "Brother, come on! If you want to come, I will send you to the neon plane tickets and various seiyuu concerts, tickets for the exhibition, I am a lot of people here!"


The turntable of fate still stays at this moment. In the same way, even the punctuation marks are not bad, overlapping before rebirth and after rebirth!

The hijacking took place on the flight from Lion City to Neon!


Meng Fan's continuous high-frequency breathing, although he is ready to go to the Lion City, but at this moment, he still hesitated.

I changed from a fat house to an iron tower, and I became a voice actor, and I joined Wu Tong...

Going this way, if you don’t go back?

Heaven, robbery, life and death!


Meng Fan sighed with a sigh of relief, almost hand-shake and put down three words: "I have time", plus an exclamation point!

Meng Caiqi: "It is still the best, I will buy you a ticket now!"

Soon, it was a long time for Meng Fan. A screenshot was sent out in the group. The plane on the afternoon of the 10th flew from Hangzhou to Lion City.

Then there are tickets for various seiyuu concerts and exhibitions.


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