My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 286: major discovery

Sakurai Minako has been a flight attendant on this international flight for two years. In two years, the number of times he has been ridiculed is absolutely quite a lot. Every time he flies, he can always get some phone numbers and business cards, many of whom are young talents. Successful people, of course, there are also some young men who are very old but very young.

There are a lot of good men among these people. Of course, there are also some people who have her heart, but no one has ever let her remember like Meng Fan.

Is Meng Fan attractive?

Of course, in the eyes of Sakurai Sakurai, or a lot of people, it seems that Meng Fanzhen is a charm, and it is a very strange charm.

Moreover, Meng Fan’s smile is the most beautiful smile in the world by Sakurai Minako, and his voice is full of deadly temptation.

After Sakurai Minoko came back, she always thought that if she could sleep in his voice, she would be super happy!

In addition, it is coincidental that Meng Fan is the tall and strong boy she likes.

Although, Meng Fan is likely to feel that he is like a teacher on the three, but Sakurai Minoko does not feel that there is anything wretched, that is, feel a little shy, um, there are some stimuli.

After the separation, Sakurai Mina’s mind is full of Meng Fan’s smile and voice, which are absolutely toxic and devilish.

There is a contact phone, Sakurai Minako has been hesitant to call Meng Fan, but still a bit reserved, since it is his call, he should call sooner or later.

Wait, wait, oh oh.

He must have something!

hold on!

Sakurai Minako has been persuading himself so much, but there is another voice in his mind. He is traveling to Lion City. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, he will leave, and his vacation will be missed. It may be a lifetime.

Sakurai Minoko did not expect to have any good endings, but sincerely hope that this wonderful time will last longer.

After noon, see Meng Fan still did not call, is preparing to give Meng Fan the initiative to fight past, her colleague knocked on her door, said that a group of colleagues around to go to Universal Studios to play, Sakurai Minako eyes Liang, this is not a good reason. I immediately called Meng Fan to make a phone call. What surprised her and surprised her is that Meng Fanjun is also at Universal Studios, saying that she is waiting for her there.

Sakurai Minako, who was stunned by happiness, only had a coincidence, and did not think about why Meng Fanjun went to the film and television city alone to play with himself.

Sakurai Minako has five people. In addition to her, there are three colleagues on the same flight. There are a couple who are about to get married soon. The other colleague also brings his girlfriend. Just one more out of myself, and I have been on Meng Fanjun, it is a perfect arrangement!


Meng Fan received a phone call from Sakurai Sumiyuki saying that it is quite unexpected to play around Universal Studios. He originally planned to come out with Sakurai Minako. I am not sure if I can hear what I want, but I always expect it. Perhaps there was any unexpected gain, and naturally I agreed to it, and said that I was in Universal Studios.

I found a phone call and waited, I was bored, took out my mobile phone, and chatted with Wu Tong. Well, how much is a bit guilty. After all, I am using a beautiful man.

After the chat, I looked back at the picture taken by the live aid. After watching it for a while, I suddenly returned to the beginning, which is the time when he left last night. Soon, he saw a group of people. It seems that it should be a crew member, and then behind the team saw a line of flight attendants Sakurai Minako.

"Flight crew members?"

Meng Fan is not sure whether this group is the flight staff of the day, but if you look closely, you can still see a few familiar, at least it should be the staff of the flight that you want to take.

Going forward, I saw the person in front of the team, the brows wrinkled up, looked back and forth a few times, slowed down and then zoomed in, and the eyes slammed.

One of the crew members in front of the team, Meng Fan looked familiar, the more he looked, the more overlapping the image of the robber with the shallow memory in his mind!

"Maybe it is!"

"One of the robbers turned out to be a crew member!"

This discovery made Meng Fan very pleasant, but also a bit creepy!

Then, Meng Fan quickly searched the photos of all the crew members on the international line of the neon airlines. They carefully looked at each other and found out the name of this person. Takashima Shota too!

Then the crew was swept again to make sure there were no robbers inside. No, exactly, another robber in his memory is not a crew member, and does not exclude the robbers that he does not remember. !

Maybe it really is gone.

There is one that is enough to make people feel terrible!

After that, Meng Fan searched Gaodao Xiangtai's information again. There are not many that can be found, and there are many of them that are not Gaodao Xiangtai.

There is not much information in it, and it seems that there is nothing helpful.

Takashima Xiangtai has an old family, a younger brother, a girlfriend, and a girlfriend, who is about to get married.

According to the information, from this information, it is not so dead!

Of course, useful information is certainly not so easy to find online.

However, since a robber has been found, it is a huge breakthrough.

Meng Fan wants to come now, it is useful to use Sakae Sakurai Minako to use a beautiful man. At least there is a way to understand this Takashima Xiangtai. As for how to understand it, should I contact Takashima Shoji through Sakurai Minako, Meng Fan is really Didn't think about it, this thing, can't be anxious, don't be amazed.

However, Meng Fan felt that things that could not be anxious, and dazzled, went to Meng Fan’s front.

Takashima Shota is in the line of Sakurai Minako!

"Meng Fanjun!"

Ms. Sakurai sees Meng Fan, and she can't help but speed up a lot. Then she forced herself to slow down. Don't look so anxious. Before and after Meng Fan, the eyes stayed on Meng Fan for more than a second~www.mtlnovel .com~ I heard other people coming over, and then I turned around and introduced it.

"This is Meng Fanjun." Sakurai Minaiko first introduced Meng Fan in neon, and then introduced the people in the same line for Meng Fan. "Meng Fanjun, this is Ohno Sang, this is the girlfriend of Ohno Sang... ”


"Please take care."

"Meng Fanjun, this is Takashima Sang, this is the fiancee of Takashima Sang, Takashima Sang."

Meng Fan let himself try to stay normal and Gao Shixiang shook his hand too much, and then nodded with his fiancee Shibuya.

Takashima Shota has a sincere smile: "Please pay more attention."

Shibuya 是 is slightly bright in the eyes, with a hint of flattering, tone is also delicate, with a fairly standard Chinese language said: "Meng Fanjun, really a handsome guy!"

Takashima Xiang’s eyes flashed a sigh of anger, but the anger was not because of Meng Fan, but because of his fiancée! Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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