My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 291: Can I trust you?

In addition to some daily exchanges, this Abdul-Nak response has a word that Meng Fan can't understand. It is definitely a neon language, but how to translate it feels that the translation is wrong, because the translation is strange.

"Is it a secret number? Or what terminology?"

Meng Fan translated the pronunciation of this sentence in Malay, but the results were even more weird. I tried several languages ​​again. It was basically confirmed to be neon, but I felt that it was wrong.

The communication time between Adu Nak and Takashima Xiangtai is very short, that is, ordinary friends meet each other, and after chatting a few words, they are separated.

After the two separated, Meng Fan thought about it, or let the live aid catch up with the Abdul-Nak. As for Takashima Xiangtai, there is still a black technology microphone. If there is any movement, it can be monitored. .

From the monitoring and listening, Gaodao Xiangtai seems to be going back to the airport after returning to explain the work.

On the other side, Abdul-Nak under the supervision of the live aid is also working, and can't see anything unusual.

"Right, almost forget this!"

Meng Fan suddenly remembered the connection function of the live aid, and tried to let the live assistant open the connection function, found the mobile phone of Adu Nak, and then sent some information and information inside to Meng Fan’s mobile phone. .

I don't dare to connect for too long, so as not to be found anything different.

For black technology products, there is black technology in the end, Meng Fan also has no bottom in mind, in case it is like a normal hacker, what is the trace of black mobile phone left, so in general, Meng Fan is also afraid to use more, so it is also a Black technology that is often forgotten.

Especially in this airport, invisible filming Meng Fan is still relatively reassuring, but similar to what is black into the airport system, Meng Fan is never willing to do, who knows how advanced the airport system is, even if there is no black technology So advanced, and you can't be sure what tail you are caught.

Besides, there is no benefit to the black airport system.

Black and white mobile phone stealing point information, Meng Fan still dare.

There are a lot of copies of the information, including address books, chat records, and even transfer records.

Can you find out any clues from the inside, then you really want to see Meng Fan's ability.

In addition, the appearance of this Abdul-Nak is still very distinctive. Therefore, Meng Fan can basically confirm that he is not one of the four kidnappers, but from his position at the airport...


Meng Fan was hit by a bullet and then hit GG to regenerate!

How did these firearms get on the plane?

Even if it is assembled, those assembled parts can't easily pass the security check. How come it comes up?

In contrast to this Abdul-Nak's position, Meng Fan thought of the biggest possibility, that is, the Adu Nagak, who is responsible for the monitoring of cargo handling in the cabin, played an important role in it!

Looking back, I thought that if I didn’t understand it, it should be related to this.

Turned over the information, did not find anything of value, at least, in Meng Fan's view, there is no value, whether it is really tricky, maybe Meng Fan can not really see.

This is a bit uncomfortable!

Meng Fan also tried to connect Gaodao Xiangtai's mobile phone with a black technology microphone. Even the microphone can be connected. Because of the limitations of the microphone, there are not many copies of the information that can be copied. Most of them are voice content and voice memos and some recordings. After listening to it for a while, Meng Fan was speechless, and he had a better understanding of this Gaodao Xiangtai's hobby in some respects.

I didn't listen anymore, I used the voice translation text function to convert it into words. Then, the most words in the dense text are ah, the three words.

"It’s not a way to follow this."

When Meng Fan was preparing to get up and leave the cafe, Sakurai Mina’s phone came in again.

"Meng Fanjun, are you free tonight?"

Meng Fan had to refuse, but thought that Meng Xiayu would end very late tonight, and he agreed, or you can try to get some information from Sakurai Minako.

At present, I have mastered two clues and two goals, and what is also a clue.

Sakurai Minako is a Chinese restaurant near the National University. Meng Fan came back from the airport. She has been waiting for a long time, but she has no temper and complaints. She only said that she has ordered good food. The menu to Meng Fan to see if there is anything to add.

"It has been a lot, and several of them are the dishes I love." Meng Fan took a serious look at the menu, then smiled and then asked, "Minai, you know Chinese food very well, usually Do you cook?"

Minako nodded shyly, saying that her cooking was her biggest interest, and then she asked Bian Fan if she was in neon, would like to eat her cooking.

The two were very happy and they talked a lot.

Sakurai Minoko likes to look at Meng Fan's way of being a big fan. I feel that such a man is very real and very handsome.

After eating, the two walked along the street for a while.

"Would you like to sit in front of you for a while?"

Sakurai Minoko saw a very light and light music bar, and asked Meng Fan to look forward to it. Drinking some wine and chatting, the atmosphere will be very good.

Meng Fan thought for a moment and warned himself not to drink alcohol. The most important thing is not to let the girl drink, and then smiled and said: "Let's go to the coffee shop over there for a while, it's quiet, you can chat."

When Sakurai Sakurai heard it, he immediately agreed to walk into the coffee shop, and asked for a very quiet position that could even be said to be undoubtedly with the box. And it was still a couple, the space was not small, but there was only one sofa-like one. As a result, if two people sit down, they are together.

After sitting down, the atmosphere can change. Meng Fan does not dare to let this atmosphere continue. I think about it, and I really think that the words that Adu Nak said are very important, so I will take this passage. I found it, and then said to Sakurai Minako: "Minai, I have a sentence here, you can help me to see if there is any problem."

The passage was played in the form of a system electronic sound.

Sakurai Minoko is a bit embarrassed, do not understand what this means, is it the special way of confession of Meng Fanjun?

Meng Fan played again.

Sakurai Minoko still shook his head: "Listen to a very messy word." Then curious to see Meng Fan, "Does Meng Fanjun want to express what it means? Or, want to know?"

When Meng Fanzi carefully considered it, he decided to be bold and said: "Is there any homonym or other way of interpreting this sentence? You should listen carefully if it has anything to do with the terms of the flight."

Sakurai Minako heard this and felt strange. It is true that this is not what Meng Fanjun wants to express to himself.

After listening to it again, Sakurai Murai asked to listen again, and then frowned a little, saying: "Meng Fanjun, if my interpretation is correct, this should be the item number associated with the flight hold!"

"That should be!"

Meng Fan clenched his fist, contacted the dialogue between the two at the time and the weapon that brought himself out of GG. It is basically certain that the item in this item number is a weapon!

That is to say, Abdul-Nak can determine the "logistics" of the robbers who provide weapons.

Sakurai Minako looked alert: "Meng Fanjun, why are you asking this?"

If Sakurai Minoko did not find any special place in this Even if he asked himself, Meng Fan would definitely be interested in his information on flights and other things or what a friend mentioned. An excuse.

But, things have come to this step!

No matter what excuses Meng Fan finds, he can’t say it!

at this point……

Moreover, Meng Fansi wants to go, really need the help of Sakurai Minako.

Meng Fan fell into silence.

If there is the help of Sakurai Minako... Meng Fan’s mind instantly shows a very good plan, and this plan can completely solve the hijacking incident before the plane takes off, and it won’t even have too much attention. To yourself, of course, the premise is that if Sakurai Minoko is involved, he can guarantee his safety.

I have adjusted the smile and the power of the smile to the extreme. I stare at Sakurai Minako with a smile. I am not asking if you are willing to trust me. Instead, I ask, "Minaiko, can I trust you?" Please read this book. Latest domain name

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