My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 294: Brother will magic

"Don't want to die, don't move!"

"Do not move!"

"No cry!"

After the three robbers hijacked themselves to the hostages, they quickly moved closer, and the passengers who were not held hostage retreated to the police as the tides.

The three-sided police quickly put pressure on these passengers. At the same time, some police officers quickly divided the passengers into three waves. One wave was a child and a woman. One wave was an older man. One wave was a young man. There are also robbers in existence.

Children, women and older men are less likely to be robbers. If there are robbers, they will only be divided among these young men, and they will be better managed and protected and monitored.

In the case of a young man who still has a robbery, it is definitely risky, but it can also be considered to minimize the risk. The risk of hijacking a young man is always much greater than that of the elderly and children.

This is also a way of no way under the emergency.

The rest of the police pressed and surrounded the three robbers.

"All back!"

The robbers who hijacked the little girl yelled and looked at them. The aluminum cans on their hands were tightly pressed against the little girl’s neck: "Car, immediately prepare us a car!"

At this time, the three robbers naturally know that things are going to be revealed. It is impossible to hijack the plane. The most important thing is to take the hostages and leave the airport. As for the money, let’s talk about it, and as long as it is human. At that, there is still a chance.

"I beg you to let my daughter go!"

There was a couple who did not go within the protection of the police. Instead, they yelled at the robbers with horror and fear. The woman even gave the robbers a slap in the face: "I beg you, you put My daughter, no matter how much I want, I will give it!"

"Get ready! We won't hurt her!"

The three robbers leaned together, facing the police in three directions, while hiding behind the three hostages to prevent being detained.

From the hostage area, Acrylic Lal is the safest, and it is safe to hide without deliberately.

It is obviously the most dangerous to hijack a little girl. He chose to lift the little girl up to block his chest and head.

Another clumsy man who hijacked the old man was much bigger. It was impossible to lift the old man to block his head, so he could only cat.

"Please prepare them for the car!"

Two policemen were separated to pull the couple back, and the woman was screaming at the police.

"Madam, please believe us!"

The policeman is still tough, pulling the woman to move back quickly, no matter how the woman struggles, she does not let go. At this time, the family is too messy.

The man did not struggle, but his eyes were always on the girl, his expression was very painful, but he also knew that this time he could only hand it over to the police.

"Don't be impulsive, the car will be ready for you!"

The police tried to stabilize the robbers, and no one dared to move before there was no absolute certainty.

The robber who hijacked the little girl shouted: "Give you a minute, I will see the car in a minute!" Then he sipped the little girl again, "Don't cry!"

"Don't be afraid."

Meng Fan turned to look at the little girl like this jade, and smiled and said: "Nothing, there is a brother."

Alec Lar only put the aluminum sheet on Meng Fan's neck, but could not bind his hands. Therefore, Meng Fan will put the hat with the sense of existence on the head of the little girl. on.

The mood of the little girl stabilized in an instant, and she looked at Meng Fan, and her eyes were full of trust.

And Meng Fan, this time has almost forgotten the little girl.

The reason why it is almost, is that the hat that makes sense of existence can make the little girl's sense of existence close to zero, but the existence of the hat itself is right, but now it is invisible, others can't see it, Meng Fan Can see it.

The robber who hijacked the little girl was the same, stunned, then loosened his hands, looked down at his hands and began to doubt life.

The little girl fell to the ground, she was stupid, and then stood up and ran towards her parents.


Not only this robber, but Alec, who hijacked Meng Fan, also stunned and looked at him: "What about your hostage?"


The robbers are dumbfounded, yes, my hostages?

Hey, have I taken the hostage?


At this time, Meng Fan turned suddenly and immediately caught the Alec Lal, one hand grabbed his wrist and twisted, the crisp sound appeared, the other hand grabbed his neck, Meng Whenever pinched, Alec Lal’s face suddenly became pig liver.

Lifting it up, it fell to the robber on the side.

This is not only the case of Alec Larzen on this robber, but also Meng Fan who pressed together.

Alec Lar is on the robber's body, and Meng Fan is on top. If there is any name for this kind of skill, it should be called Jenga.

Meng Fan belongs to the one who is happy.

This fall, Meng Fan is making full efforts.

When he was playing with Wu Ji, Meng Fan controlled the power. This time, there was no reservation.

After landing, it was a tumbling. I used elbows against each robber, hitting the target, and the head!


It was two loud noises, and the two directly passed out.

Subsequently, Meng Fan continued to roll, one coin in one hand, and the right hand shook, and the coin in his hand was thrown out by throwing.


If someone listens carefully in the vicinity, you can really hear the sound of the coin's rapid movement and the air rubbing out.


The coin hit the back of the last clumsy hand with a peg, and the coin added Meng Fan's strength. The clums directly released the hand and the nail fell.

At the same time, another coin has been hit, and it is the one that is awkward and painful.


Clumsy screamed and covered his eyes.

The little old man was able to get out and rush.


Meng Fan saw this, relieved a sigh of relief, then reached out to the bag and took out an apple, oh, squatting on this clumsy head.

The apple is broken and clumsy.

Another one, squatting.

One more, hey, this time the most powerful, clumsy and slammed down.

Take out the fourth, see that the clumsy has fallen, and the police have rushed up to use the gun to reach the clumsy head, as for the other two fainted, there are police officers around.


Meng Fan took a bite of an apple, really hard!

This sound is crisp, it seems to wake everyone up, but even if he wakes up, he is still very embarrassed, completely unable to understand what is happening in front of this.

Even if you tell me, it’s all about making a movie.

"Oh, Mom, don't you be kind?"

"Dad, why can't you see grace?"

Meng Fan heard the crying not far away, and forgot it in a flash, then suddenly slammed his head and “seeed” the hat in invisible state and took it down.

Then I saw the little girl who was carving the jade.

Her parents, even if the little girl put on a hat, can't forget her, but she really can't see it, or she just forgot her when she saw it, and she stood on her side, and her mind was always impressed. Let them find their daughter.

And the little girl thought her parents didn't want her, and her emotions completely collapsed.

"Well, don't be afraid."

At the moment of taking off the hat, Meng Fan naturally remembered the words of the little girl just now, knowing that she was called Grace, kneeling down, showing a smile, talking and calming her down.

Her parents were also stunned, God, Enne is here, and stood with the magic man.

To pass, I found that the magic man put his hand behind and indicated that they would not come over for a The little girl is full of trust in Meng Fan, her mood is stable, but she is still crying: "Brother, my father Mom doesn't want me, why can't they see me?"

Meng Fan whispered to the little girl and said, "Well, just my brother gave you a magic, so your parents can't see you. Now, my brother has lifted the magic, they can see you. Mom and Dad are It is super love you!"

The little girl saw her parents standing there at the moment and staring at herself with tears. Of course, she believed in Meng Fan’s words, full of surprises: "Brother will magic, so great!"

Meng Fan said with a smile: "This is the secret between us. Don't let anyone know."

The little girl focuses on the head.

"Go to your mom and dad."


The little girl stepped back to the parents' side, and her parents held her tightly. She also secretly probed her eyes at Meng Fan. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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