My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 298: Arriving at neon

This photo can be said to have been photographed in a hurry, but I have to say that the angle is really good. The light that enters the painting is even more of a god. It not only covers the appearance of the two masters in the photo, but also perfects it. The atmosphere at the time was rendered, even if you really want to show that you can show your character, quality, and meaning.

However, Meng Fan in the photo is really hidden for some people.

Meng Caiyu, who soon knew that the airport had an accident, recognized Meng Fan at a glance.

The other sisters are similar, and a glance is enough.

Around Zhang and Zhang, who lived together day and night, almost a glance, and there are a few people who know where Meng Fan went, even if they can't recognize it, guess it!

Can guess and be sure that Meng Fan's, are basically Meng Fan's relatives and friends, they are proud and worried, but also naturally know the seriousness of this matter, all remain silent, even knowing the side This person has already recognized and did not do any communication.

The sound of holding the grass and holding the grass can only be fried in the heart.

"what happened?"

After taking a shower at night, Bai Yu slipped into Meng Caiwei's room, and then slipped directly into her quilt. She was curious about Meng Caiwei's look. The probe looked at it, but Meng Caiwei directly locked the phone.

"Hey, this is all about me! I am not looking at something bad?"

The two played for a while, and Bai Hao didn't go back to his room and planned to sleep here. Although it was already late, he used to brush his mobile phone for a while before going to bed, and then he brushed the photo of "Heroes No Name". The eyes slammed and they widened up, then turned to look at Meng Caiwei.

Meng Caiwei closed her eyes at this moment.

Bai Hao resisted without asking, but 100% confirmed that it is Meng Fan.

She knows that Meng Chuan is in the Lion City at this time. She also knows that Meng Fan will go to the neon. She even knows that Meng Caiwei arranged for her brother's neon trip to have dinner with Ishihara Rimi.

In addition, her body has always been concerned about Meng Fan's body shape, which may not be seen.

"My goodness!"

The white cockroach continued to breathe three times in a row, and there was no way to suppress the surprise and worry in the heart.

She also knows that Meng Caiwei is definitely watching this news.

I silently prayed for Meng Fan, I hope this guy will not do anything, even if it is not a little bit!

Wu Tong got up the next morning and went to the Husong Studio to know the news. He immediately went to the studio and found a quiet place to call Meng Fan.


The flight was nearly three hours late. After more than six hours of flight, it was nearly ten o'clock for the plane to land at Haneda Airport.

At the moment of landing, Meng Fan’s mind sounded a tone.

“Hey! The host lived on December 14th, 9102 and successfully arrived at the neon to complete a special mission [return to life]; reward: 10 points can be assigned attributes.”

Finally finished.

It seems that by this time, Meng Fancai has a real feeling of rebirth.

Continue to write unfinished life!

It is also a coincidence.

Just as Meng Fan took a sigh of relief, there was another tone in his mind.

"Hey! Complete the achievement task [professional cartoonist], get the title of achievement [professional cartoonist] (painting +5, setting +5, screenwriter +5)"

There are also process rewards for 1,000 points.

A few days ago, the sleepy man told Meng Fan that the seventh volume had already been published. Today, it was finally officially published. As a result, it has reached the ten-volume book of the mission requirements. As for the sales requirements, it has already been completed.

With this title attribute reward, Meng Fan's ability to set and write a script from +7 to +12, this can be a very big improvement, and with such attribute values, Meng Fan can really put himself The story in my mind moved out to create comics.

As for the painting technique, with this +5, it will be directly +30, and the super **** can no longer surpass the existence of God.

"Brother, it’s here."

On the side of the Enn pulled a "going" Meng Fan: "Brother, help me solve the seat belt."

Meng Fan came back and helped Enn to unfasten the seat belt, helped her to slide down the seat, and stood up again, helping the people around to take the suitcase down, and then took the hand of Enn’s plane. .

Because of the special nature of this flight, all the VIPs are taken after the flight, and the airport also arranges airport vehicles for the entire flight, which can be sent to the hotel or designated place.

"Mr. M, do you live in a neon, or come here for a trip?" En's parents followed, and her father asked Meng Fan.

"I came to travel." After thinking about it, Meng Fan said, "My name is Meng, and the two called me Xiaomeng."

When they heard it, they immediately became happy. Enn’s mother said, “We are doing business in neon, and there are houses here. If Xiaomeng doesn’t give up, it’s better to live in our house. It is also convenient to go where to play. Lao Xu can also give you a guide, so let us do the friendship of the landlord."

Meng Fan gratefully said: "I have already booked the hotel." Seeing Enn shaking his hand and looking up at himself, touched her little bangs and said, "However, if Enn tells me where my family lives? If you are, my brother will definitely go to Enn to see if there is any delicious snacks in Enn."

The couple saw Meng Fan say this, naturally it is not good to force, told the address to Meng Fan, and said: "Which hotel do you live in, we have a car parked at the airport, send you in the past. You see, Grace wants to follow You have to wait a little longer."

Meng Fan nodded: "I live in Anzhen Hotel. If it is convenient, then I will bother you."

"Ahn? Oh, good."

Obviously Meng Fan's residence is still quite surprised by the couple, comparing this is one of the best hotels in Kyoto.

"M Sang, hello!"

At this time, a little old man rushed to catch up with Meng Fan, another hostage that was hijacked by a robber. He also had a band-aid-like thing on his neck. He was touched by a wooden nail and confronted Meng Fan. Hey, then rushed to Meng Fan to say a neon, then looked at Enn’s parents for help, I hope they can help translate.

Enn’s father said to Meng Fan: “This is Mr. Takahashi Goro. He wants to get your contact information, I want you to have a meal, and where you have some help in neon, he I will do my best for you."

Meng Fan heard the words, smiled at the old man, and said: "I will return to the neon in a few days. This trip is in a hurry. If you come back to the neon next time, you must visit Mr.."

En's father translated it to Takahashi Goro. He obviously regretted not getting the contact information of Meng Fan. However, he still handed his business card up and said: "If M Sang is interested in comics, I can Take you to the lecture hall." Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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