Chapter 207: The construction site that doesn’t fit in

On the stage dedicated to Ye Jun.

I don’t know when a few strong men stood.

Wearing a shirtless white vest, he is not clean.

It’s just the kind of existence that these noble people would never get close to at a glance.

At this time, the leading man looked at the lively and extraordinary underground scene, as well as those spectators in suits and leather shoes.

Luxurious big stage, live broadcast on the screen!

Heartbeat like a drum for a while 1

He looked at the expensive and handsome young man in front of him, and he couldn’t even open his mouth.

With a faint smile on Ye Jun’s face, he said casually:

“Don’t be nervous, I’m looking for you to do work, and I won’t eat you. Will I be able to hit a stone?”

Listening to Ye Jun’s casual words, the leader and this group of sub-workers breathed a sigh of relief.

The headman patted his chest and said, “We were the workers of the stone field before, and we have old craftsmanship. Don’t worry, little boss, we can type out whatever kind of stone you want!”

“That’s it! I want something like this…”

Ye Jun nodded, and gestured to the workers along the huge boulder. All the workers were experts at first glance.

“No problem, little boss, stand farther away, wait until the dust gets heavy. Just wait to receive the goods!”

The eldest brother who took the lead said with a smile.

Ye Jun nodded and said, “That’s hard work!”

After speaking, he sat down a little further away, but his eyes still fell on the boulder.

This construction team was temporarily brought in by Xiao Qiang, and Ye Jun had a long mind, just in case something went wrong…

The audience below is going crazy!

They are admiring the exquisite techniques of the masters.

Ye Jun, the little white face, came out to be a stranger again!

A group of migrant workers who didn’t know where they got it made the site look like a construction site!

Here the masters are engrossed, exquisite techniques, sophisticated instruments!

Looking at the crowd below, fascinated.

The phoenix picks the moon in this hand of Prince Wang.

Master Qi asks for directions with a fairy!

They are all very delicate means of stone opening!

Never underestimate this stone.

Whether a piece of jade becomes the best, a small flaw is enough to become the key.

In the past, the Burmese gambling stone king once produced a piece of the best emperor green jade, because the stone was improperly opened, leaving a small flaw!

A piece of natural quality jade, directly reduced in price to become a piece of ordinary jade.

The price difference is tens of millions!

Therefore, the method of opening the stone is to pay more attention to it!

Can’t be finer!

Look at the tools of these masters.

All kinds of weirdly shaped authoritarian tools, some tweezers, silver needles…

People who don’t know see these things even think they are undergoing an operation!

But in reality, this method of stone opening is more sophisticated than surgery.

The large screen at the scene even gave close-ups of the stone-opening techniques of several masters.

Use acupuncture, pick with tweezers!

The fingers are flying, dazzling, amazing!

The audience was shocked!

And this was originally a very sacred and solemn thing.

The people below are silent, watching every detail of the masters carefully.

However, discordant notes always appear.


The sound of the stone cutter!

“Ding Dong Ding Dong!”

The sound of iron felt hitting rocks!

“Hey beg, hey beg!”

Workers cheer up together with a strong voice!

“Good job, brothers, come here. Turn this over, and fix this for him!”

And Ye Jun’s enthusiastic guidance voice!

Really turn this stone gambling meeting into a construction site!

Nima is outrageous!

The audience below was angry.

Complain to the organizer.

“Can you get that idiot out.”

“Is he here to be funny? Let him go, don’t disturb us watching the master show operation.”

“You guys are not low, please this kind of stuff…”

The staff at the scene were also anxious to death.

The arrival of Ye Jun really caused a lot of problems for them.

The first impression of this man was a handsome man, but now he is completely troublesome.

The staff is so annoying!

But to drive him away?

No one has the courage, the bet of 140 billion is placed here, they don’t even have the courage to speak in front of Ye Jun!

In the end, the staff chose to ignore the complaints from the audience.

So this group of poor audiences.

Only one side can appreciate the exquisite techniques of the masters.

While listening to the noise on the construction site.

Swearing in his mouth!

After a long wait, a piece of jade finally came out!

It’s Master Wu!

Under his exquisite technique, a bright white jade was mined!

He held up the jade in excitement.

The camera quickly gave a close-up!

Experts will soon come over for appraisal and appraisal!

The host said in a cheerful tone:

“Congratulations, Master Wu, it’s a treasure! Let me all take a look at the value of this treasure!”

Under the camera, this jade is bright white, about the size of an adult’s fist.

Several experts discussed.

“Start with a warm, delicate texture, even rare!”

“Well, this should be a piece of mutton tallow white jade, in excellent condition!”

“Yes, such a size, I think it is estimated to be 18 million, which is more appropriate!”

After some discussion, a piece of suet jade that Master Wu took the lead was estimated at 18 million.

This price is double the price of Master Wu’s rough stone!

The eyes of the people underneath are red with jealousy!

This is the master shot! Without this bet, Master Wu had properly made nearly 10 million this time!

It can be said to have become rich overnight!

This good start gradually started to arouse the atmosphere of the scene.

at the same time.

The prince is fine too!

He proudly held up his jade.

A piece of blue and transparent jade instantly attracted the attention of experts!

“My God, it’s actually a blue crystal stone!”

“No, look at the light spot, this is the best starlight blue crystal!”

“My God, worthy of being a descendant of the Wang family! I boldly valued it, 50 million!”

Suddenly, the prince was in the limelight and looked down upon the heroes!

This is a starlight blue crystal, which is an extremely famous gem in the world!

If it weren’t for someone with such a fortune as him, who could get this chance!

He was very proud of himself, and accepted the envy of the audience with a smile!

The next few masters opened gems, all of which are of great value.

Purple gold opal 10 million

Colored glaze jade and stone 8 million

No one is at a loss, but none of them surpasses the jewel of the Prince.

Even Wang Zhenzi, who had been in the limelight with Ye Jun before betting on stones, was worthy of a piece of jade worth 40 million.

It is far from the gems of hundreds of millions before!

But his face was less irritated and desolate before, and he was more calm, and he didn’t care much.

At this time, the prince’s momentum reached its peak.

Some people betting on the prince have already begun to boil.

At this moment, a golden light flashed!

The whole audience noticed this vision.

The eyes were focused on one person at the same time.

Qi Guoming!

I saw him put down the tools in his hand and smiled faintly:

“Please take a look at my gem!”

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