Chapter 230 Returning to his alma mater

On the second day, Ye Jun took his younger brother to their school by car.

This is also Ye Jun’s alma mater.

The stone stele made of quaint big bluestone, written in cursive writing, is 138th in the capital of Shu.

Just the gate of this school, there are four lanes, two in and two out.

Extremely ambitious.

This school is very famous in Shu, not just because of its quality.

And his footprint is also huge.

It is even much larger than the average comprehensive university.

Built around the mountain, the bottom of the mountain is the teaching area, the mountainside is the student dormitory, the top of the mountain is the library, and various school facilities.

The internal structure is extremely complex, but the distribution is extremely reasonable.

The scenery is beautiful, and the mountain occupied by this school is a national-level scenic spot.

It’s just that, except for certain days, it’s not open to outsiders.

If it is the first time to come to this school, it is designated to get lost in it.

It is enough to show the scale of this school.

Another important point is that the nature of this school is not a public school.

It is half public and half private.

In the past few years, they were all privately held with an absolute holding of 51%.

After the education reform, the big owner behind the absolute holdings gave up the right to absolute holdings.

Part of it was transferred to the state, and now this school is a public school.

But there is a little private element in it.

For example, open doors for some private shareholders.

In Ye Jun’s first class, there were several classes, specially recruited for the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich.

They and the children of common people like Ye Jun are destined to never meet in their lives.

People come here to study, quite a lot of fun.

When I was boring to study at the beginning, I relied on listening to the gossip of that class for fun.

For example, whoever drives a top luxury car to the school.

So and so, there are a few women outside, and they have had a lot of abortions.

Someone else hacked people to death outside, but didn’t lose money and went to a doctor on parole…

It was from that time that Ye Jun really felt the difference in class for such incidents.

At that time, I sighed and sighed, but Ye Jun never thought that he would have an intersection with them, and everyone was not the same.

But today?

Ye Jun drove Bugatti to the outside of the security booth and was stopped.

The two little security guards standing guard here looked at the car with their eyes straight!

What Ye Jun drove today was not his Bugatti, but the 300 million Bugatti sports car he bought for his father.

Yesterday Ye Ling wanted to sit down. Ye Jun saw that he was wronged, so he drove out today to take him for a drive.

These security guards work in this kind of school a day, and of course they have seen a lot of the world.

If you say, where are the most luxurious cars.

There must be the most luxury cars in front of the school.

If anyone can see the scene of the aristocratic middle school after school, it must be a luxury car show.

Those wealthy parents, in front of their sons and daughters, must not lose face, plus the current children’s comparison, the family car is a good one.

Ye Jun saw a lot of luxury cars when he was in high school. At that time, his family didn’t even have a car, so they just took the bus home.

However, Ye Jun never complained. After all, it is a great kindness for his parents to give his life, and everything must be worked hard on his own.

Today, he revisited the old place in this top sports car, Ye Jun was quite moved.

Several security guards stared at this Bugatti sports car, and they almost slapped their lips.

They thought they knew something about sports cars.

They have never eaten pork, but they see pigs running every day.

But looking at the car, they were still too surprised to speak.

“Fuck, this is the high-end version of Bugatti! I only saw it in the magazine last night!!!”

“Yeah, I saw it yesterday too! Fuck, these rich people are really rich. This car can only be won after hundreds of millions of dollars.”

“My day, the grandson of the richest man in our city of Shu is studying here, what kind of car does his family drive?”

“That kid? They drove a Rolls-Royce Phantom at home. They drove here last time. So many boys came to see it.”

“It’s better not to have this car. This car can buy more than a dozen Rolls Royce. When did our school have such a top rich man?”

Several security guards chatted and discussed non-stop, not to mention that they were just small security guards.

If it is said who has the greatest control over the learning situation, this group of security guards is definitely the number one deserved.

At this time, seeing such a luxury car, they all speculated about whose wealthy child it was.

Or the rich and powerful people who came to the school to patrol.

However, their discussions belong to discussions, and the work is still going on at the same time.

An older and more stable security guard came to Ye Jun’s car. Knocked on the car window.

Ye Jun controlled the car window to fall, put a hand on the car window, and looked at the old security guard with a slight smile in his eyes.

This old security guard worked here when he was there. He can see him once or twice a week. Although he has never spoken, he feels a little bit inexplicably when he looks at someone he hasn’t seen for many years.

“Hello, our school does not allow private vehicles to enter.”

Now they are all intelligent systems. Ye Jun’s license plate is not registered here, so the access control will naturally not be opened.

Ye Jun said faintly, “My brother belongs to this school. I will send him to the school to do some work. Uncle is convenient.”

With that, Ye Jun opened the door and got out of the car.

He took a cigarette out of his arms and handed it to the old security guard.

This is a special cigarette from Xiao Qiang.

Ye Jun generally doesn’t smoke, but he is used to carrying a bag on his body and taking it out when necessary.

The old security guard watched Ye Jun get a full head taller after getting out of the car, black T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

And this look is too handsome.

He couldn’t help but stepped back a few steps, not daring to take Ye Jun’s cigarette.

Repeatedly waved his hand and said: “No, no, this is the rule, private cars cannot enter the campus.”

Ye Jun smiled and said, “Uncle, I graduated from this school. I am in the 13th class, so let us go in.”

In fact, Ye Jun has no obsession with driving in, but if he walks in, there is indeed a distance to the teaching area.

Hearing what Ye Jun said, the uncle looked at him carefully and muttered:

“It looks familiar, but this rule can’t be broken. You also graduated from school. You should also be considerate of our difficulties. Let you go in. We have to be criticized.”

“Hey, come on, come on, it’s still like this for so many years.”

Ye Jun was a little speechless, this rule has always existed, and he shouldn’t bother with a security guard. Take two steps as exercise.

He was about to move the car when a light female voice sounded behind him.

“Or, you can drive me in, it’s not a violation of the rules.”

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