Chapter 238 Kneel down!

mind control!

Ye Jun’s ability to fiddle with system development recently.

In fact, it is not a new ability, after the system upgrade, Ye Jun can enter the human spiritual world.

He has become more proficient in the use of mental power.

He had previously used mental power to destroy the structure of the human brain, making it mentally handicapped.

It can also leave spiritual hints in people’s minds.

Such as entering the human spiritual world, leaving behind the spiritual hint that he is a dog.

In this way, people can be transformed into male dogs and female dogs.

Let them survive like dogs.

However, this spiritual hint is time-sensitive, and Ye Jun’s ability can leave hints for up to ten years.

Let people live like a dog for ten years.

Another ability is today’s mind control.

Xia guest called, did Ye Jun really not find out?

Of course not!

Ye Jun started the system as soon as he entered this office.

All five senses are more than mortal, and all actions in this office are under his control.

The secrets of these people have also been completely peeked out by myself.

A lot of evidence is enough to make them squat to death.

But Ye Jun didn’t intend to let them go to jail directly, but had another plan.

He wants these people to die, just now this old man clamored to kill his whole family.

If it weren’t for his own abilities, his family would be in danger!

Ye Jun must use iron and blood to sanction this kind of bastard that threatens his family.

Ye Jun deliberately asked this summer guest to answer the call.

It is to make them feel hope, and then from falling to despair.

Isn’t this gap just right? They were just high-ranking figures, and now they have turned their heads and are nothing more than ants surviving under their own hands.

At this time, the two old men and a young man paled, completely unaware of what happened.

Even the resourceful Bai Jingtian couldn’t explain what happened just now.

They waited for Xia Ke to give them an explanation.

Xia Ke tightly covered his face and said with a look of horror: “I don’t know what happened. Just now, I was full of thoughts from the Wang team in half an hour.”

“I just felt like there are two people in me, one is me, and there is a giant who can’t see his appearance. I am so small in front of him!”

“I followed the giant’s instructions and did all this!”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know! Ahhhhhh!”

Xia Ke let out a scream as he spoke, he was too scared!

The experience just now was simply too scary!

Bai Jingtian and Xia Yao were shocked by Xia Ke’s crazy look.

“Grandpa, are you crazy? What are you talking nonsense!”

“Lao Xia, I think you have a problem with your brain, what two you, what a giant! What a mess!”

The two didn’t believe these words at all, only when he was hysteria.

However, this is not the time to struggle.

The three of them looked at Ye Jun with anger, and it was this person who made two of their family unconscious and one out of shape.

The two old men were kicked in the abdomen, the injury was not high, and the insult was extremely strong.

At this time they didn’t dare to speak harshly, for fear that the evil star would deal with them immediately.

Ye Jun ignored their glances and walked straight to the principal’s desk.

I sat down lazily and began to fiddle with the computer.

At this time, the computer hadn’t shut down, and the only thing staying was the plain English version of Stanford University’s admission letter for Xia Yao.

Ye Jun took a faint look, and the joy of experimenting with the new skill just now was diminished.

Xia Yao looked at Ye Jun’s expression with a contemptuous smile on his face and said:

“No matter what you do today, your brother won’t be able to enter Stanford University. He can only be a prisoner of reform through labor!”

“His life is over!”

Ye Jun heard the young guy’s clamor, and looked at him a little bit. Xia Yao’s fairly straight face was now broken, and his face was bloody, looking extremely terrible!

After taking a second glance, he stopped looking back, and said disgustingly: “You are worthy of being on the same level as my brother because of your lowly appearance?”

“Stanford University? It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to a school that doesn’t distinguish between junk and bad.”

Regarding Stanford University’s change of recruiting Xia Yao, even if they didn’t know it, Ye Jun’s heart responded.

“Now, go and knock my brother a hundred beeps!”

The last sentence fell, and Ye Jun looked at Xia Yao’s eyes with a golden light.

Xia Yao was extremely angry, and he didn’t expect that Ye Ling’s brother would be extremely arrogant.

Even if you don’t look down on top schools like Stanford, you still have to kowtow to his brother?

Dreaming, kowtow to that kind of untouchable, it is better to let him die.

Suddenly, Xia Yao discovered something was wrong.

His body is not under his own control, as his grandfather described just now. There is a giant who controls his actions in his body, making him unable to resist!

But his steps are so light, and his look is so sincere.

He walked quickly in front of Ye Ling who was thrown on the sofa, knelt down heavily, with a sincere look on his face!

“Bang Bang Bang·”

A series of bangs knocked his head down, and he couldn’t help apologizing and insulting himself.

“Sorry, handsome Ye Da, I’m a scumbag, I shouldn’t insult you!”

“I’m a born fate, a born lousy, I’m sorry!”

“Sorry, my existence is disgusting!”

The two old men looked at the grandson who was coveted by the family and knelt down in front of a pariah of the same generation.


Shi can be killed but not humiliated, what kind of behavior is it!

They were about to step forward to stop it, but found that their bodies did not listen.

Only a sound was heard ringing in their ears.

“Two old immortals are going to join in the fun, come here and kneel!”

For a long time, the two old men crawled at Ye Jun’s feet, bowing to the ground in a bowing salute.

Chen Jing and Ye Ling were already numb at this time.

They simply thought that Ye Jun’s fierce spirit scared these people.

Ye Ling looked at Xia Yao, who had always been domineering in the class, embarrassed herself many times, and even snatched her place to study abroad.

At this moment, he knelt in front of him like a cheap dog, knocked his head and apologized to himself, his face was bloody and embarrassed.

Although I think this scene is a bit unsightly, but I still feel very happy!

The same is true for Chen Jing, looking at the family who had spoken foul to herself just now, she was extremely arrogant.

Now that she has fallen into such a field, even if she is such a non-competitive person, she feels comfortable at this moment.

Ye Jun was busy in front of the computer for a while, and also answered a few calls and arranged some things.

Soon ten minutes passed, Ye Jun stood up, stretched out, and said to Ye Ling and Chen Jing:

“The matter is done, let’s go!”

Chen Jing and Ye Ling didn’t know how Ye Jun dealt with them, but instinctively this matter should be solved perfectly.

Obediently followed Ye Jun and left the office.

At this time, Xia Yao’s family was left in the office, and they were also confused watching Ye Jun just leave.

This hasn’t done anything yet!

Looking at the clock, it was 3:30 in the afternoon, and there were still more than ten minutes before the half an hour agreed with the security captain.

It seems that they cannot be caught today!

Xia Ke Weiwei had some regrets, but there was time to clean them up afterwards.

Now I have to look at my dear grandson!

Xia Ke helped up his grandson Xia Yao and examined his injuries.

Seeing the profound scratches on his face and his torn forehead, I felt very distressed.

The strong smell of blood stimulated his senses, and the rust-like smell was extremely irritating.

Smelling the smell of blood, Xia Ke frowned involuntarily, as if restraining something.

I couldn’t help but took two deep breaths. It seemed that besides the fishy smell, it also had a sweet and greasy taste, but it was a bloody scab.

Seeing the blue veins beating on my grandson’s neck, the blood underneath must be hot and fresh!

What will it taste like?

After half a month, the high-level officials of the education system in the capital of Shu all shuffled their cards.

Xia’s and Bai’s severely cracked down in the black group in Kyoto, and they were removed.

In Bashu 138th High School, a girl from a certain class was sent to the juvenile control office on suspicion of prostitution and blackmail.

The office building of the principal was reduced to a grocery room for unknown reasons.

At this time, two security guards in the school chatted while patrolling.

“Where is the king team? Why didn’t I see anyone after taking an annual leave.”

“I’m in a mental hospital, and I can’t stand that kind of thing.”

“His king team is the confidant of Principal Xia, what happened to him can he be admitted to the mental hospital?”

The security guard who knew the inside story was about to gossip, but thinking of the signed confidentiality agreement, he only waved his head and said:

“You can’t say, you can’t say. You just need to know. The way of heaven is reincarnation, who is forgiven by the heavens!”

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