Chapter 240: The Madness of Stanford University

Chen Jing was completely speechless when she heard Ye Ling’s words.

She looked at Ye Jun, who was smiling badly on the side, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

As a top schoolmaster, the world’s prestigious schools were waiting in line for Chen Jing’s selection at the time.

Let her forget this stubble.

All famous schools abroad can throw money in.

Unlike Huaxia, all prestigious schools abroad are private schools.

The quality of education in public schools is completely incomparable with those in private schools.

Inside the ivy school in Sam’s country. Most of them are private schools.

So everyone can often see that the son of XX’s richest man graduated from a prestigious foreign school.

For example, the daughter of a certain electronic technology boss who came out to participate in the draft some time ago.

She graduated from a prestigious Harvard school.

But did she really get in on her own?

Of course not!

Harvard’s enrollment for the whole world is extremely demanding!

After all, they have to rely on these people to maintain the reputation and glory of the school.

But apart from this part, there are a considerable number of places for the world’s top rich.

In addition to being rich, you must also have power in order to be accepted by such top schools.

This kind of financial power and power cannot be done by ordinary wealthy families.

At least the Bai family and Xia family, who have been removed from their names, can’t do it.

Otherwise, they will not take the risk for a place at Stanford University, and they will end up ruined in vain.

Not even a few people in the entire city of Shu can gain the eyes of the Harvard group.

You know, prestigious schools like Harvard are enrolled in this special channel every year, which is a very expensive income.

Enough to make all businessmen jealous.

A prestigious foreign school is essentially a business.

They founded a well-known university to charge all kinds of high fees from all kinds of people who wanted to be gilded.

This business can be said to be very profitable, fame and fortune, no one does not envy.

Chen Jing smiled helplessly, shook her head and said to Ye Jun: “I don’t think Ye Jun has such a big hand! Admire, admire.”

Ye Jun smiled lightly and shook his head.

Originally, he didn’t expect to get to this point, but people, if you don’t steam buns, you have to fight for your breath.

After he settled his brother’s matter, he once contacted Stanford University, hoping that the other party would consider admitting his brother.

After all, this is the result of his brother’s hard work, and he still has to fight for him when he becomes his own brother.

As a result, the other party’s arrogant and rude attitude annoyed him.

Even Ye Ling’s unnecessarily things have been proven innocent.

But the other party is still very arrogant.

“Our school will not accept a student who may be tainted.”

“I think your brother is not good enough, otherwise he won’t be caught up in these rumors.”

“I looked at your family situation and paying for your brother’s study abroad expenses may be a big problem…”

These words almost made Ye Jun a head and two big heads, and he didn’t have the mood to talk to them at all.

When he turned his head, Ye Jun went to Qi’s family.

He wants to apply to Harvard for his brother. After all, Stanford University is ranked second in the world. Only Harvard is the only one who wants to win.

For the Bai family and the Xia family to use money to smash the Harvard enrollment quota, they dare not even think about it.

Harvard would never look at them more.

But when the Qi family came forward, the matter was as simple as eating and drinking.

At the time of the final funding, the original condition agreed by the Qi family was that it would be 5.5 million US dollars in enrollment funds.

Ye Jun listened to Ye Jun, smiled, and directly added two buildings!

Funds have also been supplemented by 50 million U.S. dollars!

The only requirement is that the two buildings must be named after their parents.

And to make up the extra money, a special scholarship was also established in the name of Ye Ling!

In the end, after the negotiation was settled, it became a fund of 55 million US dollars and two large-scale teaching buildings.

This money was calculated using Sam’s exchange rate. In the end, Ye Jun probably spent nearly one billion to finalize the matter.

The money went down, even if it was as high as Harvard.

It was also Pi Dian Pi Dian who accepted Ye Ling.

At the same time, several schools are also communicating with each other.

Someone smashed such a huge sum of money, of course, it caused the shock of these businessmen!

One billion! This amount of money is still a terrible astronomical figure for those of them who have seen huge sums of money.

And in addition to this money, it can also be related to a rich man hidden behind his back!

This is a fate-like opportunity for every school!

Especially Stanford University inquired about the students accepted by Harvard.

It was Ye Ling!

This student who was abandoned by them!

They are going crazy!

When they dialed the contact information of Ye Ling’s house again, they found that they had been blocked!

This is simply incredible, who dares to block their calls?

Call another number? It’s definitely not okay. If you do too much, people will get bored.

They can only attack from the side and try to start from Ye Ling School.

This is also the reason why they behaved stubbornly towards Chen Jing.

Under the temptation of such a large sum of money, they are only a Stanford University, what kind of thing is it?

Ye Jun talked about this to Chen Jing roughly.

Chen Jing was stunned after hearing it, Ye Jun’s generous hand was simply appalling.

This behavior is equivalent to spending money to play!

But Ye Jun didn’t care, donating such a sum of money.

It is not the right to be a charity. Now the Ye family’s parents have become the honorary principals of Harvard.

This was originally an honor proposed by Harvard to Ye Jun.

Thank him for his great support to the school.

Ye Jun had no intention of doing these things, so they proposed to Ye Jun’s parents.

Ye Jun thought for a while and reluctantly accepted it.

After all, this honorary principal also has some substantial benefits, such as social status.

My parents will always have to meet people in the future, it is impossible to go out to socialize in the name of laid-off workers.

The president of Harvard is also well organized.

Then there is Harvard’s preferential treatment for Ye Jun’s family. After that, the children of the Ye family can enjoy Harvard’s preferential admission policy.

It has benefited several generations, and even Ye Jun has a certain number of places to recommend the children of his relatives and friends to school.

After all, this transaction is not a loss, it is equivalent to buying a school district house.

In addition to enjoying educational discounts, there are also reputational benefits.

Ten billion, with a long-term perspective, it will only make a profit but not lose it.

This amount of money was not a big deal for Ye Jun, and his power was an investment in education.

Finally, the table of people chatted again. It’s time to leave the meeting.

“Mr. Chen, this is a gift from our family. Ye Ling’s brother personally chose it. He said you will like it. Please accept it!”

At this time, Ye Mu took out a delicately packaged box from her bag.

Chen Jing shied a few times, and did not withstand the persuasion of the family, especially Ye Jun, he just looked at himself with a smile, so that she could not refuse, and finally only accepted the gift.

Her hand holding the box trembled slightly.

She even wondered if Ye Jun’s lavishness would directly throw a check in it.

That would be boring.

At the end of the scene, Ye Jun’s family left.

Chen Jingcai slowly opened the gift box and looked at it with a little bit of anticipation. After all, this thing was a gift from the young man she had been tempted to.

What will it be?

After a while, Chen Jing faced the gift in the box, unable to speak for a long time.

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