Chapter 245 Dead, get out!

Opened the door.

This is located in the special ward on the 18th floor of Tianyi Hospital.

Who the hell is it?

Both Ye Jun and Li Changge looked more cautious, and they only went in when they heard the old man inside.

The ward inside is still similar in structure to Ban Xue’s ward.

But it’s more luxurious.

Except for some basic medical facilities, the rest of the decorations are full of luxury.

There are some antique jades and world famous paintings.

The size of the room is also huge.

There are five rooms in this ward.

There are also basic facilities such as bathroom, kitchen and lounge.

Ye Jun and Li Changge walked along the corridor at the gate to the lobby.

There is not only one person in the hall at this time.

A gray-haired old man was drinking tea in the middle of the living room with a solemn expression.

There are still a few people around to do matchmaking.

Judging from this aspect, they are all respected people.

In addition, several guards stood guard beside them.

They looked at Ye Jun and Li Changge seriously.

The few people who were drinking tea with the old man also looked at Ye Jun lightly.

It didn’t show the slightest.

Instead, the old man glanced at Ye Jun lightly, pointed to a position and said:

“Doctor Ye, just sit down.”

Ye Jun didn’t care much, nodded slightly, and sat down on the side.

Li Changge stood beside Ye Jun, not daring to say much.

The identity of the person here, she is Ye Jun’s assistant, and the head nurse of Tianyi Hospital.

Of course she knew it perfectly.

The status of the people in this room is too high, even surpassing the highest status people she can come into contact with.

When she worked in Qi’s hospital before, she hadn’t seen any high-ranking officials.

But this family is different, they are not ordinary wealthy.

This family is surnamed Gu.

It is a famous family in the capital of Shu, the ancient family!

There are countless people in the family who are engaged in business and politics.


It is impossible to think that a family in a place is inferior to a family in Kyoto.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon can’t beat a local snake.

The overall strength of the ancient family is not as good as that of the Qi family.

But if the people of the Qi family came to the capital of Shu, they would not dare to be presumptuous to the people of the ancient family.

The capital of Shu is the base camp of the ancient family.

They have always adhered to the principle of neutrality, and basically will not participate in the power games of the upper people.

This choice leaves them very few at the core of the country.

But it was this kind of inaction that allowed the ancient family to always stand at the top of the capital of Shu. Even throughout China, the major families would give the ancient family a bit of face.

The white-haired old man sitting in the middle was surprisingly the old man of the ancient family.

Ancient stone, old man.

The few remaining people.

They are Gu Shi’s son, nephew, and grandchildren.

Their family lived on the 18th floor of the special ward of Tianyi Hospital.

As for how the Tianyi Hospital has something to do with this ancient family.

This also involves another matter, please click here for now.

Ye Jun sat down steadily.

Several people in the ancient family were still drinking tea, and they didn’t mean to talk to him.

Li Changge felt anxious for a while, and it was wrong to see this situation.

But in such a scene, she did not dare to speak at will.

Ye Jun squinted his eyes slightly, just sitting upright like a mountain.

Ten minutes passed without any haste.

This ancient tea was drunk round after round, and the tea was changed for two rounds.

Ye Jun still sat here silently.

“Ding Dong, it’s ten o’clock at this moment.”

The inexplicable time signal rang.

Broke the current peace.

Ye Jun raised his hand and looked at his watch, with a sneer on his face.

He got up and said, “Old man, I have something else to do. I’m not with you!”

After speaking, he got up and walked out the door.

Li Changge felt something was wrong from just now, this ancient family was just hanging Ye Jun.

Extremely rude, according to Ye Yanwang’s temper, how could he endure it like this.

Now that Ye Jun got up to leave, the expressions of several people in the ancient family suddenly changed.

The silence on the scene was finally broken.

The eldest son of the ancient family, a middle-aged man with great face and power said coldly:

“Who allowed you to go? If you dare to step out of this room today, your hospital will have to close for me tomorrow!”

When the eldest son said so, the old man in the middle also smiled and said nothing.

The other companions also looked at Ye Jun with a smile.

In the capital of Shu, their ancient family said this, and no one can refuse.

They didn’t believe that this young man dared to be so arrogant.

But Ye Jun’s pace did not stop, and he didn’t even give alms to the ancient family with an extra look.


Gu’s second son, Gu Er sternly shouted: “Go up and stop him!”

Soon several bodyguards in the room seemed to swarm them, but in fact they were quite planned to jointly attack Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at the group of people who came up without any expressions on his face.

There was just a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, a gleam of golden light appeared in his eyes.

The eye of martial arts, open!

The world slowed down in front of him, the sharp movements of these specially trained bodyguards.

In Ye Jun’s eyes at this time, it looked like a child’s hands dancing.

In an instant, no one in the house could see what was happening.

The bodyguards all fell down.

At this moment, waiting to see the lively ancient family, the whole person was stupid.

Only the old man sitting on the main seat said with a little smile on his face:

“Doctor Ye, good skill. Why not sit down and talk!”

The other people were about to have an attack, but when they heard the old man say this, they could only hold back for a while.

Ye Jun looked at this group of people with a smile, sneered, and said coldly:

“In my hospital, you dare to do it with me and go through the discharge procedures by yourself. You are not welcome here!”

The old man’s complexion changed, and he was indescribably ugly.

At his age, he has never met such a madman.

He knew that Ye Jun was behind the Qi family, but even if the old man Qi came, he would definitely not talk to him like this.

Gu Yi snorted coldly, but he recognized Ye Jun’s strength.

But he expected that Ye Jun would not attack them, after all, behind them was the famous ancient family.

If Ye Jun had acted on them today, no matter how good his skill was, he would not escape death.

Therefore, he yelled at Ye Jun without fear: “It is your honour for our ancient family to come to your hospital for employment. A little doctor dared to play with us!”

Gu Er also said: “That’s right, if we hadn’t found out that your hospital has this ability, we would definitely not come to your petty hospital!”

Someone has to sing a white face and someone has to sing a red face.

A middle-aged woman next to her came out and said:

“I heard the name of Tianyi Hospital for a long time, and they all said that you have cured our old man, and our ancient family would like to offer a great gift to express our gratitude.”

All good and bad things have been said, and these people come to the hospital for medical treatment.

But Ye Jun glanced at these people coldly.

Frowning slightly, thinking of some of the things these people had done, a sneer appeared on his face and said:

“Dead, get out!”

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