Chapter 259 System Failure

This clear voice frightened Ye Jun and the others.

Especially Xiao Qiang, hearing this sound was like seeing a ghost.

Looking around, there was a smile on his face that was uglier than crying.

“Fuck, where are you? Quickly let us out, we are going to play dead!”

Xiao Qiang yelled.

The clear voice sounded again:

“Little Qiangzi, you just said bad things about me, I have heard them all, and I will hit your little ass later.”

Xiao Qiang suddenly withered when he heard this voice, and touched his butt without a trace.

An embarrassed expression appeared on his face, his eyes rolled up and he looked at Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at Xiao Qiang’s expression and kept silent, but his heart was full of joy.

This cool guy was threatened to spank by someone, which is so funny.

It was only the voice that made Ye Jun stunned for a moment, and the voice was as clear as an empty valley.

The gold jade hits the stone, it is extremely penetrating, and it sounds very nice.

But from this voice, the owner of this voice, could it be a…

“Okay, don’t be silly, come in.”

As the sound rang again, the door in front of him opened.

This Qi family’s top-secret specifications room slowly appeared in front of the two of them.

To the surprise of the two of them.

The layout of this room does not look like the structure of a military base.

Instead, it looks like a beautifully furnished ancient room.

Eight Immortals Table, Imperial Concubine Stepping, Sapphire Case, White Jade Screen, Colored Glass Lamp…

It is extremely ancient and elegant, with a faint warm fragrance burning inside.

Ye Jun sniffed gently.

This incense is actually the incense of the Eli account.

This kind of incense was used exclusively by ancient emperors and concubines, and there is no such incense in China.

It was an offering from the Persian region.

The materials used are extremely expensive, even in ancient times, it was also a special spice for the four concubines and queens.

In the modern re-engraved version of the spice, there is no such delicate fragrance and quiet feeling at all.

It’s a bit tricky.

The system turns on.

[Eli account in the incense][Ancient relics, leftover incense from the Ming Dynasty, are extremely valuable. 】

[Value: 300,000 per gram]

Sure enough, the smell of this incense is something left over from ancient times.

There are also antiques in this room.

Ye Jun also unfolded the system and took a look.

【Ebony Eight Immortals Table】

【Tang Dynasty Antiques】

[Value: 10 million]

【Eight Treasure Glass Lamp】

【Yuan Dynasty Antiques】

[Value: 12 million]

Looking at the stuff in this house, not a single thing is fake.

They are all genuine antiques.

And none of them is worth less than ten million.

The most expensive one thousand-year-old golden nanmu bed.

The value directly reaches 80 million!

Even Ye Jun, who has seen big scenes like this, saw the antiques worth over one billion yuan in this house.

Can’t help but froze for a while.

This value did not surprise him much.

The most important thing is that the owner of this house obviously uses these antiques as daily necessities.

Even if Ye Jun is such an informal person, he definitely wouldn’t use these antiques as daily necessities!

This Nima, hundreds of millions of things, just play like this.

Ye Jun looked at him slightly.

However, he was still standing at the gate with Xiao Qiang now and did not enter.

After all, this place just now, but such a terrifying thing happened.

They dare not make jokes about their lives.

The voice just didn’t ring again.

The two were embarrassed at the door for a while, looking at each other.

After a while, the clear voice came from behind a screen in the room again.

“I’m not a dragon’s lair here, why are two big men still fearful here.”

With that, a graceful figure came out of the screen.

Sure enough, it was a woman!

Ye Jun began to doubt when he heard the voice.

But there is always a masterful master who has been recognized by Mr. Qi, as well as a murderous madman.

No relationship with a woman at all.

After seeing this woman’s face clearly, Ye Jun was also slightly surprised.

I saw this woman, the ultimate beauty of life.

A palm-sized melon face with raised brows, a pair of Danfeng beautiful eyes slanting into the temple.

The nose is tall, and the lips are pink like thin cherry blossoms.

A jet-black hair turned into a delicate white bird Chaofeng’s bun.

A golden step is inserted obliquely, swaying, and the jewels and jade touch, gorgeous and extraordinary.

He is wearing a water-blue glaze skirt with wide sleeves and exquisite tulle.

It looks erratic and radiant, and you can faintly see this graceful interior.

A pair of sparkling beautiful feet wear a pair of crystal slippers.

The whole person looks noble and elegant, as if a nine-day fairy descended to earth.

This beautiful woman looked at Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang with lazy eyes and a touch of water vapor.

“Come and do it, the distinguished guests come to your door, and you will be greeted by a miss.”

After all, she walked to the table of the Eight Immortals on her own, picked up the tea set on the table and started to make tea.

The faint fragrance of tea soon permeated this elegant room.

“Holer, it’s been a long time since I saw Senior Sister, just leave this to me!”

Xiao Qiang greeted him with a flattering smile on his face.

Sister? You still have this relationship with her, why didn’t you say it earlier?

Ye Jun secretly slandered in his heart.

Xiao Qiang’s teacher was not the Buddhist and Taoist double-rest he had taught him before, three years in Wudang and three years in Shaolin Temple.

Xiao Qiang once told him some things about the teacher.

Although their teachers are not well-known, they are all masters with real abilities.

There are even some magical moves. He claims to be just a disciple in the martial art.

Of course, in Ye Jun’s eyes, it was Xiao Qiang’s acupuncture skills and his internal skills were already powerful enough.

If he didn’t have a system, Xiao Qiang would really do it to himself, and he would not be able to survive three tricks under his hands.

Who can be better than him, what kind of person will he be?

Ye Jun felt a trace of interest in the senior sister who was flattered by Xiao Qiang in front of him.

Golden light flashed under his eyes.

【Chu Hongyu】

【Age: 27】

【Height: 173cm】

【Weight: 54kg】

【Measurements: 91 61 88】

[Face value: 97]

【Experience: 0】

[Evaluation: The master of martial arts, a rare martial arts genius in thousands of years, a secret master’s descendant][Secret things: invisible][This person’s heart is like still water, you can’t see hidden things, and you can’t use spiritual manipulation. Please raise your mental power level and try again! 】

Looking at this panel, Ye Jun frowned slightly.

It is not the first time that secret things are not visible, and spiritual invasion has failed.

The first one was the strong will of the tomb robber King Ban Feng before his death.

Another time it was the female high school student, Chen Jing.

Ye Jun couldn’t see through her thoughts either.

As for this Chu Hongyu, the system gave a prompt directly.

I can only see the basic panel of Chu Hongyu, and the other methods are almost impossible to use.

This woman is really not easy!

While Ye Jun was observing in secret, Chu Hongyu seemed to feel something, and glanced at Ye Jun faintly.

“Boy, it’s interesting.”

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