Chapter 55: Scramble

“Oh, okay. It’s rare for the little brother to like this old material, you can take 400,000 yuan.”

The shopkeeper sighed. He had no hope for this woodcarving, and offered a reasonably normal price.


Ye Jun frowned slightly.

“It’s a bit expensive, how about 300,000? Such a big black sandalwood material will only cost more than 200,000 yuan to go out.”


The shopkeeper thought for a while, but he hadn’t waited for a response.

A muffled, low-pitched voice came out: “Brother Ye, I didn’t expect to meet again here. It’s a destiny.”

When these words came, Ye Jun was pleased with his heart, but his complexion was not obvious.

The fish is finally hooked!

This person was Lu Feng and Qi Ming, who followed Ye Jun and the others all the way, and they had just been watching for a long time.

Lu Feng couldn’t see Ye Jun’s act of picking up the omissions. This young man had never made any big moves along the way.

He instinctively realized that the wood carving was definitely not easy. After following along, it was time to close the net.

Lu Feng calmly walked over with Qi Ming and came to the table of the Eight Immortals.

“Uncle Lu, Master Qi, I didn’t expect to meet so soon.”

Ye Jun faintly said hello.

Xiao Qiang remained silent, but Qi Ming did not answer with a cold snort.

Only Ye Jun and Lu Feng are here to maintain the balance of the scene.

“Brother Ye, what are you looking at here? Can I open my eyes as an old man.”

Lu Feng’s eyes were still slightly squinted, and he asked with a smile.

“It’s a piece of old stuff, please do it.”

Ye Jun pointed at the statue and said indifferently.

“Well, thank you little brother Ye.”

Lu Feng arched his hands slightly and examined the statue carefully.

The shopkeeper looked at the sudden two people from the sidelines. The young man was impatient, and just looking at it was not easy to get along with.

And this old man, the more he sees it, the more familiar it becomes?

The store looked at Lu Feng’s old but majestic face, gradually overlapping with an image in his mind.

Thinking of what the image in his mind represents, the store owner can no longer believe that such a big man actually came to his store.

The voice trembled slightly and asked: “You are…Lü…the country’s top appraiser…”

Lu Feng nodded slightly, then raised his hand to stop the store from continuing to speak.

With a solemn expression, he continued his hand movements, scraping some dust off the surface of the wooden sculpture with his nails, and then placed it in his palm to observe it carefully, and then he smelled it, and finally put some into his mouth.

After doing all this, his solemn expression relaxed, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, looking at Ye Jun.

“Brother Ye, can this woodcarving cut love from the old?”

Lu Feng said this.

The reactions of the people were mixed.

Qi Ming, who was following Lu Feng, showed a look of surprise on his face. Lu Feng’s plan today seems to be the last big fish.

Qi Ming’s eyes were staring straight at the wooden sculpture. Although he could not understand the doorway, he could already vaguely guess the value of the wooden sculpture.

Xiao Qiang’s expression was still ugly when he heard Lu Feng’s words, and his expression on the wood carving became a little more solemn.

The store was already shocked by surprises at this time. This top master appraiser has to ask for purchases, and he is not a fool to understand the truth.

But thinking about some deeds of this master Lu, the store’s surprise mood suddenly dimmed a bit.

“Sorry, I have some uses for this old material.”

Ye Jun said calmly, and did not accept it.

“Hahaha, Brother Ye is too rude to say this? This wood carving is not yours, right.”

Lu Feng laughed complacently at this time, and said to Ye Jun in a mocking tone.

“I have reached a deal with this shopkeeper. Your old man’s hand is too unruly.”

Ye Jun’s expression became solemn, and he looked at Lu Feng steadily.

“Oh? But when the old man came in, you were still bargaining with the store, but the store hasn’t promised you yet.”

Lu Feng spoke unhurriedly, his eyes lightly looked at the store, and the store was shocked by the meaning of the look.

“Shopkeeper, tell me, have you promised him this woodcarving?”

“No, no. This little brother just paid 300,000 yuan. I don’t want to sell it. I didn’t sell it to him.”

The store waved his hands again and again, denying it.

When these words came out, the faces of Qi Ming and Lu Feng were already full of smiles, Xiao Qiang’s expression was even more ugly, and Ye Jun still had a faint expression.

“Well, well, in that case, you can wrap this store with 400,000 yuan. You can wrap it up for me. This material is old and you like it tightly.”

Lu Feng flicked his palms and laughed, directing the store.

The store’s expression was no longer the surprise he had just now, and his heart sank slightly.

Thinking of the notorious thing about this expert Lu, this person is a big leaker, and unlike ordinary leakers, even if it is a valuable thing, he would say it is worthless and buy and sell it himself.

It’s just that this person has a profound background, no one dares to provoke him, only to save himself from disasters and send away this plague god.

The store just wanted to get this wooden sculpture. A well-knotted, slender hand pressed against the wooden sculpture, making him unable to move half a minute.

“Master Lu, since you and I are both interested in this thing at the same time, let’s follow the rules.”

Ye Jun held down the wood carving and slowly said.

“Rules? What rules?”

Lu Feng furrowed his brows slightly, his slightly squinted eyes half-opened, his gaze stared at Ye Jun like a snake, when someone dared to tell him the rules in this street.

Ye Jun was not afraid of Lu Feng’s hidden threatening words, and gently picked up the wooden sculpture and handed it to the store.

“Go and wipe this wooden sculpture with silk and mercury, and then send it to us.”

Although it is an ominous thing, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Feng to buy it for 400,000 yuan.

Ye Jun has decided to reveal the true colors of the Bodhisattva statue and let this old king bleed heavily.

The shopkeeper obediently accepted the woodcarving, with some caress in his heart, nodded and said yes, and left with the woodcarving in his arms.

When Lu Feng heard what Ye Jun said to the store, the smile on his face diminished, and the expression on his face became interesting.

“Brother Ye is really an expert, the old man really didn’t look at him. But if you do, it will be boring.”

“Master Lu, since you broke my good deeds first, let’s each have our own abilities.”

Ye Jun raised his eyelids slightly, and replied, not salty or light, with a bunch of small leaf sandalwood rosary beads in his hand.

“Hmph, then let me see how good you are. Young people don’t have their tongues flashed.”

Lu Feng snorted coldly, but his eyes fell on Ye Jun’s rosary.

He still remembered that this rosary was the only thing Ye Jun bought when he was visiting the stall.

However, after a closer inspection, I discovered that this rosary is at best an object from the Qing Dynasty. Although the small leaf sandalwood is a precious material, the value of this bracelet will not exceed 100,000.

For Lu Feng, the number of 100,000 is too small.

Lu Feng condensed his mind and waited for the return of the store.

He also wanted to see the original face of this wood carving under the weathering of the black sandalwood.

Soon after, the shopkeeper came back, with a happy expression on his face, holding something in his hand, which should be the wooden sculpture, but it was covered with a red cloth by the shopkeeper.

Ye Jun and the others were sitting on a table of the Eight Immortals, sipping tea at will.

As soon as the shopkeeper appeared, several eyes gathered on him instantly.

The store was instantly stunned, but quickly reacted and put the wooden sculpture on the table.

“Thank you for the little brother’s advice. It wasn’t you who said it was wiped with mercury. I didn’t even think I had such a baby here!”

He expressed his gratitude to Ye Jun with a smile on his face, and secretly cheered at this moment in his heart. If the two hadn’t quarreled, how could this good deed be his turn?

While talking, he lifted the red cloth.

The statue in front of me is a female statue.

Originally, Xiao Qiang described wood carvings like sticks and pestles.

Now after being wiped with mercury, it has revealed its original appearance.

Lifelike eyebrows, compassionate look.

And this bodhisattva looks like a graceful figure, with a pipa hugging her chest!

“It’s actually the female form of Kinnaruo Bodhisattva!”

Lu Feng couldn’t help exclaiming when he saw the original face of the wood carving.

As a top appraiser, there is rarely such a gaffe, but the value of this item has far exceeded Lu Feng’s estimate.

When he came to intercept Hu Yejun, he also saw the secret of the statue, but he did not expect that Ye Jun’s luck was so good.

With his eyesight, he can tell at a glance that this craft is definitely an ancient artifact of the Tang Dynasty.

And Jinnaruo Bodhisattva mostly uses male dharma to show people, while female dharma shows very few.

And this carver can even be compared with the collection of Buddha statues in the Three Kingdoms Church!

“Grandpa Lu, Grandpa Lu…”

Seeing Lu Feng’s loss of consciousness, Qi Ming quickly patted him on the shoulder with his hand.

“I’m fine, Xiaoming. This wood carving can only belong to us today…”

Lu Feng was called back to God by Qi Ming, and said to Qi Ming in a deep voice.

“I understand!”

Qi Ming looked at this wood carving. He was also a person who had seen many antiques, and he could see the extraordinary features of this wood carving at a glance.

This wooden sculpture will be used as a gift, and it will surely please the old man!

The greed in his eyes was already unabashedly revealed, and at the same time he gave Ye Jun a stern look!

“This, this, brother, did you know that there is a doorway here? The statue of this lady is so beautiful.”

Xiao Qiang looked at this statue with a different color on his face. From the gang club just now to this appearance, the visual impact was too great!

Ye Jun did not hold back, and was amused by Xiao Qiang’s remarks.

But Ye Jun’s face did not show a relaxed expression, and this Bodhisattva image felt too weird to himself.

Washed away from the black sandalwood impurities on the surface, this solemn Buddha image gave Ye Jun something strange that Ye Jun couldn’t tell.

“What a girl. Brother, this is a Bodhisattva. But it’s really not a serious Bodhisattva.”

The exchange between Ye Jun and the other two did not arouse the attention of the other two.

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