Chapter 90 Wang Qian and the Green Hat Slave

Hear this familiar and unfamiliar voice.

Ye Jun followed the voice and saw a familiar figure standing on the stairs.

There was also a strong man with a sullen look beside her.

The distance between the two gave Ye Jun a subtle feeling.

At this time, Wang Qian greeted herself, but looked at the brawny man next to her.

“Brother Wang, this is Marco’s good brother, our best man at this wedding, Ye Jun…”

The person called Brother Wang glanced at Ye Jun coldly and said nothing.

Walking down the stairs step by step, Wang Qian followed closely behind this brother Yang.

Ye Jun kept silently observing the two men since Wang Qian greeted him.

What are these two things, you can see at a glance.

【Wang Qian】

【Age: 26】

【Height: 165CM】

【Weight: 55KG】

【Three-dimensional: 97, 60, 94】

[Face value: 81]

【Experience: 365】

[Evaluation: The second-in-command mistress of the dark owl drug cartel, a romantic, cruel heart, and a natural criminal][Secret matter: killing parents (detailed view) stealing drugs (detailed view)…]

Ye Jun looked at Wang Qian coldly.

Wearing a bright red dress, she looks pretty good, and has faded away from the pretended grandeur of the college days, and now she has added a mature demeanor.

The eyebrows are painted with exquisite makeup, which is very charming, but the calculation and shrewdness hidden in them are not concealed.

The gaze towards Ye Jun showed naked desire.

This woman, only after pursuing her own failure, did she attack her brother.

She knows her profligacy. She has always tolerated her before because she didn’t touch her bottom line.

Now that she saw her secret things, even if Ye Jun had seen a lot of dirty things, she still felt sick.

Especially the poisonous killing of parents, this is simply outrageous.

In the news that Ye Jun read a few days ago, a 15-year-old girl in Magic City killed her mother’s corpse in the cold storage.

I already felt that the little girl was a demon on earth.

But I didn’t expect that this bigger devil was laughing and laughing in front of him now.

Because the orphans who envied their neighbors were adopted by the rich, they poisoned their parents, abandoned the plain but warm life, and longed for themselves to be adopted by the rich.

Wang Qian is such a crazy devil!

In criminology, people like Wang Qian are born criminals, lack emotions, have no moral concepts, are good at disguising, and will use all means to achieve their goals.

This is not acquired, the brain structure of this kind of person is different from that of normal people.

The natural lack of emotion will make them full of infinite charm and attract people to approach.

They will do everything they can to get what they want, and this kind of person’s IQ is also extremely high.

No wonder his brother would fall into the hands of this woman!

However, after a detailed inspection of this stolen drug, it was discovered that Wang Qian had stolen a new type of drug in his hands for fear of being discovered, directly related to her life.

Is this interesting? What kind of drugs would make this cunning female devil take risks?

As for the big man next to Wang Qian.

【Wang Ye】

[Evaluation: The second in charge of the dark owl drug cartel, with a fierce nature. 】

[Secret Things: Green Hat Slave (detailed view)…]

Ye Jun almost lost his face when he saw this thing.

What is a green hat slave? Ye Jun finally gained insight this time thanks to the system.

The so-called green hat slave is to give his lover or wife to another man, and wait on him like a brute!

They do not have the loyalty to love, but get pleasure from the derailment of their wife and lover.

This Nima is a perfect match!

Ye Jun had a faint feeling of nausea, could his brother Marco be played with by this adulterer and adulteress like this.

“What’s the matter, why is our handsome Ye Da dumb? Don’t you recognize me?”

Wang Qian came to Ye Jun beautifully and charmingly.

Ye Jun took a step back slightly, pulled Wang Qian closer, and smiled faintly: “No, Wang Qian, I didn’t recognize it at this time, you would have short hair in college.”

“Hehe, it turns out that handsome Ye Dashu still remembers me. You refused me mercilessly back then. I thought about it later, I should not be as feminine as Zhou Yinting, otherwise I won’t lose to him.”

Wang Qian pouted, as if she had been wronged, as if waiting for someone to comfort her and to please her.

Ye Jun sneered: “Don’t mention the past. We are going to marry Marco. We Marco was chased by many people in the courtyard back then. Now it falls into your hands. Are you satisfied?”

There is something in Ye Jun’s words, he wants to beat Wang Qian.

Hearing Ye Jun talked about Marco, Wang Qian’s smile was slightly reduced, she no longer coquettishly, she knew his relationship with Marco, and wanted him to succumb to her pomegranate skirt, she had to find another opportunity.

She changed into a Qingjian smile and said, “You see, I have forgotten it here. Marco is too tired these days and is still sleeping with his arms around. It is time for him to come down to pick you up, you brothers for so many years… ”

“In this way, you and Brother Yang will sit for a while, and I will call Marco down.”

“Ye Jun, this is Brother Wang, my friend, here to help.”

As Wang Qian introduced, she wanted to leave.

Ye Jun said coldly: “Wait, which room is Marco in. I’m going to talk to my brother about the past.”

Wang Qian stopped and said with a smile: “The room is messy. You came from afar, and it was abrupt when you entered.”

“It’s okay, I haven’t seen him look like a bear.”

Ye Jun stopped chatting with her and turned around to go upstairs. There were only a few rooms upstairs in this villa layout, so it was not difficult to find.

Seeing Ye Jun’s movement, the man named Wang Ye stopped Ye Jun with a stern anger.

Ye Jun slightly broke off the knuckle of the index finger, and said lightly: “Excuse me, let me say it.”

“Boy, you have a big tone. What kind of place do you think this is, go wherever you go?”

Wang also stared at Ye Jun, and said in a disdainful tone.

“Where? This is my brother’s house. When I go to see my brother, I have to get the consent of your tauren who doesn’t know where it came from?”

Wang Ye’s face was blue. He heard Ye Jun calling him a tauren. Although he didn’t know the special meaning, he should be swearing.

His face changed drastically, his face was full of murderous intent: “Boy, you are looking for death!”

After that, he had to attack Ye Jun.

But without waiting for him to get close, Ye Jun slid sideways and came behind him.

Two close together like knives, cut straight at the Lingying acupoint on his back, and a strong and powerful man of 1.8 meters fell to the ground.

Wang Qian, who was about to stop, was about to speak, and stared at the scene in front of her in shock.

Seeing Ye Jun who was gentle and handsome, but in just a few seconds, it was placed on Wang Ye, the drug lord who had licked blood on the tip of a knife for most of his life.

It’s unbelievable!

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