My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3914: Sweep

"Yes, this seat is the Vicious Heavenly Venerable!" Lin Feng was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect Tuoba Cthulhu to replenish his brain as the Vicious Heavenly Venerable. He simply admitted that he was the Vicious Heavenly Venerable, and caused some trouble to the Vicious Heavenly Venerable by the way. Calculate every day

Count yourself.

"Vicious Tianzun, you are too cruel!" Nan Jingyun looked at the malicious Tianzun with gloomy eyes and said: "No, you are not the malicious Tianzun at all!"

"I don't care who you are, this is the end of today's business!" Beichen stared at Lin Feng's figure with dark eyes.

"Boom!" At this moment, a piercing sound of the sky spear pierced through the sky, shaking billions of time and space, and the endless murderous intent of billions of time and space let the Buddha gather together. At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and everyone felt a powerful force. The murderous intent is contained in this spear


Then a dazzling Huaguang rushed towards the sky and space.

There is a spear wrapped in this Huaguang.

The spear was stained with scarlet blood.

The spear was carrying the power to destroy the time and space of the heavens. When the spear was released, the expressions of Tuoba Cthulhu, Beichen Darkness and others changed drastically, especially Beichen Wuxiang turned pale, because he felt that this spear was just rushing. Come with him.

At this moment, his primordial spirit felt like collapse.


Beichen Wuxiang let out an angry roar.

A pair of armor appeared all over his body. The bronze color of the armor was exactly a heavenly artifact armor. The armor glowed with ancient divine light, and the divine light carried an aura of immortality.


At the same time, he slammed into the void with a punch, with the domineering force of destroying the magic of the heavens, with one punch, he could avoid the gods like Uncle Grimace!


Just when he smashed his punch out, a sky spear crossed the sky and space and flew out from the death cave. This sky spear directly pierced Beichen Wuxiang's fist.


Suddenly the flames burst, burning tens of millions of miles in time and space.

Beichen Wuxiang's body quickly retreated in the void, his face was pale, a ray of scarlet blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were grimly roared: "Shentu Wujiang, you are bold!"

"I will kill you today!" Majestic, with a cold voice from the depths of the death cave, and then a tall figure walked out, this figure shawl, dancing in the void, eyes seeping, his figure Step out to the front of Beichen Wuxiang,

Holding a spear.

"Shentu Wujiang!"

Tuoba Cthulhu, Beichen is dark, Nan Jingyun and others stared at Shentu Wujiang's figure with a bit of fiery eyes, but it was a pity that they didn't dare to do anything.

"Fate is sinking!"

At this moment, Shentu Wujiang burst into a crazy roar. It seems that these days, all the grievances suffered in these years have erupted at this moment. His blood is boiling, and the light of immeasurable destiny erupted. What he is performing is the destiny of the Shentu family. This trick is more than Shentu Wanxiang.

To be strong three points.

Suddenly the light on his body broke through time and space and wrapped Beichen Wuxiang's figure in it.

The light permeated tens of millions of miles of time and space, enclosing the figures of both of them.

"Go!" At this moment, Beichen is dark, Beichen is colorless, Tuoba Cthulhu, Nan Jingyun and the four great powers roared up to the sky. They each spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood, and the blood gathered in the void to form one. Group of scarlet blood cells


The blood cells exploded in the void with infinite divine light.

Contains a power that destroys endless time and space. This power can wipe out any heavenly gods, and the light will rise across the sky and escape to more distant time and space.

Just when he first escaped into the void, a huge light curtain appeared in the void. This light curtain appeared khaki. The khaki light curtain straddled the sky, like a huge city wall, blocking the path of this light.

"Heavenly God Wall!"

In the light of Tuoba Cthulhu, Beichen is dark, Beichen is colorless, and the four powers of Nan Jingyun have scarlet eyes with a crazy color.

The light hit the khaki wall fiercely.


A loud crash sounded. The sound of this impact shook the endless time and space, and many cracks appeared on the khaki wall, and then burst into the void with a bang, and enveloping the evil **** Tuoba, Beichen is dark, Beichen is colorless, and Nan Jingyun is the light of the four masters. Also collapsed

In the void.


At this moment, there was a sound of broken brains. Silently, Lin Feng's figure has walked up. His figure is standing behind the Cthulhu Tuoba. His five fingers directly grabbed the head of the Cthulhu Tuoba and pierced it into the head of the Cthulhu Tuoba. Suddenly, the Cthulhu Tuoba said Scream


The blood in Tuoba Cthulhu's body madly flowed into Lin Feng's palm.

"Roar." Tuoba Cthulhu uttered a crazy roar. He punched Lin Feng's Dantian universe with one punch after another. Each punch collapsed time and space, and could severely wound the ordinary God of Heaven, but when bombarded Lin Feng's Dantian universe. When I go up, it looks like a sea of ​​mud


A look of fear appeared on Tuoba's face. Beichen is colorless and Beichen is dark, and Nan Jingyun's faces are as earthy as scared. The three of them ignore Tuoba Cthulhu and hurriedly fled. The five destructive rays of light have already fallen from the sky. These five rays of light do not give them a chance at all. Threesome

The figure was overwhelmed.

"Boom boom."

The chaotic explosion sounded.

After the turbulent flow passed, Beichen was colorless, Beichen was dark, and Nan Jingyun's three figures flew out. The three of them looked pale and vomited blood in each mouth.


A huge boom sounded. There are huge earth-yellow air currents in the surrounding time and space, and these earth-yellow air currents are rolling in the void, forming a huge earth-yellow city wall. This city wall is like the end of the sky, blocking all the surrounding time and space in it.


Beichen was colorless, Beichen was dark, Nan Jingyun trembled as he watched this scene.

They thoroughly understood that Lin Feng and the group were going to wipe them all out, all of them extinct, not one left.


The screaming scream sounded again. The three of them saw a scene that scared them. Not far away, Lin Feng’s five fingers pierced into the head of the Cthulhu Tuoba, and the blood in the Cthulhu Tuoba crazily flowed into Lin Feng’s hands, and the Cthulhu Tuoba used all kinds of secret arts to attack. Lin Feng Dantian on the universe

, But let the Buddha tickle the same.

Lin Feng didn't care at all.

Gradually, Tuoba Cthulhu gradually became senile. "Respect, I beg you. Let me go." The Evil God Tuoba looked at Lin Feng in horror and begged for mercy: "My Tuoba family must thank you again. I can redeem my own life with countless Taoist stones and life origin. Even if you give you some top-secret information about the sky, you also know my position in the sky."

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