My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3934: South nine ring

"The token of Tianbaozhai?"

Lin Feng looked at the token Nan Kongying handed over in surprise. "Well, this is a gift from the people of Tianbaozhai." Nan Kongying explained: "There are three types of tokens in Tianbaozhai. They are black iron, bronze, and gold. They are very smart. Eligible for succession

Everyone will give away a gold token. "

"Limited to super powers, right?" Lin Feng asked, puzzled. "This is natural!" Nan Kongying smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said: "They gave me this token long ago. Even if I inherit the position of Death Valley, this token will not change. Rumors There are higher-level tokens, but this token only

Thirty-three yuan was given out! "

"Thirty-three yuan?"

Lin Feng was surprised when he heard the words: "Is it aimed at the level of God Luo? Or a figure of Tianjun level?"

"Yes, this kind of token is called the Supreme Heavenly Treasure Order!" Nan Kongying explained: "These tokens are all over the heavens, and not every Da Luo **** or heavenly monarch can obtain them."

"Hey, what kind of a limited edition?" Lin Feng looked at Xukong with a sneer: "Bao Zhai will do business this day."

"Otherwise, how to expand the business to the entire celestial realm." Nan Kongying looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, here are two other treasures for you. If you take them and sell them together, they are useless in my hands." She stretched out her hand again while speaking.

Saplings emerged in his hands.

There are forty-nine trees in total on this sapling. The leaves of each small tree are almost withered, carrying a breath of death. It seems that there is an extremely terrifying existence in it. In addition to these saplings, there is also a simple and unpretentious bead floating with deep textures imprinted on it. These textures seem to be the textures of the gods of Da Luo, and they seem to be the textures of the heavens, mysterious and mysterious, with the origin of the heavens.


"The tree of life? The heavenly origin **** ball?"

Lin Feng looked at the two treasures in Nan Kongying's hands and was shocked. Because of these two kinds of treasures, no matter which one is of great value, especially the Celestial Origin Divine Orb is extremely mysterious, even the God of Da Luo will covet it, because reaching the level of the God of Da Luo, one has to look at the origin of the entire Heaven, the origin of the Heaven. Magic ball

It gave birth to some celestial powers, which was exactly what Da Luo God needed.

Moreover, the heavenly origin **** orb itself is a heavenly artifact of the royal rank, and its power is very terrifying.

"Hehe, why are you so shocked?" Nan Kong Ying looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Hey, you have a lot of inventory." Lin Feng looked at Nan Kong Ying and said: "You can keep these things for yourself in the future."

"I can't use it." Nankong Ying stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the void and said: "When I reach the position of the Lord of Death Valley, I still need the sapling of life? I still need an imperial heaven artifact? I still need it. What peeping into the treasure of the heavenly origin?"


Lin Feng cursed upon hearing this.


This is Chi Guoguo's display of wealth. However, he was suffocated again. The leader status of the general superpower is much higher than that of a Tianzun. When he is in power, he can match the status of God Luo, and almost all family resources must be tilted toward this leader. Superpower

The reason for the fierce competition for power leaders.

The forces behind the various heirs are almost desperate!

People of this level put forward opinions to Heavenly Court, even Heavenly Monarch must consider three points.


Nan Kongying looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "Envy? You are jealous?" "What am I jealous of? You didn't say anything." Lin Feng looked at Nan Kongying with anger and said: "Indeed, once you are here Location, these two things have become tasteless things. It is rumored that your valley owners have the bodyguards of Da Luo God, is it true?


"Of course it's true!" Nan Kongying looked at the void and said, "Whether it is the Valley Master or the Patriarch of the major families, they actually have protective artifacts, which can withstand at least three attacks and can also perform three powerful attacks. Every attack is equal to Da Luo Shen, so any

Anyone can provoke, and you can't provoke some Patriarchs or Valley Masters for the time being, even those who are retired. "

"Well, I take it!"

Lin Feng was completely shocked by these local tyrants.

"Why don't you join us in Death Valley, I don't think there is any problem in competing for the leader of the valley." Nan Kongying looked at Lin Feng with a smile. "I don't want to join, I'm too restrained. I've been restrained by a bunch of old guys all day long. It's boring. It's better to build a power. I speak up. Who is not obedient, I will kill him." Lin Feng shook his head and said: "Okay. I sell these two treasures and earn

Take the Taoist Stone for you. "

He doesn't lack this thing, and this kind of treasure, especially the heavenly origin **** ball, dare not give these people under his command, they may not understand anything, and he lacks the Taoist stone now, Nankong Ying has made it clear. Come out and support him.

"No need." Nankong Yingmei looked at Lin Feng and said: "I have received so many things from you, I don't want to owe you any favors, even if friends are not good, I am not you."


Lin Feng was sweating violently.

"I'm a little surprised, you can make a deal with Nanjia when you add up these things, in exchange for a big Luo Shenji Pill." Lin Feng suddenly looked at Nan Kongying and asked.

Nan Kong Ying’s beautiful eyes looked at Lin Feng and smiled: “First, I’ve said it a long time ago. I don’t have anyone around me who can trust me, and I’m worried that the Nan family will find out about my crisis and take the opportunity to eat it in the dark. Guess."


Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Nan Kong Ying and said, "You are smart."

"By the way, I also recommend someone to you. This person is considered to be the person next to Nan Wukong. I am here today to let him see your power, so that he can deter Nan Wukong and let him turn to me." Nankong Ying Looking at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Yes, no problem, I'll still hide my identity first, you just say that I am the Origin Celestial Venerable." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Nan Kong Ying and said, "This is a nickname I give myself at will."

"Origin Tianzun, this name is amazing!"

Nan Kongying smiled and said: "He's coming." While she was speaking, she stretched out her finger into the void, and suddenly a spatial channel appeared in the void, and a figure walked out of the spatial channel. breath.

This can be regarded as a powerful **** of heaven.

And it is also the deputy Tianzun of the Nili Tiangongde Hall.

Named South Nine Ring!

It is Nan Wukong's confidant.

"What is Nan Kongying?" Nan Jiuhuan looked at Nan Kongying, then pointed to Lin Feng and asked.

"This is Origin Tianzun." Nan Kongying smiled and said, "My friend, a friend of casual cultivators, has saved my life many times."

"Origin Tianzun!"

Nan Jiuhuan said with a smile: "Nan Kong Ying, it's best not to come into contact with people from this kind of wild road, let alone let him call himself Tianzun, Tianzun is the official position of the heavenly court, not everyone calls it arbitrarily."


Just when his voice fell, a terrible black vortex erupted from Lin Feng's body, and the black vortex directly enveloped the figure of the South Ninth Ring Road.

Suddenly Nanjiuhuan changed color suddenly.

The essence and blood in his body flowed out frantically, and the period of time was more than 20%.


Nan Jiuhuan roared angrily.

He smashed out with a punch, the world was pale, everything collapsed, and his fist hit Lin Feng's head as if the sky was falling into the starry sky.


This fist hit Lin Feng’s head, but there was no imaginary head burst. On the contrary, there was a sharp pain in his hand, and the blood and power in his body rushed out again. As the blood flowed out, he The strength in the body plummeted steadily. Then he felt that the whole person was drawn into the whirlpool, just like a mortal being drawn into the whirlpool of the river. No matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail. Moreover, the blood and power in his body are vented crazily, and the power in his body is quickly consumed.

When it was empty, his skin was dry.

There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Suddenly the black hole on Lin Feng disappeared, and the South Ninth Ring Road fell to the ground.

"Who is the respected driver?"

Nan Jiuhuan looked at Lin Feng with a look of fear, even Nan Wukong didn't have this combat power, except for several terrifying Heavenly Venerates, such as Hunxun and the Vicious Heavenly Sovereign.

He knew that the origin Tianzun before him was definitely a fake name.

"You don't need to ask about this." Lin Feng stood up and looked at the South Ninth Ring Road with his hand held down and said: "South Ninth Ring Road, I'll just ask you, can you please?"

"Respect driving repair is rare in the world. I am afraid that I have understood the law of the Daluo God. I am convinced that I lose." Nanjiuhuan said bitterly.

"Okay, very good!" Lin Feng waved his hand when he heard the words, and a mighty blood stream flowed into the sky above the South Ninth Ring Road. The South Ninth Ring Road hurriedly opened his mouth and swallowed the blood stream, taking less than three or five breaths. Of time swallowed completely, the original dry skin has become

When he came back, his strength was restored.

"Thank you for your mercy from Origin Tianzun." Nan Jiuhuan said respectfully.

"Everyone is your own, you don't have to be polite." Nan Kongying chuckled and walked up to look at the South Ninth Ring Road: "Senior South Ninth Ring Road, are you all right?"

"Master Shaogu is polite, I'm fine." Nan Jiuhuan hurriedly said. His name has also changed this time. Such a powerful and terrifying figure supports Nan Kongying, and Nan Kongying may once again have a chance to seize the Master of Death Valley. Bit.

"Just fine."

Nan Kong Ying smiled charmingly and said, "Master Nan Wukong Tianzun, how are you doing these days?"

"Master Nan Wukong, coming in is relatively busy and is in retreat. He said that if he leaves the customs, he will definitely come to visit Lord Shaogu." Nan Jiuhuan hurriedly smiled and said, "Please forgive me, Lord Shaogu."

"You don't have to be polite, he is an elder, I should visit him. I have practiced a secret technique in the past two days. After I have completed my cultivation, I will visit Master Tianzun. Master Tianzun has a high level of cultivation. I just want to take this opportunity to ask him Heavenly." Nan Kong Ying said with a smile.

"I must report it to Lord Tianzun." Nan Jiuhuan immediately said, "I don't know what the Lord Shaogu has to call me this time?" "It's very simple. This Tianzun of Origin has just come to the Heaven Realm Nilitian to take up his post and is not familiar with it here , But he is my friend, and I don’t have time to accompany him, so I can’t help you guide him today and introduce the situation of the mud plow sky." Nan Kong Ying said.

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