My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3944: Ming Bei Chenxuan

"Too little? How much celestial mystery sand does Master Tianzun want?" Wan Qiuxue looked at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes: "Our Tianbaozhai does have some stock, but it is not in this mud plow Tiantianbaozhai. It needs to be collected from other places. "

"It's okay."

Lin Feng heard this and looked at Wan Qiuxue and said: "I will buy at this auction price, and this will never treat your Tianbaozhai." "How many plates does Tianzun need? This plate was refined by us and it is full of flowers. The heavenly mystery sand can make a radius of tens of thousands of miles into the violent storm sand, and can block any god’s mind, even the **** of Daluo can block one or two.

. "Wan Qiuxue explained.

"Shifen!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth when he heard the words.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Wan Qiuxue nodded slightly, and immediately transmitted Xia Xiaoxi.

The two then looked at the auction stage. The competition for this celestial mystery sand is also very fierce. Although this one is very small, it has been pushed to the height of 900 billion stones. The person who quoted the price was the glamorous woman in the 9th box. The girl was like a beautiful snake. Same, Seungsuki’s skin

, Her charming and moving face, and a trace of glamour in her beautiful eyes, it is obvious that she will win this heavenly mystery.

Thousands of eyes from the auction stage took a look at Tiandao No. 72 box, as if expecting Lin Feng to compete, but this extension fell in the eyes of the glamorous woman on Tiandao No. 9, and a gloomy chill suddenly rose on the glamorous girl.

This chill, strangely, permeated the entire auction house through the box. Wanqianjue hurriedly showed a faint smile on his face. He looked at the void and said: "Do you guys have a higher bid than this?" Now that it has climbed to the level of 900 billion stones, it has also allowed their auction house to make a fortune. He didn't want to offend the 9th of Heaven

The owner of the box.

"900 billion stones at a time!"

"900 billion dao stones twice!"

Wan Qianjue stared at the people again: "900 billion stones three times, very good, 900 billion stones three times, this heavenly mystery sand was obtained by the owner of the 9th box, congratulations to the owner of the 9th box!" A Dadao Shentian The master directly sent the celestial mystery sand in this jade plate into the Tiandao No. 9 box, and then slowly walked to the front of the auction platform and said: "Everyone, let’s auction the fourth treasure below. Celestial Origin God Orb

! "

The moment he spoke, an elder of the Great Dao God had already opened an ancient Tianbao box, and a cyan bead floated in the void, bursting with dazzling light, and one hundred and eight thousand rays of light radiated through the entire auction floor.

The entire auction floor was filled with the aura of the origin of the heavens, and the aura of the law of the heavens and the law of the great Luo was intertwined in the void, seeming to be true.

This mysterious atmosphere is felt in the void of the entire auction house.

In an instant, many people seemed to be in a mysterious world, and their understanding of the origin of the heavens became more profound, and a ray of light appeared in the eyes of many people.

"Heaven Origin God Ball!

"It is actually the celestial origin divine ball, you must get this treasure, if you can get this treasure, my family master's understanding of the heaven origin will reach a deeper level!"

"Very good, the celestial origin **** ball, I want to take this celestial origin **** ball and bring it back to the family, I think the family will definitely produce this stone!"

"The heavenly origin divine ball, rumored that only the patrons or leaders of the major superpowers can enjoy it, and no one else can enjoy it."

"Patriarchs or leaders of the major superpowers, some can receive a trace of the Law of the Great Luo God or step into the realm of the Great Luo God and this heavenly origin God ball cannot be separated."

"My day, actually come up with such a heavy weapon!"

"Fuck it, this time it was tragic. I didn't expect this kind of baby to appear. This doesn't match the news we got."

"There are not many pieces of this thing in the whole mud plowing sky. Some super-power elders and high-ranking people want to get it. Unfortunately, this thing is too expensive, and it is not something a person can swallow."

"It's very precious. I remember that several elders from the family joined hands to bid for this thing. As a result, the cultivation bases of these elders are advancing by leaps and bounds." With the appearance of the heavenly origin divine ball, many people were shocked and directly took out the sky. Fu contacted the outside world to bid with other people, or reported to the family, so that the family can allocate a lot of money, and then you can bid directly here.

All heavy equipment is expensive, not too much at all.

Bei Chenxuan stared at the celestial origin **** ball in the treasure box that day and exclaimed: "This treasure is actually the celestial origin **** ball. I think the family will definitely support my seizure. This time I will bid on behalf of the family and contact the owner first."

While speaking, he directly took out the Heavenly Talisman, crushed it, and suddenly a beam of light dissipated in the void. This Heavenly Origin Divine Orb was not something he could afford.

"Does the young master really buy it at all costs?" Bei Chen said unintentionally and solemnly: "There are a few precious treasures next, if the young master uses the Taoist stone on this treasure, wouldn't it be a mess of the plan?" Bei Chen was cold and cold. He smiled and said: "What do you know! The effect of this celestial origin orb on cultivators is comparable to the source of celestial chaos, except that the source of celestial chaos comes from the starry sky, which is relatively precious, but both are stable spaces. of

Good baby, it can give people a close understanding of the origin of the heavens. Of course, I would not buy it with my own Taoist stone. I told the Patriarch that the Patriarch must allocate the Taoist Stone. "

Bei Chen Wuxin immediately opened his eyebrows and smiled: "This is true, even if the Patriarch does not support this thing, I think the other elders will definitely support it, and join hands to fight for this thing." Bei Chenxuan stared at Void with his hands on his back and said: "Yes, these elders even know. , I’m too late to compete. I’ll inform them now that they will let me bid for them. Anyway, we can pay on credit, and these elders will also pay.

Patriarch Luo, if the Patriarch does not agree, I will contact the elders to see how many Dao stones they are willing to play. "

"The young master doesn't leak in his work, and he has become more and more like a paternal master." Bei Chen looked at Bei Chenxuan and said with a smile.

Bei Chenxuan nodded faintly upon hearing the words. Nan Wuyu in the third box of Tiandao has an indifferent expression, cold light in his eyes, staring at the void and said: "This celestial origin divine ball, this time you all rely on your means. The elder above me has already spoken, ready At no cost to fight, I

Plenipotentiary. "His voice was transmitted throughout the auction hall. That day, the ancient tree of life, the **** of gold, and the mystery sand of the heavens were precious, but they were not enough to make him bid in a big way. However, this heavenly origin **** ball is too important. , So put yourself

The degree is passed directly.

"By means, the heavenly origin **** orb is really a good thing." Jiang Xuanji's voice came from the box, his expression was cold and arrogant, and his eyes were fiercely staring at the heavenly origin **** orb. He was the same as Bei Chenxuan and others. , Contacted the family.

Many elders in the family have already sent words to him to represent them. "Each by means..." A line of voices came from the other boxes. These boxes were relatively low-key during the auction, but the birth of the Celestial Origin Divine Ball made them unable to bear it anymore, otherwise You will miss a good opportunity

Yes, the only one who did not express his attitude was the Tiandao No.1 box. There is a graceful voice standing in the No. 1 box of Tiandao, white clothes wins snow, with picturesque brows, a faint smile on the beautiful and flawless face, like a fairy flower in full bloom, a pair of autumn eyes staring at the void , Wins

Snow's skin exuded a seductive luster, her enchanting and beautiful figure, holding a jade finger in her bare hand.

The girl is Beichen Lannuo. "Master Tianzun, this person actually possesses a celestial orb, is it Lin Feng?" A blue-clothed girl next to the girl asked in doubt. This girl is also very beautiful, with a little more charming face. Big watery eyes staring at the auction

The heavenly origin divine ball on the stage.

"I think it should be him. I don't know. It may be him. After all, Nan Kongying is very close to him, and Nan Kongying has one in his hand." Beichen Lannuo said slowly.

"Master Tianzun, should we help him?" The blue-clothed girl squinted and smiled.

"It's okay, let him alone." Beichen Lannuo said with a cold expression: "I don't want this celestial origin **** orb. If Xingguang becomes the master of the patriarch, I can also use the celestial origin **** orb, and there are not many people in the family. I."

"Master Tianzun said that." The blue-clothed girl stared at Beichen Lannuo's eyes and smiled.

Thousands of people looked at the reactions of all parties with great satisfaction and said loudly: "Dear friends, the preciousness of the heavenly origin divine ball, his true value must have been known to everyone. The starting price is 300 billion stones, and every increase in price must not be less than 10 billion stones!"

When his voice just fell, Jiang Xuanji's domineering voice sounded: "1 trillion Taoism stones! This heavenly origin divine ball is extremely valuable, everyone shows their wealth."

"Oh, Jiang Shao has taken a shot, haha, I will increase the value of this heavenly origin divine ball, 3 trillion stones!" Bei Chenxuan's voice floated above the hall of the auction house.

"Bei Chenxuan, are you embarrassed to take the three trillion Dao stones? Hey 10 trillion Dao stones!" Lin Feng's domineering voice came from the 72nd box of Tian Dao.


He knew that the celestial origin **** orb was so precious, but he did not expect that everyone's enthusiasm for this celestial origin **** orb was so strong that it would directly increase by trillions.

"10 trillion Taoist stones!"

"It's actually 10 trillion Taoism Stones, and generally three or five Heavenly Taoism giants can't produce it."

"This person is really rich and powerful. Doesn't he want to fish out all the good treasures on the auction house?"

"Is there any reason to increase this treasure by more than three times? Such a person is too fierce and domineering. Do you want to get rid of someone else?"

"This person won't be the one invited by Tianbaozhai Trading Company?" "Definitely not, the people in the Tiandao No. Boxes are all well-known people, and Tianbaozhai Trading Company would definitely not dare to do this."

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