My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3952: Public identity


Wan Qianjue heard Lin Feng's words and said with a big smile: "But this Tianzun still has to follow the procedures, and follow the procedures."

He felt a little annoyed at this moment. He didn't want Lin Feng to come up and use this price to crush everyone. He didn't dare to bid. This would cause the shrinkage of the source of chaos in the heavens, but this kind of unhappiness quickly disappeared. Up.

After all, big customers like Lin Feng are hard to meet.

"Procedure? I remember that there is no upper limit for the price increase in Tianbaozhai, right?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at thousands of things: "I only offered this price to get some miscellaneous fish out of the game."

This remark made many people angry even more.

In the fourth box of Tiandao. "Emperor Pu Hanbing, I want this person to be broken into thousands of pieces, and the soul is sealed up, and burned in the depths of the heavens every day to let him know the fate of offending me. He actually offended me again and again." Jiang Xuanji said angrily, his face turned Gloomy and terrible, full of


This source of celestial chaos was purchased by him on behalf of his father. It was very important to his father. In fact, his father had it before, but it was lost.

"Young Patriarch rest assured, even though he bids for him, everything about him will be for others to make wedding dresses." Huang Pu Hanbing said proudly, staring at Tiandao Box No. 72, revealing Sen Han's murderous intent.

In Tiandao No.6 box. Bei Chenxuan also looked cold and indifferent. He had stopped bidding for the source of chaos in the heavens. Instead, there was a hint of war intent in his eyes. He stared at the void and said, "Tianbaozhai is going to start a big battle. This one actually offends us all. road,

I want to **** the baby from him, why buy it again. "This is the style of Senior Brother, but what if Beichen Lannuo interferes?" I have inquired about the news that she has also come to the auction house, but she hasn't appeared in her current location. "Beichen reminds me carelessly that Beichen Lannuo is in the top position


The power is amazing, and the cultivation base is terrifying. As long as Bei Chenxuan does anything, she will oppose it. Now the conflict between the two lines of the Beichen family is getting more and more intense.

"Huh, what about her coming? This matter is not something she can intervene at all. You overestimate her influence." Bei Chenxuan said with a cold expression, and the power of the young master of the Beichen family gradually revealed.

In the third box of Tiandao.

Nan Wuyu stood with his hand holding his hand, his dazzling Xinghe eyes stared at the void and said, "It seems that they are going to use methods. If I don't participate in it, what is the face of Death Valley!"

Nan Wuyu was trying to seize some treasures from Lin Feng by powerful means, so as to calm the gloom in his heart. Now the reaction of other people gave him such an opportunity, how could he let it go. In a box, the vicious Tianzun looked solemn, with a playful smile on his face, staring at Tiandao No.72 box with a sneer: "It's just an ignorant person, after all, he is making wedding dresses for others." The eyes of the malicious Tianzun are shining brightly. , The voice is cold


Few people in Nilitian dared to despise him like this, even if the sons of heavenly monarchs from other days came here. In the No. 9 box of Tiandao, the slim and beautiful girl is like a blooming magic flower, extremely beautiful, and a fascinating smile appeared on the delicate and fiery face: "After all, Nan Wuyu, Tang Quetian I don't know your repair

For what level? "In the box No. sixty-six of Tiandao, a man with white hair like snow stood in the void, the whole figure blended with the void, a trace of evil appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the evil light flashed in his eyes and said to himself:" Interesting, grab food, if

Really have this strength, don't know who this person is? Even so, I have to share a cup. "

In the Tiandao No. 1 box, Beichen Lannuo's expression was flat, and a breathtaking smile appeared on the quiet and perfect fairy face, staring into the void and sighed: "It's too troublesome."

When talking about this, Beichen Lannuo frowned slightly. Such an alliance may not be a good thing. It seems that we need to have a good talk with Lin Feng and let Lin Feng do things more low-key.

"Tianzun, can Lin Feng escape the pursuit of these people?" The blue-clothed girl was puzzled, she was worried that Beichen Lannuo would be involved.

"Watch it quietly." Beichen Lannuo's beautiful eyes showed a trace of expectation. In some of the other boxes of the Heaven’s Path, icy killing intent came one after another. Orders were issued. Most people came for the source of chaos in the heavens. Today, Lin Feng directly set the source of chaos in the heavens with his powerful financial resources.

In a high price state, other people have no chance to bid. There was a bit of bitterness on Wanqianjue's face. No one in the big boxes of the Tiandao was bidding for the source of chaos in the heavens, and no one was bidding on the three thousand kings and gods. Who has the financial resources? Even if some people have so much financial resources

They didn't dare to bid with Lin Feng, and they smashed 66 trillion Taoist stones directly, and their wealth was overwhelming.

Moreover, they have made a self-defeating routine, which made these people give up bidding. It is estimated that these people are ready to hunt this important customer.

Thousands of kills looked solemn, this incident must not happen above Tianbaozhai, or around Tianbaozhai, he must be allowed to escape, so as to show the safety precautions of Tianbaozhai. "Okay, all the owners of Box No. 72 of the Heavenly Path bid 66 trillion stones to bid for the source of chaos in the heavens. Who else would you bid for the source of chaos in the heavens?" Wan Qianjue shouted loudly, his eyes filled with emotions. The color of anticipation, expecting someone to increase the price

, So that Lin Feng went harder again, the more Tianbaozhai earned, the person in charge of the auction would naturally benefit a lot. But everyone remained silent. Many people stared at Tiandao Box No. 72 with a trace of murderous intent. For a moment, I don’t know how many murderous and cold eyes fell on Tiandao Box No. 72, so that Lin Feng had one. Species

The feeling of scalp numbness, even if ordinary giants in the realm of Daluo face these people, it will be very troublesome.

"66 trillion at a time!

"66 trillion yuan twice!"

Wan Qianjue stared at everyone again and said: "66 trillion three times, the transaction, okay, this time the source of chaos in the heavens was purchased by the noble owner of Tiandao No. 72 box at a price of 66 trillion. Congratulations to this lord of heaven. ."

In the No. 72 box of Tiandao, Wan Qiuxue said in congratulations: "Congratulations, Master Tianzun, Originator for winning this time."

"Haha, a big victory? I am afraid that this time I have offended many people, maybe many people are already waiting for me to go out at the door." Lin Feng laughed loudly, without the slightest worry between his expressions. "Master Tianzun is extremely powerful, and I must have figured out a way to get out. The slave family says goodbye, next time you come here to do business, don't forget to find me." Wan Qiuxue showed a charming look on her face, twisting her slender waist like a beauty snake. Out of the Seventy of Heaven

The second box disappeared, and Lin Feng quietly glanced at the void with a confident smile.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and the figure of thousands of killers walked into it, holding an ancient Tianbao box in his hand, with seals on it.

"Pop!" Thousands of kills opened the ancient Tianbao box, and suddenly a dim light intertwined over the ancient Tianbao box, deducing mysterious powers. These powers are mysterious and mysterious, giving Lin Feng a feeling of returning to the origin of the heavens.

In a trance, he peeped into the process of the birth of heaven.

"Yes, it is the source of the chaos in the heavens!" Lin Feng stared at the source of the chaos in the heavens, and felt the source of the chaos in the heavens. "Haha, Master Origin Tianzun is really rich and powerful, I know I won't let me down." Wan Qiansha laughed loudly and couldn't help but doubt Lin Feng's true identity. Lin Feng is still calm, doesn't he know Tempo now

Are there many masters hidden at the door of Zhai?

Lin Feng reported with a smile: "You know the situation I am facing now. The price paid is far from Dao Shi's simple. I am afraid that the door of your firm is full of masters." "Tian Zun already knows, haha, presumably Tian Zun There is already a clever plan." Wan Qiansha couldn't help but secretly speculate about Lin Feng's identity. People of ordinary powers dare not provoke these people at the same time, even the leaders of first-class powers.


Because people like Bei Chenxuan have super powers behind them, they are all characters who are likely to inherit the super powers in the future, and can control the overall situation of Nilitian.

"Oh, okay, I won't talk about this issue anymore. I don't have enough Dao stones now, so I should be able to owe it." Lin Feng said with a smile while standing with his hand holding his hand. He doesn't have so many Dao stones. This auction His estate has been emptied.

Including Nankongying's family property.

Thousands of Kills heard this and looked at Lin Feng with a serious expression: "Master Tianzun of Origin, you may not understand the rules here."

"Rules? I naturally understand that everyone must have a real identity to borrow from you, or have low-voltage utensils, or use their identity as a mortgage." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and said with a smile. "Yes, Lord Tianzun knows it." Wanqian killed the words and looked at Lin Feng with a smile: "So please trouble Lord Tianzun to announce his identity, as long as we recognize the identity, we will release the money. This is an iron rule, or you Get enough

The mortgage is here. "

"The mortgaged utensils, I am gone, and I am temporarily completely clean." Lin Feng shook his head when he heard this.

"Then please let Master Tianzun announce his identity. We need to verify and verify the identity of Master Tianzun." Wan Qiansha smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said, "Don't worry, we can keep every customer's information confidential. This is what we can do. Such a big reason."

"Only you can know my identity. Don't let her know that Wan Qiuxue." Lin Feng watched Wan Qiansha and said, he had always suspected that Wan Qiuxue in front of him might be a dummy.

There are many terrifying aspects of Yin-Yang Promise Heavenly Art. One of them is that you can transform into a certain person by inhaling someone. Even if your cultivation level is one level higher than her, it is difficult to see through. It is very scary. It can even be said to be integrated into one person. . "Of course, she is not qualified to know." Wanqian said with a smile after hearing this: "I also ask Master Tianzun to announce his identity quickly. I really look forward to it."

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