My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3954: It's hard to cheat

"Lin Feng!"

"What? Lin Feng?"

"Lin Feng!"

"Who is Lin Feng?"

"I do not know!"

"It vaguely remembers that the newly appointed deputy of the Gongde Hall is named Lin Feng. This person seems to be from Beichen Lannuo."

"People from Beichen Lannuo? Does this person represent the will of Beichen Lannuo?" "This is impossible. Beichen Lannuo can't resist the pressure of these characters at all. These people are not good, Beichen Xuan, Jiang Xuanji and others, who is not an extremely hot character, not to mention the viciousness of the background of the Heavenly Sovereign Palace

Tianzun! "

"Fuck, but this person may be named Lin Feng. It is impossible for the dignified Vicious Tianzun to admit someone wrong." As the Vicious Tianzun called out Lin Feng's name, it immediately attracted the attention of many people, and some people's faces showed even more craziness. Bei Chenxuan's murderous intent, especially Bei Chenxuan. Bei Chenxuan was crazy at this moment, and he could not wait to come up and devour Lin Feng alive.

a feeling of.

He had the urge to vomit blood. He didn't expect Lin Feng to beat him this time, but he was puzzled. Why did Lin Feng have so many Dao stones? Even if it is not his own, which force he came on behalf of.

"Lin Feng!"

Jiang Xuanji stared at Lin Feng gloomily, his eyes flickering, as if investigating Lin Feng's information.

"Lin Feng!"

The eyes of Tang Quetian and others also locked Lin Feng's figure.


Lin Feng greeted everyone's gaze. He knew that his identity could not be concealed from this vicious god. It seemed that he still underestimated the vicious god, and he was not hiding his identity anymore.

There was a change of light on him.

Turned into a figure in a green shirt, this figure was exactly Lin Feng's original mask. He stood with his hand in his hand and looked at the people present.

"See Vicious Heavenly Lord."

Lin Feng smiled and bowed slightly to the Vicious Tianzun. Although he was an enemy, he still lowered his head in the officialdom.

"Oh!" Vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Feng lightly: "Okay, very good, you really are Lin Feng, you are very good, my heavenly court can have this kind of talent, it is my heavenly court's blessing, you are so good for yourself." He knew I can't stop Lin Feng today, and I can't be

The street intercepted an officer of the heavenly court.

Immediately he looked at Lin Feng with indifferent eyes, turned and left. "Lin Feng Tianzun, yes, yes, we have to settle some of the accounts between us when we have time." Bei Chenxuan looked at Lin Feng indifferently, "Also, my Beichen family affairs, if anyone interferes without authorization, I will Let him die miserably

, Even Tianjun could not protect him. "Oh, Bei Chenxuan, I will settle the bill between us." "Lin Feng looked at Bei Chenxuandao with a sneer: "Unfortunately, you will lose money every time you settle the account. When you sit firmly in the position of Patriarch, you will count with me.

Who shelters, I don't care about your methods. "

"It's really big words, I don't know how high the sky is." Jiang Xuanji's cold voice sounded.

"The young master of the Jiang family, I don't have the place for you to intervene in my words." Lin Feng looked at Jiang Xuanji coldly and said: "If you have any skills, don't play around here. I hate this the most."

"Lin Feng, you are too crazy, I will let you know some of the consequences." Jiang Xuanji looked at Lin Feng coldly, and he turned and left as he spoke.

"Lin Feng, I am too lazy to care about you now, just wait and beg me." Bei Chenxuan gave Lin Feng a cold look, and then turned and left.

Tang Quetian and the others glanced at Lin Feng slightly, and then turned around and left here. Lin Feng stood still, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"You are capable of making trouble, do you have to admit your identity?" At this moment, Beichen Lannuo's figure walked out of it, and she looked at Lin Feng with a frown. "Why don't I dare to admit it?" Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Beichen Lannuo and asked with a smile: "This group of small trash fishes, besides the vicious Tianzun who makes me jealous, who else are there? Don't mention them alone, Even if I swarm up, I will die

Up. "

"In terms of combat power, you may all be wiped out, but in terms of background, people are one hundred times, one thousand times yours." Beichen Lannuo looked at Lin Feng and said, "You have caused a lot of trouble this time, so be careful these days. Now, there will be constant trouble coming to the door."

"I'm never afraid of trouble."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Beichen Lannuo proudly after hearing the words: "Your so-called background is nothing more than their family power. I will let them learn about my power." "Yeah, you are also a person who is good at winning people's hearts." People from, there are also a lot of people around." Beichen Lannuo looked at Lin Feng and said: "But these are not enough to see. In short, I remind you that you don’t have any capital to face them.

Bucket. "

"Who is fighting them head-on?" Lin Feng said with a smile after hearing the words: "Well, let's not discuss these boring issues between us. I still lack some information for you to collect. I need to make a bigger plan. "

"it is good!"

Beichen Lannuo nodded slightly. "It's amazing, it turned out to be Lin Feng Tianzun." At this time, a charming voice came, and Wan Qiuxue walked over with her **** body. She looked at Lin Feng with affection and some admiration: "Lord Tianzun cheated. It's so hard for the slaves to cheat."

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