My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3964: South True Demon Appears

"My strength may not be as good as him, but his defense is no different from that of paper in front of me. The so-called poisonous attack has no effect on me." Lin Feng laughed proudly when he heard the words: "Of course I don't. I'll stand up against him."

"Preparing to gang fight and imprison him? Then you go to devour him?" Nan Kongying asked Lin Feng with a smile. "Yes, this method is the most reliable. I don't want to work hard. I can save effort." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Nan Kong Ying and said: "Well, you don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own way to deal with it. This person, this person is here to deliver food.


"It's fine if you can get rid of it. Anyway, this person is a thorn in my eye." Nan Kongying looked at Lin Feng and said, "But you should be careful. This person is an extremely dangerous person."


Lin Feng looked at the void and said, "There is no difference between killing him and killing a chicken. I will throw his head on the street to let people see the end of the fight against me. I will see that your Death Valley has sent a master to kill me. !"


Nankong Ying smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I see how you kill him like a chicken. If you let him hear this, I guess I can vomit blood."

"Haha. Okay, take these sources of life." Lin Feng smiled, and while speaking, he flicked out a bottle of life origin, which is what he earned from doing business with Nan Wukong this time. .

After he removed the life source that he paid to Nan Wukong this time, there are still more than ten gourd life sources left, so let's give Nan Kong Ying a part.

"So many, isn't it all used up?" Nan Kong Yingmei looked at Lin Feng and said. "It ran out, but I went back to the Hall of Merit, and had a drink with Nan Wukong. The two of us made a deal. He took out eighteen corpses. All of them were swallowed by me, except for the cost. , These sources of life are left." Lin

Feng said regretfully: "It's a pity, too much has been given to him, but there is no way, the corpse is urgently needed now."

"Khan!" Nankong Ying whitened Lin Feng's eyes upon hearing the words, and said, "My Lin Feng Tianzun, you are not satisfied. If these words are spread out, you might be envious of a group of people. This is more popular than dead. I want to strangle you now, you made ten without any effort

The source of more than trillions of lives, a **** of heaven cannot earn so much even in his lifetime, you have a meal"

"Haha." Lin Feng heard the words and laughed and looked at Nan Kong Ying and said: "This is not envious. I tell you the source of life, you can use it. Although I don't have it now, I can think of a way at any time. Not enough to inform me directly, this time you must compete for the position

To win, of course safety comes first. "

"Know it."

Nan Kong Ying whitened her eyes when she heard the words. Lin Feng gave Lin Feng a glance: "I know you care about me. I am so touched. You prodigal man, let you marry me directly to relieve my crisis. Why do you make a deal with Nanjia? "This is not a prodigal, I want a woman, how can I take advantage of people's danger?" Lin Feng looked at Nan Kongying with a smile: "Our business will come naturally, well, go to retreat and practice, great destiny. I'll give you the technique too, so you can enlighten it yourself."

While speaking, he directly stretched his hand and pointed, and a beam of light escaped into Nan Kongying's brow and disappeared.

Nankong Ying's figure was shocked, and her heart was moved. "Lin Feng, thank you, I won't let you down." Nankong Yingmei looked at Lin Feng and said quietly: "You should also pay attention to your safety, especially after doing business with Nan Wukong, I guess Tianbaozhai will look for you Troublesome, you are really a troublemaker,

Never stop. Pull hatred everywhere. "

"No way, who made me too surprised to be stunning." Lin Feng stood up with a hand and smiled and said: "Isn't the emperor of the past like this? There are enemies everywhere, just get rid of them one by one.


Nankong Ying smiled upon hearing the words, "I am more than the Emperor of Heaven."

"What I can do, he may not be able to do it, silly girl, hug my thigh, and take you to the whole heaven." Lin Feng laughed and said, his figure stepped into the distant depths of the void, Then disappeared.


Nan Kongying looked at Void and hummed and said, "The arrogance is endless, but it seems that there is a possibility. I can't lag behind when I practice." After speaking, Nan Kongying turned and left.

The sea of ​​death blood, the sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and it is extremely depressing. A figure appeared in this time and space. The owner of this figure is Lin Feng. After he left the Valley of Ten Thousand Annihilation, he came here directly. This is it. The best place to fight, he believes

The Heavenly God Emperor from Death Valley will follow sooner or later.

Lin Feng walked on the sea of ​​blood and sat cross-legged. With a wave of his big sleeves, a stone appeared in the void. A pot of wine and two stone cups were placed on the stone table, and then filled with wine.

Suddenly he looked at a place with a smile and said, "Since he's here, he will come out to have a drink at the bar, and he has cultivated into a heavenly **** emperor. Is he still secretly doing things?"


A cold snort came from the void, and a black shadow appeared out of thin air in the void. The black shadow carried a strange aura, which was also mixed with an incomparably evil aura, like a source of evil. same.

The breath on his body seemed extremely deep.

Standing in the void with holding hands, like an emperor who rules countless heavenly gods, he looks down upon the world and looks down upon the heavens.

"Nanzhen Demon!" Lin Feng asked with a smile while looking at the visitor.

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