My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3967: Nan Zhen Mo is scared

"Shifang Tianjiao!"

Nan Zhen Demon looked at the Shifang Tianjiao that descended from the sky and lost his voice.

The Shifang Tianjiao is the sedan chair of the former Hongjun Tianjun. This palanquin was built by many people with supreme power. The more people there are, the more powerful the Shifang Tianjiao is. The great power of mystery.

Once it appears, a giant will fall.

Because the appearance of this sedan chair means the appearance of Hongjun Tianjun. Once Hongjun Tianjun appears, it will cause a **** storm. It is also possible that some strong people of Hongjun Tianjun’s line will appear. These powerhouses will also cause **** storms. When did the ten-party paradise tremble in the heavens, and make people talk about it. It is said that the forces of Death Heaven Valley, Nanjia, and Tianwu Valley should be in control of this ten-party parade, but it is a pity that Heavenly King Hongjun fell. When, these got the core of Hongjun Tianjun

Almost all the inherited ones are dead.

Like Death Heaven Valley dreamed of wanting to obtain the supreme way of these ten heavenly palanquins, but unfortunately, after so many years, they still have not found it.

"Yes, it is the Shifang Tianjiao, Nanzhen Demon, you should know this Shifang Tianjiao." Standing in the distant void, Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Nanzhen Demon with a smile. "Oh, Lin Feng, do you think this ten-square sedan chair can suppress me? Even if it can suppress me, how long can it suppress me?" Nan Zhenma stood in the void, his eyes cold, looking at the ten directions above his head Tianjiao sneered and said, "I will ruin this sooner or later

The ten heavenly sedan chairs will punish you one by one. "


Lin Feng laughed and said, "Nan Zhen Demon, you are too confident, well, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, and send Nan Zhen Demon on the road."

"You disappointed me too much. I will let you see and see the true power of the Heavenly God Emperor. Why should you call it the emperor in the Heavenly God God?" Nan Zhenma stood in the void, his gaze gradually changed. indifferent.


At this moment, Nan Zhen Demon suddenly broke out with a super aura, this aura is fierce and domineering, crushing any heavenly god, there is a kind of eternal mysterious aura of Da Luo, and at the same time, his entire human body is constantly changing, turning into An ancient clock.

The whole body of this ancient clock is engraved with mysterious textures. These textures are mysterious and natural. There are many textures of the gods of the gods. At the same time, the ancient clock carries an immortal atmosphere.


The ancient bell rang. This bell almost passed through the world barrier on the sea of ​​death and blood, and directly spread to other time and space corners of other mud plow days. This bell shocked countless primordial spirits, even the heavenly gods in the distant depths of time and space trembled. Dadao God is

Fear in the heart.


Lin Feng watched this scene sounded indifferently.

"Suppression!" Several thunderous shouts sounded. The voices of the gods and gods around the Shifang Tianjiao were uniform, straight into the sky and space, their powerful force injected into the depths of the Shifang Tianjiao, and the Shifang Tianjiao broke out at this moment. More dazzling light, shrouded endlessly


The sound of that ancient clock oscillated instantly disappeared.

"Boom!" The ten-square heavenly sedan thundered down, extremely fierce, and crushed the ancient bell in the void with the momentum of Mount Tai. It directly suppressed the ancient bell, and the two violently collided together, bursting out endless Turbulence, turbulence and death blood spreading around


In an instant, the blood of hundreds of millions of miles disappeared. The ten-party heavenly sedan was suppressed on the ancient bell, and there was a piercing sound. Suddenly, a human face appeared on the ancient bell. This human face was the Nan Zhen Devil's face. Nan Zhen Demon's face was grim and scarlet. His blood, his eyes are cold

Into the void.

"How? Nan Jinma?"

Lin Feng's figure fell from the sky. He came to Nan Zhen Demon and looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile and said, "Can my ten heavenly sedan chair suppress you?"

"Hmph, you can suppress me, but you can't kill me." Nan Zhenmo coldly snorted and looked at Lin Feng and said: "I want to get out of trouble. Soon, it will be based on these scraps."

"Nan Zhen Demon, you are really dying." An indifferent voice came from the Shifang Tianjiao, and the owner of this voice was Shentu Wujiang.

These Heavenly Dao gods are Shentu Wujiang, Turen King, Slayer King and others. Lin Feng has long passed the ten-square heavenly sedan chair arrangement method to several people, and several people assisted Lin Feng to clean up the Nanzhen Demon.

"Shentu Wujiang, it turned out to be you, and you have also been someone else's running dog." Nan Zhen demon looked at Shentu Wujiang with a sneer and said: "It seems that you are completely depraved." "Oh, Nan Zhen devil, your mouth is still like this. Vicious, but you did lose your chance of survival today." Shentu Wujiang looked at Nan Zhen Mo in pity: "The ten-party paradise can't completely suppress you, but it makes you half a candle.

Time can't move. "

"Haha, even if I give you a hundred sticks of incense, what can you do to me?" Nanzhen demon laughed wildly when he heard the words: "Even if the real God of Luo is here, you can't The time of the incense kills me."

"That's you too ignorant."

Shentu Wujiang looked at Nan Zhenmo and sighed: "Pity you, the God Emperor of Heaven is going to fall today, and you have lost a super giant in the Valley of Death."

"Don't pretend to be fools here." Nan Zhenmo coldly snorted.

Just when his voice fell, one hand was already on the ancient bell. The five fingers of this hand slowly pierced the ancient bell like a **** hook in the heavens. The sky above the ancient bell wailed, and the voice of God Luo It sounded, but it was like mourning.


Scarlet blood flowed from the ancient clock and poured into this hand. The face of Nan Zhen Demon that appeared on this ancient clock was completely petrified.

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