My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3980: Clash with Shentu Vanke

Mud plow days in the sky above the death patio.

Lin Feng's words immediately made Shentu Mohe's expression gloomy.


Shentu Mohe looked at Lin Feng and shouted coldly, "We don't need you to comment on our Shentu family's work. What are you? You actually point fingers at our Shentu family's affairs!"

Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang laughed bitterly when they heard the words. They didn't expect that Lin Feng came up with shocking words, and directly poked Shentu Mohe.

But the two of them are not easy to interrupt in this matter.

"Haha, did I say something wrong?" Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Shentu Mohe with a smile: "I think you know better in your heart, otherwise you won't be so angry."

"Huh, okay, today we are not going to meet guests at the Death Patio, please!" Shentu Mohe gave Lin Feng a cold look, and then glanced at Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang.


Lin Feng laughed wildly when he heard the words. He danced in the void, his powerful breath was rising, and his body rose up into a terrifying black hole.

This black hole has the momentum to swallow the heavens.

This caused Shentu Mohe to change color suddenly, and his breath tightened.


Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang did not expect that Lin Feng would directly come up to solve the problem with force. This is the territory of Shentu Vanke.

Once the force is used, it is equivalent to hitting the door and talking about wool.


The two of them couldn't stop Lin Feng at all. The terrible black hole in Lin Feng's body descended into the sky above Shentu Moe. The blood essence of Shentu Moe evaporated crazily and turned into a **** turbulence into the black hole.


Shentu Moe let out a stern roar, he madly blocked the blood loss on his body, but it was of no avail, and his whole body was in terrible pain.


At this moment an angry shout echoed in the void.

With the sound of this shout, a strange light appeared in the void. The light seemed to be a white magic knife, directly smashing into Lin Feng’s black hole. The magic knife did not have any aura, it was like a light from a Buddha. .


The black hole collapsed.

Shentu Moe lost the swallowing of the black hole, his figure broke free directly, and then stepped back a few steps, then a mouthful of blood came out, his face extremely pale.

An old man with a crane-haired childlike face also appeared beside him. The old man's figure was tall and majestic, with endless majesty in his eyes. He stood with his hands holding his hands, and the imperial spirit on his body was so powerful that both Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang felt deeply depressed.

"Lin Feng, the younger generation, see the God Emperor of Heaven."

When Lin Feng saw the people coming, he respectfully walked up and bowed and bowed in salute, neither humble nor overbearing.

"See Uncle Vanke."

Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang also walked up to salute respectfully. Although the two used to be in high positions in the mud plowing sky and control the power of the Shentu family, in front of Shentu Vanke, the two of them were shorter than the upper half.

The old man in front of him was Shentu Vanke.

The last few super-big men of the Shentu family's achievements. Basically do not ask about the Shentu family, but once the Shentu family suffers some life-and-death crisis, or when a particularly serious matter, these talents will appear, such as large-scale sky-level wars, or super-large-scale sky-level wars, or Patriarch elections

and many more.

Shentu Vanke saw the three respectful salutes, his expression lightened and looked at Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang, "Wujiang, has your matter been resolved? Have you made it clear with the family?"

"Knowing Uncle Vanke, I was wronged about this matter too." Shentu Wujiang said respectfully after hearing the words: "But the family didn't give me a chance to explain it, and I didn't know what to say about it."

"Oh, the family has always done things fair." Shentu Vanke said lightly: "Yangming, I heard that you also committed some things."

"Uncle Vanke, I am also puzzled about this matter. I want to arrest us for no reason, and even want to use torture instruments to beat us." Shentu Yangming smiled bitterly. "Oh, I said, the family is always fair in doing things." Shentu Vanke said indifferently: "Well, let’s leave your business alone. What is the so-called Lin Feng Tianzun coming here? If you don’t give an explanation, the emperor can only catch Arrest you into the jail

surface. "

"First, I just came to visit you, and you deliberately hid inside and refused to receive it. Second, I didn't do anything illegal." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Shentu Yangming and Shentu Wujiang changed colors.

This Shentu Vanke's temper was not well-known throughout the mud, and he was extremely hot.


Shentu Mohe cursed after hearing the words: "Lin Feng, what status are you, and what status is the emperor, how can you see you if you see it?" "I am not qualified to see, you know more clearly in this world. It’s a fist. For example, when you insulted me just now, I acted on you. You have lost a lot of vitality. More than that, you still have some hidden dangers in your body. These hidden dangers will cause

You are paralyzed for life, even the so-called **** emperor beside you can't solve it. "Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

"You" Shentu Mohe was so angry that he was suffering from severe internal pain at the moment, and it was useless to secretly take some life essence. Shentu Vanke's face sank, his hand resting on Shentu Mo's shoulder, after a long time, he glanced at Lin Feng and said, "Young man, there are so many things you don't understand in this world. Don't think that you have some strength and you don't know the heights of the sky. .


"no no"

Lin Feng stood holding his hand and smiled and said: "No one in this world knows the sky or the earth better than me. No one knows how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. No one knows better than me."

As he spoke, mysterious air currents rose up from his body, these air currents constantly changed in the void, turning into vortexes, the vortex was mysterious and mysterious, and then dissipated in an instant.

This series of changes was extremely rapid, even though Shentu Wujiang, Shentu Moe, and Shentu Yangming did not see clearly, but Shentu Vanke could see clearly.

There are eight universes in this series of changes!

Eight universes!

This is a rare existence in the heavens, and every such existence can make contributions and accomplish the existence of the heavenly monarch.

Even in peaceful times, you can still ascend to the throne of God Luo!

"Young man, you have crazy capital!" Shentu Vanke said lightly, looking at Lin Feng. "Am I qualified to let you come out to greet me in person? Can I be qualified to be your Shentu family's guest today?" Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and said with a smile.

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