My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4011: The Gaffe of Nan Zhen Mo

Vatican star,

Desolately desolate, this **** star is everywhere deserted, full of death, and the ground is full of ruined walls.


The two figures walking on the **** star are Lin Feng and Nan Zhenmo.

"The news is clear. The incarnation of Skywalker is sitting here, but his real body has gone to the depths of the starry sky." Nan Zhenmo looked at Lin Feng and said: "In the depths of the starry sky with a big guy Gambling."

"In the depths of the starry sky?" Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words: "Which boss?"

"A heavenly monarch from the Eastern Heavenly Court, the two have a conflict for fighting for an exotic treasure." Nanzhen Mo said: "If the Lord wants to swallow the heavenly veins here, they will definitely be discovered the first time. Once discovered, the real body will Come back."

Lin Feng frowned upon hearing this.

"Of course, the real body can't be rushed back right away. You have to experience the ten thousand extinction starry sky deep in the starry sky. This ten thousand extinction starry sky is terrifying, even if it takes a day for Tianjun to break through." Nan Zhen demon chuckled. Tao.

"One day is enough." Lin Feng heard the words and stood up looking at the void: "A strand of incarnation is not enough to be afraid."

"So the Lord has to calculate a period of time. Since the Lord wants to make trouble, he should hold an auction in Tianbao Pavilion." Nanzhen Mo said: "At this time, let them lose the surveillance of the Fankong Ancient Mirror, so that the Lord can do whatever he wants. Up."

"This is the key, what if they don't auction it?" Lin Feng heard the words. "This won't happen. Tianbao Pavilion has set rules. Once the auction is interrupted, all the auctioned items will be given to those present." Nan Zhenmo sneered and said: "They can't afford it, and the owner can also take out the items for them. Auction, even if they auction

Interruption will also compensate you. "

"Okay, okay, I like this rule." Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing the words: "I'll do a good job of calculating them this time, let's go, I will devour some of the sky veins now."

"it is good!"

Nanzhen Demon heard this and said with excitement: "It's great to see the Lord show his power with my own eyes, Tianmai, the first time I heard that I can swallow it."

Lin Feng suddenly looked into the depths of the earth, his eyes became fierce, and suddenly he took the Nan Zhen Demon to the depths of the earth.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The two of them appeared in a mysterious space. This space and time was extremely hot, and there were flames everywhere, and the flames were extremely terrifying, and even the gods of heaven were terrified.

"God Star Fire Sea!"

Nan Zhen Demon looked at this endless sea of ​​fire.

"Yes, this Daluo **** celestial vein is hidden in the sea of ​​fire of God Stars." Lin Feng stepped into the sea of ​​fire with his hand holding his hand, and Nan Zhen Demon followed behind him.


These flames madly rushed towards Lin Feng and Nan Zhenmo.

The South True Demon instinctively wanted to resist these flames, but when these flames were not yet close, a vortex appeared around Lin Feng, and the flames madly flowed into the vortex and disappeared.


Nan Zhen Mo cursed while watching this scene, even if he was the God Emperor of Heaven, he still had to use his strength to resist, and he couldn't hold it for a long time.

But Lin Feng swallowed it directly, swallowing these flames not only did not consume power, but also increased the most precious life source.


Fighting against such a person is simply desperate.

The two of them continued to move forward and soon came to the center of the sea of ​​fire. In the central area lies a huge dragon-shaped stone body. This dragon-shaped stone body is lifelike, and the scales on it are the texture of the God of Luo.

These big Luoshen textures are extremely complicated.

With mysterious power, the dragon-shaped stone body lay in the sea of ​​fire, like a great Luo deity transformed into a god. Its powerful aura made the Nanzhen Demon instinctively vigilant.

"Daluo God-level Heavenly Veins!" Nan Zhenmo was slightly excited when he looked at this Heavenly Vein, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to find it so easily.

"How to lose to the power of Fankong Ancient Mirror?" Lin Feng wondered.

"There!" Nan Zhenma pointed at the dragon's head and smiled.

Lin Feng heard the words and looked at the dragon's head. Sure enough, there was a space-time passage at the dragon's head. This space-time passage was golden in color, and he didn't know what material was used to strengthen it.

The dragon head spit out a stream of platinum blood, which turned into a sea of ​​blood, which was injected into the space-time channel.

Blood intermittently.

"Once the auction starts, someone will open the ancient Fankong mirror, and the ancient Fankong mirror will automatically absorb the power in the Daluo god's heavenly veins. At this time, a lot of power will emerge in the Daluo god's heavenly veins." Nan Zhenmo explained. Tao.

"I'm not willing to open it, Tianbao Pavilion cares too much about these costs. I deserve to be calculated by me today." Lin Feng smiled.

"You can't say that, no one can afford it. Even if you steal it, people will not lose money. The power consumed at all times is enough to be worth a great Luoshen Heavenly Line." Nan Zhenmo shook his head.

"You have a good grasp of these news." Lin Feng smiled and said: "Nanzhen Demon, have you planted a strong person in the Tianbao Pavilion?"

Nan Zhen demon hesitated after hearing this, and said: "This is indeed inserted, but this news of mine is from the heavenly monarch of our family. The Lord only needs to absorb one-third of the Da Luoshen's celestial veins. Affect the operation of the Fankong Ancient Mirror."

"one third!"

Lin Feng heard the words and stood up: "It is true. One third is a critical point. I will absorb one third first, and the remaining two thirds will be swallowed immediately when the auction starts, and the Van Kong Ancient Mirror will be lost. Source of strength."

As he spoke, he walked up and pressed his big hand on this Da Luoshen Heavenly Vein.

A black hole appeared in the palm.

The black hole rushed to the Daluo god's sky vein.

Daluo Shen Tianmai made a sound like a saw, and soon a fist-sized blood hole appeared, and scarlet blood flowed out of the blood hole. This blood contained terrifying power, and then the blood flowed to Lin Feng's palm.


There was a rumbling sound.

More and more blood flowed from it, frantically flowing into the palm of Lin Feng's palm, and then a mysterious liquid emerged from Lin Feng's other hand, which appeared golden red.

The golden red liquid carries a terrible breath of life.

This breath of life made Nan Zhen Demon's eyes hot.

"Fuck, fuck!" Nan Zhenmo couldn't care about the image. He had seen the life origin of the Da Luo God level, but he didn't.

Can't afford it, can't buy it!

It didn't even appear several times in the mud plow days.

However, Lin Feng directly transformed this level of life origin.

This kind of life origin has a fatal attraction to the Heavenly Dao God Emperor, let alone them, even God Luo wants this level of life origin. "There is no promise at all. Give you some Da Luosheng-level life source, don't shame me in the future." Lin Feng scolded when he watched Nan Zhen Mo's gaffe, he waved his hand and a cloud of golden red liquid flew south. Real magic.

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