My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4085: The identity of the ancient central emperor?

"The ancient central emperor of heaven is the one who truly realizes the realm of supreme dominance!"

The dead soul Tianjun looked at these two lines of words utterly lost. She didn't expect Hongjun Tianjun to leave these two lines in it. No one in the entire heaven could see these two lines, even if the gods were exhausted, it would be useless.

"This is specially reserved for you!" The soul of the dead Tianjun looked at the seven-inch stone slab in Lin Feng's hand and said: "This seven-inch stone slab is of average material, and even the most insignificant **** can blow it away in one breath, let alone billions of times stronger. There are more than Daluo God Emperor, as long as Daluo God Emperor forcibly breaks this big

Luo Benyuan Dzi Bead, the seven-inch stone slab in this big Luo Benyuan Dzi Bead was completely wiped out, and even restoration was impossible. "

"The ancient central emperor!"

"Could it be that the Lord is the ancient central emperor!"

"The ancient central emperor, it seems that the identity of the Lord in the past life is not the ancient central emperor, or the current central emperor, maybe it is a supreme figure who does not lose to these two emperors."

"The things Hongjun Tianjun desperately left behind, the words inside are true."

Nan Zhen Demon, Nan died, and the flames on the bodies of the Ten Thousand Xing Swords had been extinguished at this moment. They were as dark as coke, and their breath was very weak.

It was burned miserably by the dead soul Tianjun.

But although the aura was weak, the aura in their body was more refined than before.

They looked at the seven-inch stone slab in Lin Feng's hand and were shocked. Looking at the meaning above, Lin Feng is more likely to be the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor than the contemporary Central Heavenly Emperor. The contemporary Central Heavenly Emperor has already laid out and is ready to engage in Lin Feng.

"The ancient central emperor!"

Lin Feng stood with his hand in his hand, and a bit of bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Who should I believe? I believe in Qijue Tianjun? I believe Hongjun Tianjun?"

"Believe in yourself." The dead soul Tianjun heard the words and looked at Lin Feng and said: "With the current cultivation base of the emperor, no one in the entire heaven can do anything to you. With the passing of time, the cultivation base of the emperor will rise, and there will be no more in this heaven. People are your opponents, actually come here

One step, the fact is not important anymore. The important thing is that if the ten universes were really created for the emperor's previous life, the emperor in this life will surely enter the realm of supreme sovereignty. "

"Well, no matter what, you come to prove something for me today." Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun and said: "When things on the great sun star are understood, I will go to Jiu Tian to see for myself."

"Tiandi be careful."

Revenant Tianjun reminded. "By the way, where is the contemporary central emperor? Some people say that he broke through the realm of supreme dominance, and was hit hard by the four other emperors, and then was besieged by some emperors. Is this true or false? You are one of the participants. ?" Lin

Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun and asked.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know the truth of the matter. I used to go to Jiu Tian to worship the Emperor, but was blocked by the current Guardian Tianjun. He said that the Emperor is in retreat." The dead soul Tianjun said.


Lin Feng sneered when he heard the words: "Who do you think I can find to understand the truth?"

"Perhaps the one from the Dongfang family." Tianjun said: "But according to my investigation, the contemporary Central Heavenly Emperor was besieged by the nine powerhouses. He is probably on the verge of death."

"Hehe, it's really confusing." Lin Feng sneered.

"After all, it was the following crimes of conspiracy. They did it very concealedly, but many people have no evidence, and even if there is evidence, no one dares to uncover this thing easily." Tianjun explained.

"How is the cultivation base of Eastern Invincible?" Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun said: "And what is the identity of the Qijuetian Girl?" "I don't know the identity of the Qijuetian Girl, but one of the concubines of the Central Heavenly Emperor in the past is a Qijuetian Girl. "Dead soul Tianjun said: "To sum up, the Qijue Tianjun of this term may be the concubine of the contemporary Central Tiandi. Her layout is to let

The contemporary central emperor returns. "

Lin Feng's face was uncertain after hearing this.

"Where do you plan to go in Death Sky Valley?" Lin Feng looked at the Death Soul Heaven Jundao again.

"My Death Valley is ready to follow the Emperor of Heaven." Heavenly Lord of Death said directly.

"Oh, listen to what you mean, do you think I am the ancient central emperor? I believe your teacher did not abandon the ancient central emperor?" Lin Feng asked, looking at the dead soul with a smile.

"At present, this is the best result." The dead soul Tianjun said quietly: "And the teacher's attitude is to support you, the teacher has left, and we have no other choice in Death Valley." "You understand now. The situation is just fine." Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun and said with a smile: “The dead soul Tianjun, if you follow me, I will certainly not treat you badly. It seems that this matter is much more complicated than I thought. I am staring at Dongfang Wudi, I am looking for an opportunity to move this person, and to find out the situation in the next nine days, I am going to clean up some important people in the nine days, and see what happened to the central emperor today? If he is alive, he will definitely make a move. If the reincarnation does not return, it will definitely not come out."

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