My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4199: Besieged

"This is the Great Zhoutian Destruction Divine Spear!" Shentu Wujiang looked at the 108 divine spears floating in the sky changing color.

"Great Zhoutian Destroy God Spear!"

Shentu Qingyue looked at the Great Zhoutian Destruction Divine Spear in the sky suddenly changing color, especially Shentu Hongyue's face pale.

"Shentu Wujiang, I know you are inside, come out quickly!" At this moment, a majestic voice came from the sky.

With the sound of this voice, a group of figures appeared in the sky, probably dozens of people.

Each figure carried a powerful and terrifying aura, and all of them were powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao God level, and more than a dozen of them were of the Heavenly Dao God Emperor level.

Everyone's power is not lost to Nan Zhenma and others.

Some of these people in front of them are members of the Supreme Elders of the Shentu Family, and the so-called Supreme Elders are the core of the family.

Shentu Vanke, Shentuzhen and others belong to the supreme elders of the Shentu family. These people are the pillars of the family. Usually, the Shentu family will not appear when there is no major event.

And the one headed, the power is extremely violent, the aura on his body is like a cloud like a sea, endless and mighty, he stands there as if dividing the center of the entire time and space.

His eyes were sharp and domineering, he was wearing a bronze armor and holding a nine-day **** spear in his hand.

"Patriarch!" Shentu Wujiang couldn't help but shiver when he saw this figure.

The person who came is not someone else but an old patriarch of the Shentu family, a character from the previous era.

This person is named Shentu Haohan.

Shentu Haohan has reached the level of the Great Luo God in a few years. His cultivation is very terrifying, and he is highly regarded by the heavenly monarch of the Shentu family.

Moreover, he is in a high position in the Central Heaven Realm, and he is also one of the most powerful figures in the Shentu family.


Shentu Qingyue and Shentu Hongyue trembled at the sight of the two of them.

Thinking of this strong man's behavior, the two people's hearts fell to the bottom.

"Shentu Wujiang, you are still catching you now, did I slap you to death, or did you come by yourself?" Another figure walked out.

The owner of this figure is Emperor Shentu, who is also a powerful figure in the Shentu family.

His cultivation has reached the level of the quasi-Daluo god, and he is a strong figure in the current line of Patriarch.

Rumor has it that a long time ago, he and the old Patriarch in front of him fought for the position of the family, and then failed. From then on, he followed the Patriarch to fight the heaven.

"See the Patriarch, see the seniors in the clan." Shentu Wujiang stepped up respectfully, and saluted everyone slightly.

Shentu Qingyue and Shentu Hongyue stood motionless there.

"You two cheap maids don't come here soon." Shentu Zhenghuang looked at Shentu Hongyue and Shentu Qingyue coldly and shouted.

"You are not qualified to let us salute, what are you?" Shentu Qingyue coldly looked at Emperor Shentu's figure.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was discolored.

Shentu Zhenghuang's face turned gloomy, and his eyes revealed an astonishing murderous intent.


A monstrous aura erupted directly from his body, and a coercive force belonging to the quasi Da Luo **** shrouded in this space and time.

"Okay, very good, no one has ever scolded me for so many years." Shentu Zhenghuang coldly looked at Shentu Qingyue's figure and said, "You are the first one. If I don't punish you today, how can I stand up for the family? , How to manage the entire Shentu family!"

While speaking, his figure walked towards Shentu Qingyue step by step.

"The elder calms down!"

Shentu Wujiang hurriedly walked up, blocking Shentu Zhenghuang's path.


Emperor Shentu directly slapped Shentu Wujiang's face with a slap, and directly flew Shentu Wujiang out.

Shentu Wujiang had to vomit blood and fell heavily on the ground.


Shentu Qingyue and Shentu Hongyue both changed their colors and rushed up.

But he was stopped by Emperor Shentu Zheng.

"Kneel down!"

Emperor Shentu looked at the two women coldly, and extremely terrible pressure erupted from him.

This coercion destroys the world, even the gods of heaven cannot resist.

The coercion of horror rushed like a frenzy in the vast sea, Shentu Qingyue and Shentu Hongyue two women.

Seeing that the two figures were drowned.

A faint light burst out of Shentu Hongyue's body.

This light is mysterious.

There is a great tendency to travel through the past and the future.

"Xiao Xi!"

Shentu Hongyue felt this strength, her eyes were moist, tears were falling, and her face showed anxiety.

"Stop it!"

Shentu Hongyue knew that her child had begun to protect herself in her belly.

"Yeah, the child in your belly is not easy." Shentu Zhenghuang looked at Shentu Hongyue's figure coldly and said: "Okay, very good, even if you are strong before you are a baby, it happens that I lack a shell.

While speaking, Shentu Zhenghuang showed a grim smile on his face.

When this remark came out Shentu Hongyue, Shentu Qingyue, Shentu Wujiang was shocked.

There are many powerful people who reincarnate in reincarnation, and they are very weak when they are in the fetus.

If there is a peerless powerhouse, at this time, you can inherit the memory and cultivation of the fetus's previous life.

This method is extremely vicious, even during the time of Emperor Central Heaven, it was forbidden to use this method to grab food.

Because this method is too hurtful and vicious.

Shentu Wujiang never expected that people in his family would have such thoughts about his daughter.

"Shentu Zhenghuang, do you dare!" Shentu Wujiang's eyes were scarlet, he got up and looked at Shentu Zhenghuang's figure and shouted.

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