My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4248: Shock

"Eastern Invincible Great Heaven!"

When Bei Chen heard Shentu Qingyue's words, his figure trembled fiercely, not knowing why a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Eastern Invincible Great Heaven!"

Not far away, Tang Zhuo, Shentu's side, Nan Kongying, Can Xue, and Nan Tukong were dumbfounded when they heard these words.

They couldn't help but take a look at the dog behind Shentu Qingyue. Could it be that this dog was made by the Invincible Heaven?

When they thought about it, they felt it was ridiculous.

This is impossible!

How could an invincible heavenly monarch transform into a dog and listen to Shentu Qingyue's words.

This kind of thing is too ridiculous, even if you are dreaming, you don't dare to do it, but listening to Shen Tu Qingyue's tone, it seems to be true.


Just then a loud barking sounded.

The dog transformed into Dongfang Invincible ran out. He looked at Beichen Yidao's figure with scarlet eyes, wishing to swallow him alive.

If Beichen Yidao had taken the initiative to surrender just now and knelt down and begged for mercy, Shentu Qingyue would never let him come out to settle this matter if he didn't activate the formation.

He will not lose face unless he comes out to settle this matter.

Who is he? It is the ruler of the mud plow sky.

High above.

Even when the ancient central emperor of the ancients saw him, he would win over him as a brother.

But now in front of a few juniors, appearing as a dog, it made him crazy.

But he had to come out again, because Shentu's vast fate was there, extremely miserable.

"I absolutely don't believe it, you dead dog, I will let you die!"

At this moment, Bei Chen's roar sounded. I don't know why, his heart was inexplicably irritable.

Restless, it feels like the whole person explodes immediately.

He is going to break out!

Destroy everything in front of this moment.

A peerless divine sword appeared in his palm, and this peerless divine sword burst out with violent divine light, which shrouded in the depths of the entire eternal sky prison, like a rising sun in the heavens.


At this moment, the magic sword pierced the air and directly slashed the head of Xiang Dongfang Wudi Tianjun.

However, the speed of the dog transformed into the Eastern Invincible Heavenly Monarch increased even more, and it directly rushed forward and swallowed the magic sword in one swallow.

This scene made Bei Chen pale in shock.

The connection between him and this magic knife was lost.

This is the divine sword that he has worked so hard to sacrifice and refine, and the divine sword is an imperial-level heavenly artifact.


Just when Beichen was frightened with a knife.

The sound of a dog barking sounded again, and his heart was broken.

He saw the big dog transformed into Dongfang Wudi Tianjun biting at him with his mouth wide open.

"Do not……!"

Bei Chen let out a stern roar.

But to no avail, Dongfang Wudi directly bit Beichen's neck.


A terrible scream came from Beichen Yidao's throat, and Beichen Yidao was thrown on the ground by Dongfang Wudi Tianjun, biting wildly.

Bei Chen bit him with a knife, covered in blood.

"Tang... Zhuo, is this true?"

At this moment, Shentu, who was standing by, suddenly rubbed his eyes, and then looked at Tang Zhuo beside him and couldn't help asking.

At this moment, the dog transformed into Dongfang Wudi Tianjun still maintains the head of Dongfang Wudi Tianjun.

But he couldn't understand why the ruler of Nilitian turned into a dog at this moment, and was under the command of Shentu Qingyue.

And rushed to bite Beichen with a knife.

This is a mad dog!

What if Shentu Qingyue's status is noble? How could she direct a heavenly monarch to do such a mean thing.

"I...I don't know, maybe we are in a hallucination." Tang Zhuo heard Shentu's side, and she rubbed her eyes fiercely.

This scene made her feel unreal.

Before Shentu Qingyue commanded Shentu Haohan's transformed dog to bite the Eastern Demon, she felt a little unreal, but when she saw the Eastern Invincible Heavenly Monarch's transformed dog pounced, she completely felt unreal.

She can't distinguish between illusion and reality.

Was it because she was beaten up by Dongfang Demon and Beichen with a single knife, which caused her to have hallucinations?

"Are we dreaming? How could this kind of thing happen?" Can Xue and Nan Kongying also watched this scene and muttered to themselves.

"He is really a dog turned into by the Invincible Heavenly Monarch of the East, this dog head..." Nan Tukong couldn't help but ask when watching this scene.


At this time, Shentu Qingyue walked up with a smile and looked at everyone with a smile: "You don't have to doubt, this is not a dream, this is true. One of the two dogs was formed by Dongfang Invincible, and the other by Shentu Haohan."

"Qingyue, what's going on here?"

Nan Kongying looked at Shentu Qingyue and asked, "Dongfang Wudi and Shentu Haohan are both giants of the mud plow sky, rulers of the mud plow sky, how come they have all turned into dogs, and they still obey your commands." Yes, what the **** is going on? Even if the forces of Jiutian First City and Jiutian Second City come here, it is impossible to accomplish this thing, and even if it is done, why did they give you the command of these two dogs? "Tang Zhuo looked at Shentu Qingyue and said.

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