My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4250: Lin Feng's arrival

"Thank you!"

When she heard Shentu Qingyue's words, Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, and Nan Kongying's three daughters shed tears on their faces.

"By the way, Qingyue, how is the Shentu family now?" Shentu suddenly asked.

He felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, so he changed the subject directly, wanting to inquire about outside news.

"The whole family was basically executed, except for our veins." Shentu Qingyue said with a sad expression.

"Hey..." Shentu couldn't help sighing as he heard the words: "The dramatic changes in the heavens are coming. The changes are unexpected and unimaginable. Not only the Shentu family, I am afraid that the whole mud plow sky will cause a **** rain. The fishy wind, no, the entire central heaven

Violent shocks will happen! "

The ancient Central Heavenly Emperor returned strongly, and the people who followed him weren't the super bosses who were famous for ever.

Fazu, one of the four supreme ancients.

Lord Abi Dao, no less than Fazu in ancient times, and even in some ancient books, even the supreme ruler who is dying must reach friendship with this person.

Demon Lord, not to mention the Devil Emperor, these are the main figures of the fierce fighting and dominating in the ancient times, Hongjun Tianjun, Wanxian Tianjun are super ruthless characters in the ancient times, and their influence is terrible.

What's more, there are other powerful people around the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor, this force is enough to subvert the entire Central Heavenly Court. "I don't know who is going to be executed in the entire Central Heavenly Court, but at least the family involved in this matter will be punished by any forces that attack us, ranging from animals to beasts to death." Shen Tu Qing

Yue looked at Shentu and said.

"In the slightest, all become beasts, and in severe cases all are put to death!"

Hearing Shentu Qingyue's words, Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, Shentu's side, Nan Tukong and others couldn't help but shudder.

This war is too tragic.

They couldn't imagine the tragic.

"Qingyue, where is Shentu Tianjun of our family?" Shentu still looked carefully at Shentu Qingyue and couldn't help asking.

"The heavenly monarch of the family is dead, even if he is willing to be loyal to the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor, but the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor did not keep him, he committed a taboo." Shentu Qingyue looked at Shentu while explaining.

"The ancestor did too much in this matter, but..." Shentu looked at Shentu Qingyue and said, "You have no advice..."

"You also feel that the ancient central emperor did too much and almost killed the entire Shentu family? Do you know how these rebels dealt with us?" Shentu Qingyue looked at Shentu coldly when she heard the words.

Shentu didn't say a word when he heard the words, and he was speechless.

"If this were in the ancient times, no one in our entire family could survive, that is, you and us were able to survive by following the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor. Shentu Qingyue took a look at Shentu and said. "State-owned state law, family has. Family rules, even if the ancient central emperor did not punish him, his subordinates and masters would not agree to it, and how to manage the entire world without discipline? "At this time, Nan Tukong looked at Shentu and sneered, "The whole mud plow

God, no, it's time for a big change in the Central Heavenly Court. "

"Okay, don't discuss this matter. Each of us must be responsible for what we have done. If we can't bear this responsibility, we won't do it." Tang Zhuo directly looked at everyone to make a round.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Just when several people were talking, Dongfang Mo and Bei Chen's horrible screams stopped.

The two of them were bloody, lying on the ground dying.

And Dongfang Wudi Tianjun and Shentu Haohan came to Shentu Qingyue one after another. "You two should deal with other things quickly, remember your identities, make great contributions, and then you can turn into adults in the future, otherwise I will let your dignity shattered!" Shentu Qingyue looked at Dongfang Invincible coldly. Tianjun and Shentu Haohan

The two said.


Dongfang Invincible Tianjun and Shentu Haohan, the two of them heard their respective barking noises, and then turned and left.

Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, Nan Tukong, Shentu side, Nan Kongying and the others looked at this scene, still feeling unreal.

A superpower Patriarch, a powerful Supreme Heavenly Sovereign turned into a dog. "On the one hand, Nan Tukong will meet you after the two of you go out to help you step into the Da Luo God level. One of you is in charge of the Shentu family and the other in charge of the Nan family. I don't think anyone can stop you." Shentu Qingyue Took a look

Lower Shentu and Nan Tukong both said.

"Thanks to the ancient central emperor!"

After hearing this, Shentu and Nan Tukong knelt on the ground and bowed to the direction where Lin Feng once lived: "Weichen will die!"

Then the two stood up, turned and left.

Not long after the two left, a figure appeared in the void, and the owner of this figure was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Can Xue, Nan Kongying, and Tang Zhuo with a smile on his face.

"See the ancient central emperor!"

Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, and the three daughters of Nankong Ying went up to bow and salute. "Well, we don't need to be polite, we are all old friends." Lin Feng smiled and walked up, waving his big sleeves, and suddenly Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, and the three daughters of Nankong Ying were all caught in a gentle force. Helped up.

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