My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4260: Angrily kill the three great Luo God emperors

"Oh, this broken head? You are wrong. We didn't conquer you because this place is too barren. It is a place where rats live." Lin Feng glanced at the head lightly, his figure disappeared like lightning.

Wan Ye Tianjun was also included in his sleeve robe.

"Hmph, the ancient central emperor, this is just the beginning. The strongest thing that dominates the head is speed. It has a strong power of decay. Even the flesh and blood of the dominator can be decayed." The Earth Dragon Seven Killers snorted coldly.


At the moment when the sound of the seven kills of the earth dragon fell, the evil head suddenly accelerated, and the surrounding time and space Buddha fell into a stagnation, and the speed of this evil head skyrocketed and its volume became billions of times larger.

The time and space around Lin Feng was swallowed directly, and Lin Feng was naturally swallowed too.


The Seven Kills of Earth Dragon looked at this scene and laughed wildly, and the other two Great Luo God Emperors also laughed wildly. "I said earlier, the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor is nothing more than that." A great Luo God Emperor said with a wild smile: "A person who used opportunistic opportunities to board the Central Heavenly Emperor's seat in the ancient times, if I were in his seat, I could sit there. Central Emperor's

Seat, Da Ri Tianjun can't even think about me. "

"Yes, this guy is arrogant and arrogant." Earth Dragon Qisha also smiled evilly.


At the moment when the sound of the seven kills of the earth dragon fell, a muffled thunder came from the entire void, and a stern roar came from the evil head, and blood exploded in the entire void, and a rain of blood scattered throughout the sky.

Spread tens of billions of miles of time and space.

"not good!"


The Seven Kills of the Earth Dragon and other figures of the Great Luo God Emperor changed their colors after watching this scene. This was their background, but they were vulnerable to Lin Feng.


There was a rumbling sound in the void, and the huge evil head shattered in the void.

"Kacha, Kacha..." The sound of fragmentation sounded, and suddenly the blood-stained skull fragments scattered in the void, and fell on the ground around the dark sea. The ground shook and cracked hundreds of millions of miles.

A figure emerged above the dark sea. The owner of this figure was Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at the three great Luo God Emperors, including the Seven Dragons and Seven Slayers, with playful eyes.


At this moment, Dilong Qisha and other three figures of the Great Luo Divine Emperor level rose into the sky one after another, and the powerful and alarming air flow burst out directly, with a terrifying air of killing.

"The Primordial God destroys the Great Heaven Technique!"

"The primordial spirit burns the Great Heaven Technique!"

"The Primordial God Burning Heaven Great Heaven Technique!"

At this moment, the **** eyes in the eyebrows of the Earth Dragon Seven Killers shot fierce blood light, and this blood light carried the aura of collapse. This is one of the forbidden techniques of the Earth Dragon clan, which is transformed into collapse with the endless power of the soul. The power, obliterates the soul. The **** eyes of the second Emperor Daluo shot fierce blood, and the blood was burned, and there was a power to burn all things. This is one of the forbidden techniques of the Earth Dragon clan, the Primordial God Burning Datian Art, the Primordial God Burning Datianshu also burns with the power of the soul

Burn the opponent's soul.

The power of the primordial spirit of the Earth Dragon tribe is relatively evil, and the flames born are extremely terrifying, and it is one of the highest-level flames in the heavens.

Even the origin of the heavenly fire is inferior by three points.

The blood eyes of the third Daluo God Emperor flew countless flames. This flame was essentially different from the flames shot by the second Daluo God Emperor. This kind of flame was claimed to dominate the flames.

In an instant, the three great Luo God Emperor level figures shot, and together attacked Lin Feng. Lin Feng's figure stood still in the void.

"The ants are ants after all. What's the use of more ants?" Lin Feng looked at the three people as if looking at the dead and said faintly: "Today your earth dragons will disappear in the heavens."

His voice was icy.

"Don't be ashamed!"

"Go to hell!"

"The ancient central emperor, you will turn to ashes today!"

......The cold voices of the three great Luo God Emperors, including the Seven Slayers of Earth Dragon, resounded in the void, and the attack speed of the three powers was getting faster and faster. When they saw the attack on Lin Feng, Lin Feng swept black. Airflow.


In an instant, a violent explosion occurred centered on Lin Feng, and a terrifying air current swept across the dark sea. This air current contained highly poisonous, which could kill everything and all creatures in the heavens.

Toxic claims to dominate the death!

In ancient times, Lin Feng found the supreme ruler's corpse and cut its flesh to extract the ruler's corpse poison.

The memory of past and present life was restored, and he used a shattered hair of the dominator to extract the dominator corpse poison again.

Combine it in your own power, suitable for mass killing.



"Help..."...At this moment, the entire area of ​​billions of miles around Lin Feng is enveloped by the powerful Domination Corpse Poison. At this moment, hundreds of millions of living creatures are decayed, and the soul is festered, even if you are the God of Luo. Exception, even if you hide away from billions of miles


No one in the Earth Dragon can avoid this calamity.

This dark sea turned into a death zone in an instant, and the three great Luo God emperors such as the Seven Dragons and Seven Kills seemed to be struck by lightning. The figures of the three powerful men retreated a few steps in the void, and the attacks of the three also shifted. .

Passed by Lin Feng.

"Puff!" The Seven Dragons spit out a mouthful of blood.

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