My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4271: True power


The power of reincarnation on the sea of ​​reincarnation was directly mobilized by the Dilong Tiandi, and they rose into the sky, turning into beams of brilliant divine light, directly injected into the endless reincarnation, and suddenly the blood-colored reincarnation power soared.

Then countless reincarnation vortices continued to attack Xiang Lin Feng's figure.

"Block me!"

The black whirlpool on Lin Feng's body suddenly oscillated out, covering his whole body, and the surrounding ten directions of voids were defended from all directions.


Countless reincarnation vortices hit the black vortex fiercely, and the sound of earth-shattering explosions suddenly erupted. The blood-colored reincarnation collapsed in the void and turned into a rain of blood. The black vortex was full of holes.

Collapse directly in the void.

"Haha...Finally broke the black hole created by your celestial eye, Lin Feng, you have failed." At this moment, the Earth Dragon Heavenly Emperor stepped into the air, his body awe-inspiring, like a supreme ruler.

His finger pointed to Lin Feng's forehead.

"The Great Reincarnation Sword Finger!"

The figure of the Dilong Tiandi descended from the sky, and a pointing light hit Lin Feng's eyebrows. This finger was extremely fierce, overbearing and sharp, like a dominating finger, cutting through the space and killing it. The light did not arrive, making Lin Feng feel the crisis.

Lin Feng looked at Dilong Tiandi indifferently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It is worthy of the Great Reincarnation Sword Finger, but you still can't attack my defense!" At the moment when Lin Feng's voice fell, his eyebrows appeared. swirl.

"Lin are not broken!"

The Dilong Tiandi lost his voice when seeing this vortex. Although this vortex was very small, it showed the swallowing power of Qi swallowing the heavens, and the power of the big reincarnation sword finger, which was mainly attacking, was unexpectedly swallowed. feel.

"The Great Reincarnation Sword Finger will explode, Lin Feng, I see how strong your black hole is!" Earthlong Tiandi's sharp voice sounded, and his Great Reincarnation Sword Finger suddenly exploded with shocking power.


This finger broke directly and turned into a terrifying light to shoot towards Lin Feng's eyebrows.


When killing on Lin Feng's eyebrows, this finger suddenly exploded, and the violent explosion sound was like the collapse of the heavens, directly submerging the vortex on Lin Feng's eyebrows, and the vortex on Lin Feng's eyebrows gradually collapsed.

"Dominate the teeth!"

At the moment when Dilong Tiandi's fingers exploded, a ray of light appeared on the center of his brow, and a tooth was wrapped in this ray of light.

This tooth is the dominating tooth, this dominating tooth exudes a powerful and boundless power, and at the same time exudes the endless power of time stillness.

"In the name of the master, still the heavens!"

A deep and majestic voice came from the throat of the Dilong Tiandi.


The terrible power of the stillness of time spread to endless time and space, even if the Fazu standing not far away, the master Abidao and others were still at this moment.

"Dominate the teeth!"

Fa Zu, Abi Daozhu and others were shocked. They had seen Domination Teeth in ancient times, and it was terrifying.

Lin Feng, standing in the void, seemed to be still.

"The Great Reincarnation Sword Finger of the Origin of Heaven!"

"The five origins of the heavens, shaping the power of the great chaos, and reshaping the sword finger of the great reincarnation with the power of the great chaos!"

The five fingers of the Dilong Tiandi stretched out, clicking, and the sound of clicking came from the fingers, and the five fingers flew out directly, each of which carried the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and the gods of the heavens emerged from the five fingers. , The source of the heavenly tree, the source of the heavens, the source of water, the source of the heavens, the source of the fire, the source of the heavens, the source of the gods, the five source powers, and the five forces are intertwined to form a five-element strangling force. , Directly shot Xiang Lin Feng’s Yuan


"Haha...deserves to be the Dilongtian Emperor."

Lin Feng, who had turned into a static state, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and suddenly a black whirlpool appeared on his chest, and the black whirlpool swallowed everything.


The power emanating from the dominator's teeth was madly injected into the black vortex, and the five fingers rushed to the black vortex madly, and the black vortex swallowed them up like a long whale sucking water.

"Blast me!"

Looking at this scene, the Dilong Tiandi was shocked, and he uttered a loud shout.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Five consecutive violent explosions sounded, and the five fingers exploded directly, carrying the power to smash ancient and modern time and space, directly impacting the black vortex, and the black vortex collapsed directly, but the black vortex collapsed. In an instant, those five fingers

The exploded power also dissipated.

"This... Give me still!"

Dilong Tiandi was stunned at this scene, his figure stepped back in the void, and the dominating teeth on the center of the eyebrows still exuded powerful time and space power, and these time and space powers all flocked to Lin Feng's direction.

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, a black whirlpool appeared in the palm of his hand, and the black whirlpool swallowed up the power of time and space, which disappeared like a sea of ​​dust. "You...Lin Feng...This is the true power of your celestial eye. It is impossible. I have seen the record of the celestial eye. This is a book left by the supreme lord. You cannot cultivate the celestial eye to this level!"

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