My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4284: Heavenly Central Disturbance

"Yes, when the cultivation base reaches our level, apart from the King of Divine Artifacts and the dominance of the universe, almost nothing can enhance our combat effectiveness." The demon master also looked at Lin Feng.

"This is not necessarily true. There are still things in this world that can enhance our combat effectiveness." The Demon Emperor shook his head directly when he heard the words of Dao Master Abi and Demon Master. "The Devil Emperor, you won't tell me that it is the heart of the ruler. The heart of the ruler is extremely precious. It was destroyed by us and turned into ashes in the wars of ancient times. How could it still exist in this world? The absence of things in this world means No.

"The demon Lord looked at the Demon Emperor and said. "The ancient central emperor, this dominator's heart has disappeared for a long time. In the ancient times, our gods attacked all the power on the heart, because the dominator's heart is also the core of the dominator. Once the ruling heart is severely damaged, the ten universes in his body will also be indirectly damaged. If there is anything in this world that can greatly enhance our combat effectiveness, it is ruling the heart. Of course there are other things, such as Terrible heavenly magic, and one

Some special supreme artifacts, but these things are rarely enhanced. Fa Zu stood with his hand and looked at Lin Feng. " are really smart, yes, this thing is the heart of the supreme ruler, the heart of the supreme ruler, although the universe is not precious, it is also extremely precious. "Lin Feng looked at everyone and said with a smile: "What I prepared for you

One dominates the heart. "

As soon as the words came out, everyone changed their colors.

"This is impossible. In ancient times, the fierce battle between us and the Supreme Lord had already beaten his heart to soot. How could it still exist in this world?" The demon Lord shook his head when he heard Lin Feng's words. "Back then, I took the palm of the Supreme Lord, but when I was about to die, I exploded a Supreme Artifact and hit the Lord’s heart that was about to turn into ashes. It can be said that the heart of the Supreme Lord cannot appear in In this world

. "The Devil Emperor shook his head when he heard Lin Feng's words.

Dominating the heart in ancient times is difficult to leave soot! "In ancient times, I didn't participate in this war, so I didn't have a say, but if we can find the supreme dominating heart, our combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and we are not afraid of dominating the universe." Abi said. Hearing what everyone said, suddenly said. "I feel that the world is unpredictable. Many things are unexpected. The Supreme Ruler's cultivation base is unfathomable. It is not what we can imagine. Perhaps your broken hearts are reunited together.

"Dilong Tiandi and Wanxian Tianjun both walked up to express their opinions. "Well, everyone, I don't have to deceive you. I did find a supreme sovereign heart. Is it right after we saw it? You know, and after you have the supreme sovereign heart, I can’t swallow your power. Therefore, when you face other central emperors in the future, you can greatly increase the power of self-protection, and even this sovereign heart can control In the hands of Fazu, Fazu and that kind of person competed against each other by five to five! "Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at everyone


"Haha... if I really have a dominating heart, it would be best. If I master this dominating heart, even when facing you, I have a 70-80% chance to win."

"Unfortunately, there is only one heart of the Supreme Lord. We don't know how to divide it by then, Fa Zu, even if you get the heart of the Supreme Lord, you may not be able to defeat the ancient central emperor." The demon lord looked at Fa Zu and laughed. . "The ancient central emperor, are you really willing to let it out? After all, this thing is also very important to you. For example, you can continuously refine your power through the supreme sovereign heart, inject it into the universe, and dominate the universe.

The power out is even more terrifying. "The Devil looked at Lin Feng and said. "Haha...If I don't want to let it out, I won't tell you this. Although the heart of the supreme ruler is important to me, it is more important to you. You become my partner. I believe you on that day. "Lin Feng

Standing with his hands holding hands and watching everyone smile.

"Okay, thank you for your trust. I am afraid that the heart of the supreme ruler is not so easy to obtain. Let's not talk about the issue of distribution now. Let's get the heart of the supreme ruler." Fazu sees Looking at Lin Feng.

"Yes, first find this sovereign heart, and then where is this supreme sovereign heart hidden? Why didn't we feel its existence? Is it still sealed with the supreme artifact?" The devil looked at Lin Feng Tao.

"The seal is not sealed, but that place is indeed very dangerous. You should know the chaos in the center of the heavens, the Emperor Earth Dragon?" Lin Feng suddenly looked at the Emperor Earth Dragon.

"The center of heaven is chaotic!"

Dilong Tiandi suddenly changed his color when he heard this name.

"The center of the heavens is chaotic, why haven't I heard of this name?" When Fa Zu heard the name, he could not help but shudder, but he really hadn't heard of the name.

"The chaos in the middle of the sky, what is this place?" Abi Dao Master, Demon Master and Demon Emperor looked at each other.

They don't know this place either. Then they looked at Lin Feng and Dilong Tiandi one after another.

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