Yun Qiu thought that Yu'er and the others had already returned, but after returning to the tavern, she asked the owner about it.

Yun Qiu was unavoidably a little anxious. What worried her the most was Yu'er. Could it be that something had happened to Yu'er again?

Yedi comforted her softly. "My wife, this matter won't happen. You should be at ease, let's wait a little longer."

The shopkeeper also agreed, "Yes! Madam, Miss Yu'er and your little brother will definitely be fine! " The shopkeeper was speaking the truth. He hadn't seen anyone who could get lost just by going out for a walk.

If Yu'er knew what the shopkeeper was thinking, he would definitely blush. Because she was the kind of person who would get lost when she went out.

As soon as the shopkeeper finished speaking, the faint sounds of laughter could be heard from afar. Yun Qiu could not help but smile, it was Yu'er and the others who had returned!

As expected, Yun Dong and Yu'er had returned. Yun Dong took the lead and said, "Elder sister, I'm sorry. We forgot the time and made you worry."

Yedi especially looked at the bowl of Yun Dong, the more he saw this brat, the more he liked him. Yun Qiu laughed and said, "If there's nothing else, we'll just be back."

Yu'er who was standing beside them and listening to what Yun Qiu said couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to leave any bad impression on Yun Qiu again. Moreover, the thing that Yu'er was most afraid of was that if she came back late, Yun Qiu would be infuriated. Yu'er could not help but think, luckily, Miss has just returned. Otherwise she would be miserable.

At night. Yun Qiu brought Yun Dong to a guest room, and Yun Qiu carefully arranged a room for him. Then, he turned around and spoke to Yun Dong, "Dong'er, you can rest here."

Because Yun Dong wanted to stay here and did not return to Yun Family tonight, Yun Qiu found the shopkeeper and arranged another guest room. This guest room was located opposite of Yun Qiu's and Yedi's guest room, so Yun Qiu was feeling at ease.

Yun Qiu's warm movements couldn't help but cause Yun Dong's heart to warm up. Yun Dong smiled and said, "Elder sister, thank you."

Yun Qiu rubbed Yun Dong's head, and could not help but smile gently, "Silly child, why are you thanking me? We are a family, there is no need to be so polite. "

Yun Dong nodded and smiled at Yun Qiu happily.

Yun Qiu exhorted Yun Dong, "Sleep early, come find me if you have anything to say!" Then she turned around and walked out.

Returning to the guest room, Yun Qiu was clearly exhausted. In fact, she wasn't tired today, but Yun Qiu felt that his body was not as healthy as it was before. Yun Qiu knew that it was definitely because Yedi doted on her too much that she was willing to do anything, let alone train herself. Yun Qiu secretly decided in her heart that she had to go out more in the future to take a walk.

Yedi knew that Yun Qiu was definitely very tired, and did not tease him. Instead, he very gently took off Yun Qiu's clothes, and then carried her to rest on the bed. Yedi's actions gave Yun Qiu a very warm feeling, as if they were already an old couple.

However, Yun Qiu did not have the time to experience this right now. Yun Qiu softly said to Yedi, "Hubby, rest …" Then she closed her eyes. Yedi could not help but chuckle. As a wife, he must be exhausted.

The sky was getting darker, and the wind was blowing. Yun Qiu could only describe it with these eight words, or maybe it was even colder. Yun Qiu never thought that when she woke up and went to prepare water for Yedi, she would be surprised to find that the weather had changed. Yun Qiu was surprised, why was the weather so cold?

Yun Qiu was suspicious, but changed her mind. Actually, their season in the rural areas was just this cold. It was just that when they arrived at the Fire Cloud City, the climate of the Fire Cloud City was a bit warmer. Yun Qiu thought as she looked at the weather. It seems that she would have to move soon.

Yun Qiu suddenly felt her waist tighten, and could not help but be shocked. In the end, she heard Yedi's voice from above him, "My wife, what are you looking at?"

Only then did Yun Qiu calm down and sighed, "Hubby, look at the weather … "I'm afraid …" What Yun Qiu wanted to say was, it was probably not good for the crops. Because most crops are hot, but now they're suddenly like this.

Unexpectedly, Yedi said with a chuckle, "My wife, there is no need to worry. Looks like it's the season of harvest. "

After Yun Qiu heard this, she could not help but be shocked in his heart. Then, she suddenly recalled what Yedi had told her before. She still remembered when she advised Yedi to harvest the rice earlier, but Yedi said that it wasn't time yet. Yun Qiu really didn't understand. Now that she heard Yedi's words, Yun Qiu couldn't help but guess in his heart: Could it be that it was already the season for harvesting?

Yedi carried Yun Qiu back to the guest room and closed the door. Then, he turned to Yun Qiu and said, "My wife, if you have anything that you don't want to resolve, please ask me directly."

Yun Qiu shook her head, Yedi had told her all these before. So she really had nothing to ask. Seeing Yun Qiu like that, Yedi did not force him, but only said, "My wife, the harvest time for my rice is October. It's now October. "

Yun Qiu actually felt it was very fast. Time flew by, but it was already October. Yun Qiu could not help but feel sad. Yedi continued, "My wife, it is already the harvest time, we should start preparing now."

Yun Qiu nodded, but she suddenly thought of a problem. How in the world was she going to deal with her family's big paddy field? And now that the month of October had come and the crops were ripe, it was time for them to return to the countryside.

The answer Yun Qiu got was of course yes.

Yun Qiu looked at the guest rooms across him, thinking of the things she had said to them, she suddenly didn't know what to do. Yun Dong had said before that if he wanted to harvest something, he would also go with them. Firstly, she could help, and secondly, she was familiar with Yun Qiu's residence. It was just that this matter had not been told to Yedi yet, although it was not a big deal. Yun Qiu also knew that Yedi would agree. The key thing was that the current climate was so cold, bringing Yun Dong back, was it really that convenient?

Yun Qiu fell into deep thought, Yedi could not help but look at Yun Qiu suspiciously, "My wife, what are you thinking about?

Yun Qiu hesitated and then told Yedi everything in her heart, including the matter of Yun Dong going to their village. Yedi nodded his head in agreement as expected, but he was still very worried.

Yun Qiu thought for a while, then said to Yedi, "Hubby, wait for us here." Yun Qiu decided to personally ask Yun Dong.

Just as Yun Qiu was about to open the house, Yun Dong opened it herself. Yun Qiu was shocked as she heard Yun Dong speak. Elder sister, why are you here? "

Right now, the genius had just lit up and Yun Dong was not out of bed. He was out of convenience, but he never thought that he would actually bump into Yun Qiu like this.

Yun Qiu hesitated as she asked Yun Dong, "Dong'er, we can return to the countryside in a few days, but now that it's the October season, are you sure you want to follow us back?"

This was what Yun Qiu was worried about. But Yun Dong said firmly, "Elder sister, I still want to go."

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