Yun Qiu woke up very early, although because of the things that Yedi did not tell her last night, she could only let her imagination run wild for a while. But fortunately, Yun Qiu did not delay them.

Yun Qiu walked out softly, and then continued to fetch water for Yedi. Who would have thought that Yun Qiu would see Yu'er — — Yu'er was cooking in the kitchen. Because the food in the Pleasing Inn was actually not that tasty, there were times when it was Yun Qiu and the others who cooked it themselves.

This morning, when Yu'er woke up so early, Yun Qiu was very surprised. Yun Qiu opened her mouth and called out, "Yu'er …"

Yu'er immediately turned and smiled at Yun Qiu, "Young miss, good morning!"

When Yun Qiu saw that the Yu'er had finished speaking, all of her attention was once again focused on cooking, he could not help but be slightly startled. Yun Qiu could not help but ask, "Yu'er, what are you doing?" Don't tell her that because it's almost time to leave the Fire Cloud City, I won't be able to eat meat for a very long time. All of them.

Yu'er replied with a smile, "Miss, I know you were exhausted yesterday. Aren't we going back to the countryside today? I thought that since I can't sleep anymore, I might as well help you prepare breakfast! "

Yu'er's words had exceeded Yun Qiu's expectations, but Yun Qiu was obviously very happy. Yu'er's thoughts had finally caught up to her footsteps. Yun Qiu smiled at Yu'er, "Thank you, Yu'er." Then, she went upstairs to bring some water for Yedi.

Yun Qiu and Yu'er woke up so early, causing the shopkeeper to sigh about how hardworking they were. If he had such an employee in his shop, perhaps his shop would have gone viral.

Yun Dong heard the noise outside and also got up. On the other hand, only after Yedi washed up did he slowly go downstairs. Seeing Yedi, Yun Dong immediately called out, "Brother-in-law!"

Yedi had a very good feeling about this. He nodded towards Yun Dong, then said gently, "Go and wash up in the kitchen. Your Elder Sister Yu‘er is also there. "

After Yun Dong heard this, he immediately ran inside. Just as he finished washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Yu'er's food had also been prepared. In fact, Yu'er only stir-fried a few small dishes and cooked a little porridge. Yun Dong carried all these and left the place, looking hungry.

Yu'er, who was behind him, did not know whether to laugh or cry as he shouted, "Dong'er, slow down! Be careful. "

After a lively breakfast, Yun Qiu started to pack up the things she wanted to bring back. It was only now that Yun Qiu realized that the clothes that he had wanted to give to her was already a little small. Yun Qiu had thought of using it to improve herself. In the end, because she had been out playing with Yedi all day, she forgot about it. Yun Qiu was very vexed, but when she thought that Yun Dong would follow them back to the countryside, she felt a little better.

Yun Qiu muttered to herself, "Looks like I have to fix it as soon as possible …" Yun Qiu was so impressed with herself that she could even forget about this matter. Fortunately, she finally remembered.

Yu'er called out to Yun Qiu from downstairs, "Miss, is everything ready?"

Only then did Yun Qiu regain her senses, and anxiously said: "Alright, I'm coming!"

As she was too tired from last night and they didn't have anything to bring with them, Yun Qiu didn't gather anything until this morning.

After preparing everything, Yun Qiu and the others felt that they could set off. It was just that for some reason, Yun Qiu suddenly felt a little reluctant to leave the Yun Family s.

Yun Qiu quietly asked Yun Dong, "Dong'er, you …" Before he could finish his words, Yun Qiu heard Yun Dong say, "Elder sister, I've been wanting to leave the Yun Family since a long time ago."

What Yun Dong meant was, there was no need to worry about it. Moreover, leaving Yun Family this time was not a matter of life and death, but it was just that he would be back in a day soon. Therefore, Yun Dong was not stupid enough to tell Yun Huaizhong. To Yun Dong, this was really a thorn in his heart. Although Yun Huaizhong wanted to do everything in his power to satisfy him, Yun Dong would definitely not forgive him just because he put on an act.

Thinking about Yun Huaizhong, Yun Dong couldn't help but be unhappy, and thus he didn't ask him about it. He only touched Yun Dong's face, his eyes filled with pain. How could Yun Qiu not understand Yun Dong's feelings? Yun Family may seem like a gold in the eyes of others, but to them, it was actually a dungeon. Furthermore, it was a dungeon that would never be able to be undone.

Yun Qiu couldn't help but find it laughable. They kept trying to escape from this dungeon. But Mrs. Rong spent a lot of effort to enter. Now that Mrs. Rong finally got her wish, Yun Qiu couldn't help but think that maybe now, Mrs. Rong wouldn't feel this kind of power and happiness anymore. However, Yun Qiu did not sympathize with her at all. Back then, when they were still in the Yun Family, they received a lot of pressure from the Mrs. Rong!

Yun Qiu stopped thinking about all this. She was clearly in a very good mood, and it was precisely because she was thinking about all these that she became depressed. Yedi held Yun Qiu's hand and comforted him, "My wife, we will be returning to the countryside soon."

Yun Qiu smiled slightly. Yu'er pulled Yun Dong and ran to the side, while running she turned her head and said to Yun Qiu, "Miss, let's go find the coachman!" was a little helpless, the carriage drivers were everywhere, why did the Yu'er want to go far?

Whatever, she should have something to say to the Dong'er. As Yun Qiu thought about this, her expression unconsciously became sorrowful. Of course, when Yedi discovered Yun Qiu like this, she couldn't help but feel her heart ache. Yedi stroked Yun Qiu's eyebrows and then said gently, "My wife, this is the worst time to look at yourself like this. It's also when your husband is feeling the most heartache. "

When Yedi's words fell, Yun Qiu felt that the surroundings had become completely silent. Yun Qiu didn't know how to describe how she was feeling right now. Just as Yedi was at a loss and did not know what to do, However, Yun Qiu's tears suddenly turned into a smile, and she directly kissed Yedi on the cheek.

Yun Qiu emotionally hugged Yedi's waist and said, "Hubby, thank you …" Hubby was always like this, appearing when she was at her most heartbroken. With a completely different feeling, Yun Qiu felt that he wouldn't be able to leave Yedi's side in the future.

In a short while, Yu'er ran back with Yun Dong. Seeing Yun Qiu and Yedi in such a state, she could not help but feel speechless. They've only been gone for a short while? Young mistress and Young Master are too much of a love!

Noticing the glint in Yu'er's eyes, Yun Qiu immediately left Yedi's embrace with a red face. The Yu'er then said earnestly, "Young Master, we can leave now." In fact, Yu'er had a kind of noble feeling. It was clear that her young miss and she were both farmers now, but Yu'er had a nagging feeling that there was something different about them. As for what it was, even Yu'er didn't know, the only thing that could explain was that her young master was really powerful! As for the reason why Yu'er didn't say it for now, it was her and Yun Dong's secret!

Yun Qiu and Yu'er sat in the palanquin. After the palanquin had departed, the Yu'er said with ill intent, "Miss, tell me, are you and Young Master …"

The Yu'er's tone of voice had a questioning tone, causing Yun Qiu to feel uncomfortable. Yun Qiu frowned and looked at Yu'er, "Yu'er, if you keep talking like that, I'll get angry." Yun Qiu also felt that the Yu'er was being a little too excessive. The Yu'er had admitted her wrongs multiple times already, but she never kept her promise even once.

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