My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 186: Pros and cons

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

King Huaiyang has no psychological burden, and his existence is not to make the truth known to the world, as blue as water and as clear as a mirror. He was tired enough to survive with the suspected sick emperor brother, but he didn't want to get involved in the dispute between the prince and the prince.

It is his ability that he can live comfortably.

The crown prince and the king of Xin'an have a dime in their heads. Don't put him in the head. Who cares about them?

As for the emperor Yuheng, now that he is more than suspicious, Concubine Liu Gui was almost mad when he died, and the King of Huaiyang really didn't like to get in front of him if he was okay.

Look at the things he did after Liu Guifei died, and when he was crying for funeral, he picked the one who cried the most cruelly, so that he was sealed off as a Yuzhou provincial governor.

Feeling that the mountain road to Liu Guifei’s tomb was not easy to walk, he asked Pan Shuo to summon the people to repair the mountain road...

The more I live, the more I go back, and I have faintly fainted. He still wants to run to Longshan Tomb with three meals a day, and talk to Concubine Liu Gui as he is in the palace?

The problem is that if he dares to talk, she must be able to talk back.

With this player, King Huaiyang didn't dare to provoke him. Now he has served Xie Xian. This guy is smart enough to report illness at home when he sees the situation is not good, and he has been a month old after raising him. This is to convalesce or raise a fetus, but it’s a wind and cold, really when others don’t know him. If the signs are wrong, there is definitely a disease, and the disease is always in his arms, so he can take it out at any time.

King Huaiyang gave a secret sip, but he also wanted to pretend to be sick and hide from the emperor. But his body is stronger than a pig-bah bah, stronger than a cow, he has to be believed by someone who dares to pretend.

Either it can be said that everything has one advantage and one disadvantage.

He really wanted to see what kind of manners the honest and loyal Xie Chang waiter was in the funeral of the emperor's brother, and whether he would cry for a noble concubine. As a result, the family did not attend at all and escaped perfectly.

I think that my horse urine in response to the occasion is a little panic, but is it worth it to be a concubine? !

But he couldn't do anything too much. Their old Song family had the blood of cannibalism in their bones, and being able to rise from the wind and water of Emperor Yuheng's hands had not been forgotten for many years, and they couldn't break the power here.

King Huaiyang went to the Queen Mother’s Palace and sat again. When he was a teenager, his aunt died. He was thrown into the Queen Mother’s Palace by the first emperor. The Queen Mother Pan had no city, but he treated people sincerely, thanks to his peace. Empress Dowager Pan is doing well, otherwise the emperor Yuheng's superiors may decide that he will also be chopped off.

Concubine Liu Gui is dead. Princess Xuancheng is a princess who has nowhere to put her. Although Queen Mother Pan doesn't like Concubine Liu Gui, but she really loves Princess Xuancheng, she accepts her to live in the palace.

Princess Xuancheng went down and rested when King Huaiyang went.

Empress Dowager Pan changed from Princess Xuancheng's gracious and gracious grandmother's appearance, and started scolding Concubine Liu Gui in front of King Huaiyang, which was a disaster. The harem that jumped up and down alive was not peaceful, and if he died, he was half-dead to the emperor's scourge.

After listening to Empress Dowager Pan scolding for half an hour, King Huaiyang dragged his cumbersome body out of the palace and returned to the palace. Just after getting out of the car, the little **** in the palace chased him, and Emperor Yuheng summoned him into the palace.

After the meeting, there was nothing else but to drink with the emperor. From evening to midnight, the emperor cried and drank more than he drank.

He didn't dare to drink too much, for fear that he would not have a door in his mouth when he drank too much, and then beat the emperor who was talking about him, and he would not know how to die afterwards.

"...You said, how about I pass the throne to Xiaoliu?"

It may be that I have been drinking a lot of alcohol recently, the amount of alcohol is good, and I have not seen the emperor's fragment after drinking for a short half of the night, then his thinking is clear, his eyes are bright and bright.

"Brother emperor, you are my emperor brother, both the emperor and the elder brother. What you say is what you mean, and I am sure to take care of it. The emperor belongs to the emperor, so naturally you give it to whom." Huai Wang Yang looked serious.

It is very good to cover up that little contempt in my heart.

The throne is true for him, but if you want to pass it to someone, it's really hard to say whether the emperor can do it himself.

When the king’s family is vegetarian, when those families are all paper tigers, can you leave it to you? How many interests are involved in the throne?

There was also a concubine Liu Guifei who was supporting the emperor in the harem before, and blowing pillow breeze for the emperor, but he was unable to shake the position of the prince. Now that Concubine Liu Gui is dead, and Wang Xin'an has no help for such a little man, the emperor wants to pass on the position, so if he passes it to him, he has to sit still.

The brain is a good thing, but the emperor's brain seems to be brought to the ground by Concubine Liu Gui to bury it.

Emperor Yuheng wiped away his tears, and when he heard King Huaiyang's words, he was not completely untrue. They didn’t touch each other, they all had their own calculations, or his regular attendant was straightforward and clever, and he didn’t hide it, and always told him something--


His honest attendant Xie Chang seemed to have not seen him for some time, and the emperor's mind seemed to wake up.

What's wrong, sick again?

"How long did Xie Changshi take leave this time?"

Is this from Liu Guifei to Xie Xian?

As soon as he talked about the position of the prince, he turned to think of Xie Xian. This shows that Xie Xian's weight in the emperor's place is not to be underestimated.

"It's been almost a month, I heard it was windy and cold, and then it broke out. Didn't the emperor send an imperial doctor to see it?"

"My heart, I have to follow Concubine Liu, and I feel utterly unconscious every day." Emperor Yu Heng sighed frequently. "Zhiyuan, if you have something you like, you have to treat others well while you are alive, otherwise it is yourself who will suffer in the future."

King Huaiyang noticed that the emperor was full of food, and when the country stabilized, he began to seek spiritual comfort, and he was sincere in his play.

But he is different. The sons and grandchildren of the Song family have been killed by the emperor one after another. He struggles with life and death every day, and he is not careful.

"What the emperor teaches is that I must listen to the emperor."

Emperor Yuheng nodded frequently, but his thoughts flew far away, and his desire to pass the position to King Xin'an grew more and more grassy.

Concubine Liu Gui is dead. If he can no longer protect their children, how will he meet her again when he is dead?

The two brothers toasted and drank, both absent-mindedly.


After half a month, Emperor Yu Heng sent an imperial physician to Xie's house, but he never saw Xie Xian at all, and the family of the Hui clan has never returned to worship the ancestors.

The Xie family Chen Junyang Xia team followed Daliang Taizu to the south, and now most of them live in Xiapi County, not far from Jiankang, but it is only a day or two by car.

The elder family of Xie's elder family worked in Jiankang, and most of his tribe members were in Xiapi County.

It is the twelfth lunar month, and hunting sacrifices are held on the eighth day of each year to worship gods and ancestors to pray for blessings and longevity, and to avoid disasters and welcome prosperity.

Every year, the Xie family of Jiankang City would go back to Xiapi to worship their ancestors. Xie Xian was no exception. The whole family went to Xiapi in order. It was okay at the beginning, but everything was normal to worship the ancestors. After eating, drinking and eating, all the old and weak, women and children were excluded. Xie Xian was invited to the ancestral hall by the patriarch.

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