My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 198: Demon

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Whenever thinking of her unreliable son, the back of Mrs. Pan's head hurts.

There was no interest at the moment, and Xiao Baoxin quickly got up and said goodbye when he saw the empress dowager.

The mistress of the Pan family stayed with her for a long time. Not long after Xiao Baoxin left, she also said goodbye and retired. Sure enough, she saw that the Queen Mother hadn't stayed, her expression was a little tired. There are many people who enter the palace for peace during the New Year, and the queen mother is really lacking.

After everyone was gone, the little **** who was sent by the Queen Mother to pick Xiao Baoxin into the palace reported that Princess Xuancheng cried after she left the palace.

Sure enough, seeing the gloomy face of Empress Dowager Pan, the little **** secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing how right he was.

Only returned to the back room to rest. Only when the confidant was the Zhao family, the Empress Dowager Pan scolded: "Xuancheng has been spoiled since childhood and lawless. You said I would take it over with good intentions. It was either her or the emperor who took it for three days. It's a hot potato."

"This is a Chinese New Year, if gossip is passed on to the emperor, he might still treat his daughter as I abused him, and do it with me."

Mother Zhao is less than 50 years old in her forties, and she is about the same age as Queen Mother Pan, but she doesn't have the beauty of Queen Mother when she was young, and naturally she doesn't have the care of Queen Mother. I am now in my early fifties, and I spend more than 20 small secret recipes every day.

When Grandma Zhao was young, she also had a square face. When she was old, her face was more square, with average facial features, but her skin was white, and she was a few shades of whiter when she was old.

"Maybe it was because I saw the Queen Mother's family and her family were happy and happy, and I missed my mother." Grandma Zhao calmed down.

"I'm not unreasonable, you say the emperor—" The Queen Mother said that her head hurts even more, and her teeth started to hurt. "It's just a concubine, let his children be filial, and don't be afraid of making jokes when they say it. The family always looked down on us, okay, he was so scolded by others, and he was opposed by memorials."

"I'm so embarrassed to say it. Xuancheng doesn't make people worry, but you see that she wears plain clothes every day and doesn't dress up. What did I say? Filial piety is stronger than anything else."

"Hey, let's not talk about it. The more I talk, the more angry I am. I have never seen such a filial emperor."

I am very filial to my concubine!

"Xuancheng is indeed pitiful. He has lost his relatives at a young age, and has an unreliable father. What do you think he is going to do? He used to be an emperor who was very rational and intelligent. Has his mind taken away?"

Mother Zhao was silent, saying ‘you say’, what can she say by herself?

It would be disrespectful to talk about the emperor.

"This Xuancheng... Well, did you wake up at Seventeen? Let the nurse hold me to see, this is even more pitiful." Empress Dowager Pan was not forgiving, but she had it in her heart.

Seventeenth is the birthday of the twelfth lunar month. I was only one year old a year ago, and now I can’t even understand the whole sentence.

The poor little aunt died at a young age, and he had to let the emperor see things and think about people and cry bitterly.

If it wasn't for her to scold him twice, for fear of frightening Xiao Shiqi, Emperor Yu Heng might still be a demon.

"I have never seen him so filial since I died!" Empress Dowager Pan gave an annoying mouth.


Princess Xuancheng was placed in the east of Xianyang Hall by the Empress Dowager Pan. Both the court lady and the **** were old people she used to in Yonghe Palace, and they were brought to her intact.

Xiao Baoxin entered the room of Princess Xuancheng of Yonghe Palace. Although Xianyang Palace was not more luxurious than Yonghe Palace, it was also exquisite and elegant.

The reason was not that Queen Mother Pan deliberately neglected, but Xianyang Palace was originally no better than Yonghe Palace. The emperor would reward everything good for her. Concubine Liu Gui was also a lover of Lufu, so she put all the good things out to treat Princess Xuancheng. The room is also decorated with brilliance.

When the door was closed, the smile on Princess Xuancheng's face disappeared, and the tears flowed first without speaking.

She knew that the Queen Mother was an elderly person, and she didn't like someone crying in front of her. In addition, it was the New Year, and she kept squeezing a strong face and laughing. But A-niang has only been dead for less than three months, so she just forgets that, she is like a okay person, she really can't do it.

Concubine Liu Gui was still there before, and she couldn’t feel the haze at all. The whole child’s life was sunny. The so-called annoying thing was, "Aniang did not let go out of the palace." Today’s food is not delicious.” Brother said I’m fat. It’s irrelevant.

Occasionally quarreling with other princesses, A-Niang can always help her find her place, and she can clean up all the people without A-Daddy's action.

However, since A-Niang died, she knew all the troubles of being alive.

Dad loves her more than before, but the atmosphere is always heavy when I am with him, and the most talked-up topic between the two of them is A-niang. As if they remembered A-niang over and over again, she still exists, but it only hurts even more. In Xianyang Hall, the queen mother still treated her well, the same as before, but she no longer speaks unscrupulously like before. Acting like a baby, she naturally learned to look at her glance, because sometimes the queen mother would suddenly change her face. Although she didn't scold her, she made it clear that she didn't want to talk to her at the moment.

There is a dad in the palace, no one dares to bully her, but they don’t have much contact with her. Everyone avoids her. If they have to gather in one place, they can’t talk to her or talk to her. Hit, silently separated from everyone.

I don’t know if she is too eager. Except for those who were brought out in Yonghe Palace, the other palace ladies and eunuchs are no longer as enthusiastic as before—

Of course, she may not have been enthusiastic at first. She has always been self-centered and never paid attention.

Now she is paying attention.

She feels very tired and everyone has changed.

"...I'm really sorry, I don't want to disturb you in the New Year. It should have been a festive day, but..." Princess Xuancheng cried and cried, but suddenly stopped, only the tears were still streaming silently. "But I'm really suffocated. I'm too sad. Hold on again and I'll die."

Xiao Baoxin took out his veil and wiped Xuancheng's tears. The circles under his eyes turned red.

"It's okay. I wanted to enter the palace to see you too. But you know the rules of the palace. I can't come in and see you casually. You can tell the emperor that I should enter the palace. It's right."

She won't say don't cry, life will continue.

This is nonsense, who doesn't know that life will continue anyway? Whoever is missing in this world is the same.

If she lost a loved one, whoever wants to tell her not to cry, then this person is either cold-blooded or just a slapstick.

How can I resolve the loss of a loved one and my heart hurts so much without crying? Is it possible to hold back into the body to let the sad emotions overflow in the body?

"It's okay, you can cry if you want to cry, cry out all the sadness, reluctance, sadness and all the thoughts, don't hold back." Xiao Baoxin held the hand of Princess Xuancheng, in fact, she was also very sad.

Princess Xuancheng is a little girl who is only eleven or twelve years old. She was originally overly clear, arrogant and cute, but Concubine Liu Gui has been transformed into a person in just a few months after her death. She matured quickly and would see it. People winked.

This can be said to be an improvement, but the price of this improvement is too great.

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