My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 365: Guilty

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Xiao Jingai's tears were almost dry, using Xiao Baoxin to bite her teeth.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't be where she is today.

Every time it was because of her, Yang Shao had trouble with her. After sharing it, I will leave behind the fact that Yang Shao found out that she was drinking dried persimmon soup in the morning. The reason why Yang Shao was so angry is still a little bit... to her, right?

Xiao Jingai held her arm in the Yang Mansion and thought about it, but Xiao Baoxin had already returned to the Xie Mansion.

As the saying goes, family ugliness cannot be publicized, Xiao Jingai didn't want to talk to Xiao Ning about those bad things.

Having said that, it is to give Xiao Ning a defense, and she is also considered as dedicated. It can't be said. She is a long-tongued woman who cares about people behind her back. Not only Xiao Ning looked down on her, but she also responded by doing it herself.

But Xie Wan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Xiao Baoxin walked on the front foot, and Xie Wan talked to Xiao Ning on the back foot.

The words were very rude, leaving no room for Xiao Jingai.

"To say that these two women are too far apart from Auntie, not only is the difference in appearance, but also not good at being a human. The former General Yang who came to propose a kiss was my Auntie-you don't know, my Auntie is beautiful. Xinshan, how many people were staring at the first-class beauties at Jiankang's time. However, these two ladies were interested in General Yang, so they directly approached the first emperor, wanting the first emperor to make an order and **** the marriage... …"

"The first emperor Shengming ignored this."

"But my sister-in-law has a stubborn temper and a high-sightedness, so I didn't like General Yang. This made Er Niangzi pick up a leak."

"As long as you have a little bit of face, you can't fight with my sisters no matter what you like. I can't look down on the second lady. Obviously, when you go to the same place, Auntie and Auntie will sing the opposite. chant."

"It's not that I told her secretly. She was clearly watching her cousin's future mother's ceremony and came to the camp. She was the one who never came to the house before."

Xiao Ninghan, don’t say anything else, he is beautiful and kind. How many people are staring at this--

Qiniangzi didn't inquire about these things when she hadn't been in Jiankang before, did she?

That's all against Jiankang Invincible. How many people are hiding, right?

People are good people, and they can see their nature best when they get along, not to mention that they are friends and they are frank and sincere.

But at least she inquired that Xiao Baoxin's reputation was not very good.

Qi Niangzi really didn't feel hurt when she said that.

"I know all about it. It's just because of Auntie's face, it's not easy to wipe the enthusiasm of the second mother of the Xiao family... We are relatives, and I still don't believe you? Besides, I know your temperament. Evil is like hatred, and you told me this for my own good."

"Although I haven't lived in the city, I haven't dealt with the noble ladies of various families, but at any rate I am also in charge of the internal affairs of a government in Yizhou. Can I still know this?"

Xie Wan was relieved and said that she was too good at it. It was only a few months.

Anyway, she said what she should say.

Auntie is inconvenient to say, she has to say. To prevent Xiao Ning and Xiao Er's wife from having an unpleasant quarrel at the time, she would take A'sao on again. Entering them to thank the family is to thank the family, but you can't let your family suffer dumb losses.

Xie Wan was afraid that some gossip would reach Xiao Baoxin's ears, so she listened to the maid to find out that Xiao Baoxin had returned to Rong Antang, and came over to ventilate with Xiao Baoxin.

In case Xiao Baoxin is straightforward, he will talk to Xiao Ning again, but it will make Xiao Ning worried, who is it? She hasn't entered the palace to become the queen, and her family has already intrigues to this point.

Xiao Baoxin laughed after hearing Xiao Wan's intentions, and he didn't like sister-in-law anymore.

"It's okay to say it, so I don't need to guard against day and night, so I'm worried about what shameful thoughts she will use."

"You don't think I'm talking too much." Xie Wan took a sip of tea and scanned the surrounding area. It was rare that he didn't see Brother. As long as their newlyweds were in the house, when would they not stick to one place?

Because of this, she rarely visits Rong'antang for fear of disturbing others and annoying by the ground.

"Brother, are you busy again?"

"I was called by the emperor to go into the palace." Xiao Baoxin sighed and said sternly. "Jiangzhou governor, King Jin'an has reversed."

Xie Wan's eyes widened suddenly.

"That's the opposite?"

"There are many other people who responded, this is going to be a big mess. I'm afraid it will be chaotic."

Xie Wan was still young, where he grew up in Jiankang City after suffering from wars, and has never even heard the gongs and drums of war. The so-called wars are nothing more than the gossip about the back house.

But as she got older, she also knew how harsh the war was now, and that too many people would die in one battle.

Just a coup d'etat killed hundreds of people in the Wang family, and there were many casualties in the palace.

Wang Twelve Niang is Xie Wan's best friend, the friendship that came out of childhood, his parents were also moved in this coup d'etat, and she is the only one in the family. Now she was taken over by Chu's family and led the life of a widow.

The Chu family has already given her an adoptive child.

The two families of Xie Wang belonged to two positions in the coup, which also made their getting along become inexplicably awkward.

Xie Wan only visited Wang Shiniang once, and the two chatted a few words.

Wang Twelve Niang didn't hate it in her heart, but she didn't know how to face it. In the entire court, and even under the world, they were weak little ladies who could only follow the crowd.

But separated by their parents, Wang's hundreds of lives, they are silent, speechless.


"I remember that Auntie's elder brother was Ren Jiangzhou provincial governor——" Xie Wan realized later.

This shows how serious my sister-in-law is about herself. Generally, who still remembers the promotion of so many relatives. However, it can also be seen from the side that Xie Wan is actually politically sensitive.

"Unfortunately, your brother, I have given my father an idea long ago to let my brother take office later, so I haven't gone to Jiangzhou yet."

Xie Wan nodded, it was good news at last.

Seeing Xiao Baoxin's face showing tiredness, she thought she was tired after a busy day, so she got up and said goodbye.

Xiao Baoxin didn't keep her either. After a day of tossing, she was indeed tired. She sent Xie Wan away and lay on the couch until she woke up hungry until dark.

Tangli is a reliable one. Let the small kitchen simmer the food early, and she woke up and brought the food up.

"Lord Lang has not come back yet?" Xiao Baoxin asked.

"No." Cai Wei said quickly. "I heard that the slave servant, didn't General Xue Jing'er go after the escaped King Yiyang, but didn't know that he didn't catch him, so he went back to the city on horseback. As a result, he ran too fast and almost ran into Huai. The car of Prince Yang’s Palace, the side concubine of Prince Huaiyang had a miscarriage in shock, and fighting broke out on both sides."

"I heard that the Huaiyang Prince's Mansion is going to the palace to sue the imperial court."

Xiao Baoxin knew what plucking meant, and it meant that Xie Xian was busy with the Huaiyang Palace if he didn't come back so late?

She wanted to say that Xie Xian's family really couldn't live by the river, and they didn't manage that wide.

But there are some things you don’t need to explain to whoever you see.

It's King Yiyang, that must have been missed. If he is caught, he will not be taken back leisurely? As for running in the city?

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