My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 529: Can't think

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

To say that Xie Pushe lives in the heart of their father and son, is it too considerate of the holy intentions? !

But there are some ministers who are in and out of the country, and they all point to Xie Xian's young and frivolous, unworthy virtue, and single-man dominance.

In fact, no matter how young Emperor Yongping was, he grew up in front of the first emperor. In the past six months, the emperor's art has been fully passed on by the first emperor. Of course, people don't know how many differences have been spread, but Yongping Emperor is not stupid, so he doesn't know the consequences of being dominated by one person.

But he knew that Xie Xian and Xiao Sikong came to the top of his own ranks. Without these two, there would be nothing wrong with him. This is great grace.

From the dragon's merits, it is bound to be rewarded. Otherwise, let’s not say that I’m sorry, but I can’t stop sitting on the dragon chair——

In fact, sitting on the dragon chair didn't really stop. The war broke out within a few days, and the world was in chaos.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Sikong and his son went into battle together, as well as the fact that many generals desperately fight to the enemy, and Xie Xian's strategizing in the court, only King Guiyang would attack the city, and he would not be able to resist it.

Therefore, after Emperor Yongping ascended the throne, as long as they were in contact with the Xie family and the Xiao family, one was sealed and the other was rewarded. Not only was it to win people, but it was also for others to see. He is not ungrateful or mean.

He is an upright emperor, an emperor who has broken away from low-level tastes, and his strength does not allow him to be low-key, so he has to be a high-profile emperor.

It is not in his mind that he has no counts. Without Xie Xian and Xiao Sikong, he absolutely never sat on the throne like this, but the concentrated training of the emperor for more than half a year also made him soberly realize that it is really impossible to let a family dominate...

This is not a good thing for the emperor or his courtiers.

Sometimes this is the reality, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Power breeds ambition, and ambition forces interfere in the control of power.

Otherwise, this time Emperor Yongping would not have made his own decree without discussing it with Xie Xian.

Well, in fact, this should be his power, but there is always a guilty conscience to do it.

But looking at the reaction of Xie Aiqing, there was no discomfort at all. Instead, he gave his full support. At first glance, he was a loyal courtier and a noble son of the family.

Emperor Yongping's heart is about to be placed in the pelvis.

This is the attitude that a decent monarch and minister should have. Moreover, Xiao Sikong shouldn’t take the military power too seriously. After the emperor’s wedding, he resigned and asked to resign. The emperor meant him to be appointed officials and nobles. He was only a war criminal. People have to recuperate at home when their hair is ill. They are not suitable for leading soldiers, and they don't even want the position of general hussars.

The two sons and sons seem to have achieved success and retreat, and they regard power as dung.

But if the courtiers did it, it doesn't mean that the emperor can do anything wrong. Besides, if such a loyal and victorious general does not need to be used, who will he use?

Don't worry if there is no Xiao Sikong, Yongping Emperor may be stunned.

You can not add it, but the old official can't resign.

Xiao Sikong made a determined refusal, and Emperor Yongping was too inaccurate, so that Xiao Sikong had no less than five or six times to ask for his resignation, and the tug of war between the monarchs and the ministers was considered to be involved.

In the end, Emperor Yongping had no choice but to let Xie Xian talk about his father-in-law and give the emperor some face and stop resigning.

The emperor also has time cost to look at Zhezi, and it is not easy to look at it, in case any important words of this great hero are missed, it will not be good.

Xie Xian knew the emperor's thoughts, so he looked at Xiao Sikong really carefully.

"...Actually, the minister has always known that Zhang Yue has a head wind disease, and it is fine when this disease does not occur, but it is really life-threatening if it really strikes, and sleep can't sleep well. Something gets stuck in the head, which hurts the body."

Emperor Yongping: "Then let the judge of the Taiyuan Hospital take a look, Xiao Sikong's body... is for the beamer, it is for me."

"It's better to follow Sikong's meaning as a minister." Xie Xian smiled: "Sikong is upright, and he doesn't offend people in the court—"

"Sikong, this is a direct minister!" Yong Ping emperor said. He has seen someone desperately adding drama to Yue Zhang, but he has never seen such an impatient to demolish the stage.

I confirmed the look in my eyes, it's my son-in-law.

Sure enough, the fear of his wife, like a tiger, was played out, right?

I don't want to make my wife even more powerful. Isn't his small body even more unbearable if he is afraid of Yue Zhang's support?


What a blessing, why does he think that the positions of the emperor and the servant seem to be reversed?

Xie Xian didn't care, but still smiled like a spring breeze:

"I know your majesty's intention that he can't bear to be wronged by loyal ministers. But Sikong doesn't care about these people with false reputations. He thinks he is a military horse half-life, and has fallen a lot of root causes. If not, use this opportunity to take good care of his body."

"Sikong is a loyal minister and good general. Now the situation is very good. Sikong is also considered successful and retired. He does not want to let others talk, and he does not want to be authoritarian. Otherwise, he will become Sikong and remove other idle duties. Just hang a Sikong. As for Piao. Mount the general, and keep it. Although the current situation is gradually stable, it cannot be said that it is completely peaceful. In the event of a recurrence of war, the general will not use the military spirit to unite—"

"Exactly!" Yongping Emperor patted the table, that's what he thought.

It's easy to change it personally. Should a battle start, should that person be allowed to go, or should Xiao Sikong be allowed to go?

That person, where is the title of Xiao Sikong's constant victory? With rich experience in the battlefield, many people are frightened by the news, but if Xiao Sikong is allowed to go, what is the meaning of exchange?

"Then only these two positions will be left, and the others will be waived. It is also your Majesty's kindness. At the same time, he also responded to Xiao Sikong's request, and it did not hurt the friendship between the emperors and the ministers."

Emperor Yongping nodded straight after hearing this, which was exactly what he wanted.

"It's just that the position of the guard general..."

Xie Xian couldn't comment on hearing this:

"Frankly speaking, at the beginning, when the common man Wang Clan murdered the king, Xiao Sikong was a general protector, and he led his troops to help his majesty to win the treasure. , This position is inherently tricky, and Sikong Mianyun is a good candidate for this position."

"As for the position of general of the guard, the heavier is the guard general, and the less powerful is the middle guard. There is an early precedent."

"Now that General Yang Jingyun Yang has received this post, he still serves as the central defender."

Every sentence comes to the heart of Emperor Yongping: "Aiqing said exactly."

"Aiqing is right."

"Aiqing...the one who listens to Aiqing is."

In a few rounds, the emperor and his subjects separated happily.

Just a little bit of blessing, a hussar general has not withdrawn his real power, and a imaginary name of the supreme Sikong has not withdrawn...what is it that has withdrawn?

The general of the defending army, turning into the middle defending army, the birth rate is even more than one level lower, and then there is no possibility of getting closer. So, who said that the two adults, Yang and Xie, had a good relationship, and they belonged to relatives?

Sure enough, it was because of the death and life of the second lady Xiao that she was revenge?

Duo Fu was full of doubts when Xie Xian was leaving, looking at his cool eyes, like a basin of ice water, poured him a heart-warming cold. He thinks too much and wants to be narrow, which is not what he should think!

Servant shoot, the villain understands!

Ji Lingling woke him up with a shudder.

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