My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 553: A blessing in disguise

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Grandfather Xi Seventeen-hearted Dao is going to make it bigger, so he won't let the Xie family bow his head and swear he won't let it go.

People have a hard temper when they are old.

However, Xi Tingwei's deeds were passed to the long room, and Xi Shishilang's heart was touched.

Although his grandfather didn't really wait to see him in the house, he really met an outsider, and he was still facing him in the end.

But Mrs. Gu from the Long Room was more concerned.

The husband died early, although the father-in-law was always taking care of him, it was no better than the one who stood up in the house before.

This kind of comparison is as the higher the official position of Xi Shang in the four rooms, the more the feeling of loss is, especially the youngest son is not to be seen by the elders, which is a heart disease of Mrs. Gu.

Looking at it now, although Xi Tingwei still has a knot and is not willing to be kind to the Twelve Langs, but in the end he still protects his grandson. He immediately thought about it and wanted to take this opportunity to find an errand for Xi Twelve.

Every husband and his wife are honored, but their husbands are gone, so why are they honored? I can only rely on my own son.

Xi Jiadalang came from Mrs. Gu’s belly, but she disappeared when she was a teenager. The few born later are little ladies. Now they are all married, and she can rely on Twelve Langs for the rest of her life. , Piansheng was guilty of Xi Tingwei's taboo because his father died after the twelfth birth.

Now Xi Tingwei is for the Twelve Lang...

Well, maybe it was Xi Tingwei's great-great-grandson who had a fight with the Xie family, at least there was Twelve Lang in his heart.

Mrs. Gu took advantage of the heat to strike the iron, took the route of the back house, and found Mrs. Ru, who was accompanied by Mrs. Xi Tingwei. After all the kind words and favors, Mrs. Ru, who was nearly forty years old, went to the bed of Mrs. Xi Tingwei. Blowed the hair.

It's nothing more than looking for an errand for Xi Twelve.

Xi Shishilang was nineteen years old, and Xie Xian was an official at his age, and became a fifth-grade Huangmen servant by the side of the first emperor.

What kind of person Xi Tingwei is? I'm afraid that the prisoners I've seen will eat more rice in his life than others. As soon as his wife talks, he will know that it must be Gu's restlessness, and he will run away for his son.

Xin Dao, I don't want to see Xi Twelve anymore, he is also the only son of his eldest son who has died early, so he must arrange a good errand.

It's just that I want to help my son to hold the position of Captain Lieutenant first, and seek a higher position. It's not easy to lift the grandson out first. It seems that he is greedy for power, and he will come up as soon as he goes down, worrying about being accused.

Now the situation is different.

The Xi family and the Xie family are broken, and it shouldn't be a big deal for the dumb grandson to find an errand, at least on the face of it, they didn't go for the post of Tingwei.

"Twelve Lang is also eighteen at the Seventeenth National Congress..."

"Nineteen." Hearing what he said, I knew how unsatisfied it was. "Cai has been in the door for four years, only to get pregnant and disappear in a blink of an eye..."

"It's nineteen, it's time to get an errand, let me go before I get an official." Xi Tingwei said, closing his eyes and sleeping.

If the wife knows that he doesn't want to continue talking, but fortunately, she has agreed to Mrs. Gu's business as complete, and she has also confiscated a good villager in vain.

He also closed his eyes, and a few wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes.

Who told her that she was not born high, and she was born by her step-madam, with little money in her hands. It can only be given to the middle-aged Xi Tingwei who lost his wife as a concubine.

Although Xi Tingwei treats her well, she will be in her sixties and almost seventy. When will the people disappear, how can she continue to be in the Xi family? Without money, even the servants below would not take her seriously.

Fortunately, Xi Tingwei was stubborn and rigid by nature, so that even the sons and grandchildren below did not dare to face him. She used her to blow the pillow breeze for everything. The big family is good, they know how to deal with things, and they are not stingy in money, but they are like a lady.

Naturally, Mrs. Gu didn't hesitate to sacrifice her money for her son, and exchanged it for a good Zhuangzi, which was not worth tens of thousands, at least seven or eight thousand liang.

A few words are worth it.

As a result, the matter of Xi Shishilang was considered complete, and it was a blessing in disguise that Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Xi Tingwei, including Mrs. Ru, were all satisfied, but it was rare.


However, Xie Qing told Xie Xiangui to bring back to Xie's mansion. On the way, he didn't even ask how Jiankangling was sentenced. When he returned to the mansion, he was asked to return to the second room.

"Second aunt has just finished giving birth, although it is inconvenient for you to go over and ask for peace, anyhow you care about it." With this sentence, Xie Qing was sent off.

Xie Qing was at a loss, brother is so happy about his mother-in-law?

It feels more casual than the snacks I brought back.

However, the situation at that time did not bring him back to Xie's Mansion. I was afraid that Xi Tingwei, who came out later, might not get Xi Shiba and him together.

Xie Qing was really obedient, and turned back to the second room, but only halfway down the road and let the third room be intercepted. It is rare to meet this master in Xie's house, and Xie's mother confessed that she would go to the temple to supervise the dead lady.

Although Mrs. Wang didn't speak very well, she did her best to deal with the things Xie's mother ordered.

It was also the Wang family's downfall. Mrs. Wang always wanted to accumulate some good causes, how to compete with a dead person, and it had nothing to do with them. As a result, it was really not perfunctory to do it, and it was actually done.

"Grandma...compassionate. My concubine's surname is Liu, Jiuniang."

No matter how much, there is no more to say.

"Thanks to my third aunt, it's troublesome to my third aunt."

Madam Wang gave him a wink look: "Your mother-in-law gave birth to your younger brother desperately. She is upright and has to worry about your affairs. You can't be angry with her anymore.

"Then what kind of children, no matter where they are raised, we thank the family for no money, and we can't do without them every month, so that she can have children and educate them. Don't hurt the family's harmony for the sake of being uncomfortable. Ten of your family Erniang is really good, filial piety to in-laws, and friendly to wives, can you find out who does not say your daughter-in-law is good?"

"It's okay for you. When you return to the mansion, you will bring in two big bellies before you even see your parents... It's really a big deal."

Let Madam Wang scold him, and Xie Qing knew that Liu Jiuniang's child had been taken away again:

"Daddy didn't mean to stay at home and raise?"

"Your mother-in-law is not allowed to stay, she has already been paid to the wife, and the wife has ordered it to be sent to your other concubine."

The reason why Mrs. Wang was still eager to answer Xie Qing's questioning was that she just didn't want him to suspect that it was his niece, or she would just throw it out.

"Okay, you go back and tell your mother-in-law, as long as you are dedicated to your filial piety, maybe your mother-in-law will change your mind and say nothing."

Drew a pie for him.

Then pick up the tea cup to see off the guests.

Xie Qing had time to return to the second room. Wang Twelve Niang was still waiting for Madam Cai, the room was deserted and tight.

"When Ms. Fang is leaving, I beg my son to remember to see her." Xie Qing's young man stepped forward and whispered back until he saw no one on either side. "After the third lady sent someone to send the child left by Ms. Liu, Fang The lady sent someone again and asked the son what to do, and begged him for an idea."

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