My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 768: Strong in the outside world

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!


"What does she mean, she still has the courage to come to our house!" Xie Shan exploded as soon as she heard: "Auntie, let's go out and beat her! It's too deceiving."

The corners of Xiao Baoxin's mouth twitched. In a hurry, he knew that she couldn't be beaten by herself, and he knew that she would be attracted to her.

Not stupid to give birth to children.

"Yes, this is bullying, but I have to give her some color to let her know that our Xie's daughter didn't let her bully casually." Xie Chan is a thorn in her own life and married to the side branch of Cai's family. Li has been held in the palm of her hand by her husband and her mother-in-law. Although the living environment is not satisfactory, the family life is very satisfactory and very energetic.

Unlike Xie Shan, who gave birth to a child early, a heart is hung on the child, and her body quickly loses weight. Xie Chan is a few months after the normal childbirth, her figure has not recovered, and she is mellow, and she looks rich. .

Xie Wanteng stood up:

"I will meet her." His face also fell.

It was enough to slap the face, and the nine princesses of Rouran from Xie's Mansion had to come to the door. Are they provocative, or are they going to fight?

"Don't be brave, it's vulgar, knowing kung fu, you will meet her? She didn't say a few words before she started, although we have a guard in Xie Mansion, but if there is a dodge, she can't let her hit that. It's not guilty, right, Auntie." Xie Shan grabbed Xie Wan.

This is the sisters who have set up Xiao Baoxin and want her to beat others.

These rare little girls are in the same hatred, and Xiao Baoxin feels angry and funny when being framed.

"Okay, let me see what's going on. It's impossible to let her come here. It really fell in the eyes of these ladies, and there might be some gossip coming out." Xiao Baoxin winked at Xie Wan, "You and I Let's go together and see?"

"I'll go too." Xie Chan took a step forward. This is not for the waist, there is Xiao Baoxin and others?

The Ninth Princess Rouran was the defeated general of Xiao Baoxin, and they had all heard of it.

This meeting is going to be one of the many people who want to disarm the nine princesses of Rouran, and the other is to see what axis they have committed when they run into their Xie family alone, why they can't think about it like this.

Others did not say that Xiao Baoxin beat the Ninth Princess Rouran in vain, and Xie Xian was overwhelmed.

She didn't believe that Emperor Yongping could still punish Xie Xian for a foreign princess.

This Xiao Baoxin withstood Zhou Dalang's collusion with the robbers to bloodbath the Xie family and gave them a counter-attack. The corpses were all turned into a hill, his hands were black.

Don't look at Xie Chan's squeamish and squeamish, pick and choose, since he really saw Xiao Baoxin's methods, he has never been a demon again.

There is magical body protection in the front, and Xie Xian escorts in the back. Who can afford it?

"Farewell, so many people are too eye-catching to go out all at once. It's enough to have me." Xiao Baoxin waved to Xie Chan. Their circle was already conspicuous enough in the eyes of the guests, and then they all went out with a hug. Know something happened.

With Xie Wan, the two went out.

The nine princesses of Rouran rode a tall horse, which is also the only one of Jiankang City.

Everyone in Jiankang City respects bullock carts, but the nine princesses of Rouran have been used to riding horses since childhood. Today is no exception, but was invited into the tea room by the housekeeper and did not dare to let it out, nor did he dare to invite it out directly.

Fortunately, the nine princesses of Rouran didn't come here, so how did the steward Qi greet them.

Until I saw Xiao Baoxin and Xie Wan come in one after another, their smiles bloomed, as if they were reuniting with whom she had been friends with for many years.

"Big lady." Nodded at Xiao Baoxin, and then went straight to Xie Wan:

"Let me tell you, I really didn't like Zhuge Shu's little boy. I am after Zhuge Fu, don't you have any ideas. In the future, we will marry into Zhuge's family. We will have different opinions. I don't care about you. Call me that mother-in-law—I don’t want to be your mother either, I just want to be with Zhuge."


The housekeeper Qi was guarding outside the door and he burst out with a smile. Why did he have such a big face and wanted to be the mother of a family.

In the past, I still kept saying that Zhugeshu would not marry, but today I have become a little boy who looks down on it.

This is the old baomi is more fragrant when it is cooked, and it tastes good?

Xie Wan looked cold after hearing this: "Who told you that I must marry into Zhuge's house?"

The nine princesses of Rouran raised their chin and looked like they were both strong and strong: "You are about to get married. You don't have to go back. Besides, Zhuge Shu is actually pretty good, and you are about the same age. Don't worry about me and Zhugefu. I will affect you again..."

"Anyway, my marriage to Zhuge's house is a no-brainer, and Zhuge can't afford to rely on it again!"

"You can't tell me about this." Xie Wan said in a sullen manner, "So, you are here today to tell me this? If nothing else, please go back."

"How come there are no civet cats in mud!" The nine princesses of Rouran said when they were in a hurry. They blushed and their necks were thick: "Of course the nest is chattering with you, who is not chatting with mud!"

"Zhugefu, I can handle it because of my ability, so don't let yourself go!"

"Zhuge Shu has been arguing with his father in the mansion every day these days, don't mess up my good deeds because of your affairs." Rouran nine princesses said angrily.

Otherwise, she would depend on whether Xie Wan and Zhuge Shu were successful.

Xiao Baoxin raised his eyebrows, no wonder that Zhuge Shu didn't show up in the Xie Mansion because of such a big incident these days, and he knew that it was so easy to say or not-it's hard to say, how can I say?

"Okay, you will do your best when you come here. As for us and Zhuge Mansion... we still have to listen to the elders in the family." Xiao Bao said: "We also know your attitude, our Sooner or later, I will know. Today is a happy event in the Xie family, there are many people, so I won't greet you. Ninth Princess, please do it yourself."

The nine princesses of Rouran stood on the spot, neither would they go, nor would they not go.

Her face flushed red, it was rare to see her shy face, and even Xiao Baoxin couldn't help but praise her.

"There are no civet cats in the mud! The nest is, the nest is...The nest is after Zhuge's fancy, and the nest warns you not to destroy it! Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

They destroy it?

It's impossible. There is no money to do with them.

Xiao Baoxin felt that after all, there was still a language barrier. The nine princesses of Rouran probably meant that they did not want Zhuge Shu and Xie Wan's marriage to change, which indirectly affected her and Zhuge Fu's marriage.

"Zhuge Shangshu, said he wants to marry you?" Xiao Baoxin asked curiously.

The Ninth Princess Rouran raised her neck again: "He is an upright gentleman, and of course he will be responsible if that happens. In the presence of your emperor, he should come down."

"Then what are you afraid of?" Xie Wan asked.

"Wo? Wo is not afraid! I'm here to show you the attitude of the future mother-in-law! Yes, attitude!" Rouran nine princesses said hard. "I welcome you to marry into my Zhuge family."

"..." Does this speak out as the mistress of Zhuge's family?

Xiao Baoxin and Xie Wan looked at each other.

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