My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 790: This is a problem

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Fortunately, the head of Shining County didn't hit the face, holding the spirit snake in a bun, and smashed the bun with a bottle of wine.

It hurts, naturally it doesn't hurt much, but it can't hold back the disaster coming from the sky. The frightened County Lord Shining jumped up from the ground with a cry. There was still a wine cup hanging on the golden hairpin.

Looking at the people in the room, Wang Jiang Xia fisted his hands in a fist, and his heart to speak for King Huaiyang went out.

Ashamed of himself, he spoke for others again, a little bit responsive.

"Pan Shuo! I think you are the nephew of your mother and concubine on weekdays, so you have to bear with you, don't know what is good or bad! Who do you call?! Do you know who I am? My grandchildren!"

King Huaiyang struggled with a plump body, swayed to his feet, full of alcohol, and furiously said:

"You, don't think that there is a queen mother who will support you, and Xie Xian will **** you, you can bully this king!"

"Let's see if this king will tear your stinky mouth!"

"What does this have to do with Xie Xuanhui!" Pan Shuo muttered. Although it was a family banquet, it was also an inner courtyard of the imperial palace. There were Yulin Guards, so he was really not afraid of King Huaiyang hitting people.

Unless the emperor made it clear to watch a good show, no one would come in.

But he looked at King Huaiyang’s plump body, and it took him a while to walk over without drinking too much. Now, it’s swaying--

Without waiting for Pan Shuo's mental activity to complete the entire cycle, he saw King Huaiyang's body tilted when he got up, and he smashed to the side with a stagger.

Xiao Jingai, who was silent all the way quail-like, found something wrong at this time.

But although King Huaiyang walked slowly, she fell down extremely fast. She had no time to hide, and before she screamed, she was crushed by King Huaiyang.

I couldn't make any noise anymore. With too much energy, Xiao Jingai suspected that his entire skeleton would be broken.

Unable to scream, it sounded more like a muffled snort next to him.

"Quick! Quickly save people!" Emperor Yongping gritted his teeth and commanded, making the King Huaiyang upset the family banquet!

I really don't want to care about him.

Just let him lose that big face.

But even with the Huaiyang princess, she couldn't just watch and crush people to death.

"What are you doing stupidly, don't call the royal doctor yet!"

The court lady **** just stepped forward and dragged King Huaiyang to one side. With sharp eyes, she saw Princess Huaiyang's closed eyes with two drops of tears streaming down.

Seeing that is a pitiful one.

It makes those who hear it sad, and those who see it shed tears.

Both of them closed their eyes, one was already crying, and the other was crying silently.

All ashamed.

King Huaiyang said what could he do?

I didn't go out with great prestige, and fell down, and I didn't have the face to continue.

And Xiao Jingai was sad for her life experience, and she was hurt by the bizarre toss of returning from the dead. Never felt so sad.

She is too difficult.

Daily flattery to King Huaiyang is not enough, I'm afraid that when the guy cramps and swears at her again, beats her, and even embarrass her in such public places.

She really doesn't want to live anymore.

But I dare not die...


Close court maid: Why do you seem to hear the whimpering puppy barking?

Both the Huaiyang kings pretended to faint, and everyone's interest was gone, and the family banquet was over.

Fortunately, the imperial doctor diagnosed the pulse, and the two of the king of Huaiyang had nothing to do. The imperial doctor left forefoot, and the couple left silently for the back foot.

Ascend the first Buddha of Yongping Emperor Qi to heaven, and then the second Buddha was born.

Nothing, of course nothing.

They are all fine, it is him who is in trouble!

The special King Huaiyang said he didn't know those?

But what can he do, pretending to be stupid, after a big deal, he will turn over and be deceived, or dismiss the old love, maybe he will get a good name, anyway, it is obviously unrealistic to let him and Xie Xian tear their faces.

Liang looked calm. Today there is a flood here, tomorrow there is a drought, and the large-scale battlefield is calmed down. A small number of bandits and robbers who occupy the mountain in the country have not fully recovered due to the great power of the Liang. They still resisted stubbornly.

Guotai Minan?

Now he really dare not say.

I have said that the bridge was demolished by the river. Have you ever seen that you demolished the bridge before it passed when you walked halfway?

Did he not know what Xie Xian did?

Of course, he really didn't notice Pan Shuo's family. Had it not been pointed out by the King of Huaiyang that there were loopholes in Pan Shuo’s words, it would have been equivalent to directly recognizing that those few people had taken the path of Xie Xian, he would really have made the decision by himself——

Xie Xian and Pan Shuo, neither of them will work.

They are equivalent to playing him the emperor as a monkey.

Yongping's lungs are about to explode, so his IQ is so low?

He can't tell if he gets it right, can he?

Of course, he really didn't see it.

This is the most irritating thing, and besides these, is there a lot of suits Xie Xian pretends to, and he drills in, and the drills are still not knowing it?

Maybe he will be sold in the future, and he is still happy to help the people!

Let him say that the old abandoned prince fell out of favor, and the stairs collapsed when the emperor was watching the regatta. Was it because of Xie Xian?

The time he fell into the water at Yanque Lake, was it really the royal family's doing?

Empress Xiao killed Concubine He Shu in the harem, the evidence is conclusive-can't it be Xie Xian doing it in secret?

What is the picture?

Squeeze the lifeline of the big beam tightly in your own hands, hold the emperor to make the princes?

After holding back for a long time without falling asleep, I went to Jiaofangdian in the middle of the night.

Xiao Ning didn't sleep either, thinking that Emperor Yongping felt uncomfortable. This is a delusion of persecution, as if all the people in the world are going to harm him, so that King Huaiyang pierced his face in front of him, and he would definitely not be able to get off the stage, and he might have made up for how much he was going to harm him.

It may not be all Xie Xian's actions, but once people become suspicious, they can't control it.


"Your Majesty can trust King Huaiyang?" Empress Xiao hit the spot.

Emperor Yongping: "I don't believe it."

"Then you don't need to reason about what he said. Everything, your Majesty knows it in his heart." Empress Xiao said softly: "If the minister is strong, the ruler is bound to be weak. The Xie family is strong, but not necessarily strong enough to be indestructible. At least, it has not yet arrived. The power is overwhelming the world."

"If your Majesty is not at ease, it is better to reuse King Huaiyang to restrain the Xie family."

"But your Majesty can't believe in King Huaiyang..." This is a problem, and no one can believe in Emperor Yongping. "Unfortunately, my family cannot be used by your Majesty at this time."

"Your Majesty might as well think about people who have had old grudges with Xie Xian, so as to suppress them."

Emperor Yongping pondered for a long while, but he didn't know, but he had old grudges with Xie Xian...

Few can survive in Jiankang City.

It was all sorted out by him, and there was not much left.

I didn't think it before, but now the more I look at it, the more I feel that Xie Xian's methods are harsh.

After thinking about it, I think this is a disaster. In the past, he still walked through the scene, at least in terms of face, so that the emperor can live. Now, this is obviously queuing up and supporting his own people, and he is starting to be reckless.

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