My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 838: Hard to defend

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Mrs. Xie walked like this, and the more she saw that Xie’s family treats her daughter, the better, and the more at ease she felt. In fact, the only thing she can't worry about is her unusual twins, nothing else.

Before leaving, Xiao Baoxin must be told repeatedly to get the baby, not to be careless.

"Hurry up and stop all those who practice fist and kick. Didn't you see where the lessons from Xuancheng's previous car were there? You are pregnant with twins again, but don't have a big hair, then you want your mother to kill me."

Followed by Xiao Baoxin, knowing that his daughter had a big idea, and repeatedly mentioned it in front of Xie's mother, it was almost time for someone to write a letter of guarantee.

"Okay, Niang, I see." Xiao Baoxin said respectfully, standing in front of the mansion gate for a while, don't you really look at her belly and continue to stand?

I'm really not afraid, and let the two groups of people from the in-laws and parents say that they are afraid.

She gave birth to twins peacefully, she just hit the Grand Canal, and it seemed reasonable to do something.

"How do I practice boxing on my stomach? I stopped early, so don't worry, A-niang." She said, "Go, I should have swelled legs again after standing. Now my waist hurts a bit."

In fact, there is really no need to play with your own relatives, waiting for you to find out.

It’s better to say one thing, really, not playful, Mrs. Xie.

"Oh, look at me and say it, you can see that you are making your mother anxious. Okay, let's go back, I'll see you later." After Mrs. Xie finished speaking, she patted the car and urged the driver. Go faster, wishing that the horn-folding calf cart could get out of the pace that the six pros of Malaysia did not recognize, for fear that the slower step would slow down her daughter's return to the house.

"Go back quickly."

Mrs. Richie doesn't feel how slow the bullock cart is on weekdays, and enjoys it, how stable it is.

I picked up the curtain to tell the girl, only to find that she felt that she had been moving for a while, and a probe was facing the girl's beautiful face.

Silently choked, waiting for the girl to watch her walk away, fearing that the child would be born soon.

"... Helping your wife back home is your own family, don't come here, don't give me away!"

Plucking Wei: This is already at the gate. It's not called to send, is it called to send in truth?

The old lady said this a bit late.

Where did Mrs. Xie know that the maid who went out from the Xiao family complained about the original owner in her heart, and returned to Sagong Mansion with mixed joys and worries.

Xiao Sikong drank to Yueyue, and the jars were empty at sight.

I was thinking about my daughter, but there was no way. After she was married, she belonged to someone else's family, and it was difficult to see each other. Not to mention marrying into Xie's family. He has taken care of having children along the way. The mother-in-law can occasionally visit her family's family to see it. It is difficult for him to be a father.


He also received a letter from Xie Xian, which was even more disturbing.

"... Why don't you want to drink so much alcohol? You feel uncomfortable as soon as your head doesn't hurt?" Madam Xie didn't fight when she saw her anger.

Xiao Lao Er was left at home freely, let Madam Xiao clean up and be honest. Although she still believes in Buddhism, she is not the same as she used to throw her family and property and wish to donate everything. He insisted that Mrs. Xiao was the fate of his life, destined by the heavens, and he would definitely take it.

In addition to daily persuading Mrs. Xiao to believe in Buddhism and spreading sesame oil money everywhere, that is to drink with Xiao Sikong.

For a while, Xiao Si, a short-term convict, stopped drinking, and then he drank again after seeing him for a few days.

I still drank it at home, and I didn't even have a drink to go with. This is to drink a lot of alcohol and do a devil's obstacle to alcohol.

Xiao Sikong looked up at Madam Xie, aggrieved.

Where do you go to reason?

At noon after receiving a letter from Xie Xian, he unexpectedly encountered an ambush. Some people are secretly staying with them, but Xie Xianding is worried that filial piety is not enough. Some people don't want to give them any chance to regain their breath, but want to cut the grass and eliminate the roots.

Thanks to Xie Xian's thoroughness, he discovered something wrong in time.

It's a pity that the culprits have not been found, and there is no relevant information, only to confirm that the poison in their drinking water is true.

At the beginning, Xiao Sikong used his public weapon privately, and sent his murderous confidant to Xie Xian's side, and then went to Xie Xian, only to think of everything, as a result, someone really couldn't wait to jump out.

He still thought that if someone took advantage of the fire and robbed him, it would be enough to have those people sent by him.

Who would want to even do such a horrible thing as poisoning, it is impossible to guard against.

There are people with Xiao Sikong around Xie Xian. He just doesn't want to pass the news back. Sooner or later, Xiao Sikong will know about it. Instead of letting people pass the word unclear, it is better for him to say it himself.

Therefore, Xiao Sikong received two letters together, all of which said the same thing, but the purpose was not the same.

The subordinates are just conscientious and have one thing to say.

Xie Xian thought a lot, and didn't let Xiao Baoxin tell him, because she was afraid that she was pregnant, and wanted to hurt her, even her own mother-in-law thought about it. The two of Weng opened the skylight and talked. Xiao Baoxin's talented skill is that Madam Xie can control her mouth-of course this is not realistic. It is weird that she can control that mouth.

However, Xie Xian was thoughtful and could speak. He only said that even Mrs. Xie, no one could disclose, for fear of leaking to Xiao Baoxin, or for fear of her.

Xiao Sikong naturally knew that it shouldn't be said or not.

However, it was also uncomfortable for me to hold my heart, so I became sad because of the alcohol. On the one hand, he was worried about the girl's body, on the other hand, he was also worried about Xie Xian's safety.

The horseman, let him know who secretly smashed the goods and stomped seven hundred and eighty to the dog!

"What are you doing?!" Mrs. Xie suddenly raised her voice, with great aura: "Why did you say something to you, and you are going to be cruel? What are you going to beat me? Come on, you try?!"

I'm so angry that I just finished complimenting him with the girl, not the one who beat the woman, he followed her in this way.

Who are you staring at, your eyes are about to fall to the ground!

"I'm telling you, don't try to pretend to be crazy with wine, but also want to beat me-you didn't see that the Wen clan sold the King of Huaiyang and lost his family? Give you the rat poison!"

Well, Xiao Baoxin refused to say anything, so she went out.

In his entire life, Xiao Sikong had never beaten a woman except when he was just running on the ground when he was a child.

At this time, the inexplicable hand pain, gritted his teeth.

"How is the girl!" he asked, sounding like Hongzhong.

"Good! Very good!" Madam Xie also shouted.

When Xiao Baoshu walked into the main courtyard from the outside, he felt that the two deaf men were talking, and his ears buzzed because of the sound.

"What are you talking about? A sister is pretty good? I heard a letter from my brother-in-law came back. I'll come over and see, is it okay?" He asked, thinking that A father had eagle-like eyes. Talk to his face.

The nagging face hurts.

"It's fine," Xiao Sikong said in an annoyed manner: "It means to let your mother-in-law go over and accompany you, don't say anything!"

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