My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 853: What the hell?

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

When Sanye Xie entered the house, all his thoughts were on Xie's mother, and he didn't even pay attention to those two people who were kneeling on the ground.

He also glanced at the relationship, suddenly looking back at who could bear it, Ji Lingling was shocked and shuddered:

"What the **** is this?!"

"The little one is not a ghost, the little one is Feng Shu. It turns out that the one who worked in Xie's Mansion was a servant of our Xie's Mansion!"

Xie Sanye: Lord used you to introduce yourself? !

He wants to know this?

"Tell me, tell my old lady well. If you still want to deny this matter, don't blame me for being cruel and letting you die without a place to bury! Magpie, your mother and son are dead, but your family is dead. I’m still waiting for you at Xie’s house, but if you have something untrue and try to get through, I’ll sell all of your other family members. Don’t want to live in Jiankang City for the rest of your life!"

"You father and daughter are dead, it depends on whether you still have a way out from home."

Feng Shu was frightened, the play was really good! He was so frightened that he listened seriously, and his calf muscles turned.

Xie Sanye was shocked, how long has it been since I saw such a cruel method from my mother?

What's wrong with this again?

What does it have to do with him?

He turned his head to look at Mrs. Wang: "What kind of a demon are you? I will tell you—"

"Shut up!" Madam Wang said fiercely. If she made a mistake, could she find him and Xie Lao San first, and rush to him directly?

Didn't Xie's mother tear her up for the first time?

The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately he doesn't!

"Listen to A-niang, please."

Xiao Baoxin: The nine sons of Longsheng are different, but he suspects that Sanye Xie is also too different. Did someone change him when he gave birth? How could it be so much worse?

"I don't need to say it, just listen." Mother Xie said coldly.

The magpie's crying eyes were swollen, the blood on the smashed head had solidified, and the bruises looked more crippled. This made Xie Sanye slightly uncomfortable, whether it was a magpie or Feng Shu, how many punishments he had suffered.

It is calculated that the crime cannot be small, and it is also related to him——

What's up with him?

Magpie: "The slave dare not conceal it. Madam Majesty is kind, and I hope Madam Majesty can give me a way out. It has nothing to do with them. It's all my dad-it's all him. The latent deceit, got caught up in others, and collected money from others—"

"The maidservant doesn't want to poison the mistress's diet. The maidservant is really desperate!"

"Daddy lost the gambling and owed a few hundred taels. If you don't pay it back, the slave and dad will be dead. The slave can't just watch Daddy die." Speaking of this, the magpie was sobbing and crying. Take the breath.

"——This matter was caused by the servant and dad. We deserved our sins. We didn’t dare to ask Mrs. Madam. Forgive me, please let Mrs. Ma leave my family outside—"

Feng Shu kowtowed his head and cried, and the calves of the two turned together, but what he thought was that the drama was better than the other.

In the future, the girl will not be offended either. This is also a dramatist. He guesses that he didn't know how to die.

There, Sanye Xie had long been stunned by Jiang Qian's voice from the magpie.

Jiang Qian, that's his third son.

Although it is not his own, but he has been treated like Cheng's son in those years, even if Cheng is dead, Jiang Qian is not surnamed Xie, and he didn't get into Xie's mansion. The money is half a cent. There is no shortage of him, he asks people to send it there every month.

And he knew that Xie Ning had always been close to Jiang Qian.

Now that Jiang Qian has come out of this matter, it is hard to guarantee that Xie Ning is on the bank.

Sanye Xie lifted his heart at this moment, and his face turned blue.

"This, can't the two of them say what it is? Xu is the pollution..." Xie Sanye hesitated.

"Can Pan Di know Jiang Qian?" Madam Wang asked back.

In fact, as soon as she entered Yi'antang to look at this pose, she guessed that she would never leave.

It's a pity that anyone with a discerning eye can see that the witness is right in front of them. San Ye Xie still doesn't give up, he is really kind of a father, and now he still thinks about protecting his sons and his sons.

Playing with them here, the children of the children, the children of the people, and the children of human beings, where is the world in harmony?

"What do you say when I talk to A-niang? These things are not trivial, so be cautious and understandable. Otherwise, which slave did a bad thing and poured dirty water on the master casually, just admit it?"

"Why do you just think that it is Shijilang? Or is this person you instructed to kill Shijilang?"

Xiao Baoxin: You guessed the beginning, but unfortunately the ending is wrong.

It really wasn't Mrs. Wang's instigation. The instigator was sitting on it, dear.

"I'm talking about Jiang Qian. I remember what the magpie said just now. It's also Jiang Qian. You may be the only one who identified Twelve Lang." Madam Wang sneered.

Xiao Baoxin smiled at this moment:

"The third uncle is actually quite right. It's Xie Ning."

People don't mention the rank of Twelve Lang at all.

"What do you mean?" Xie Sanye was angry, "It was Jiang Qian just now!"

"It's not what I mean." Xiao Baoxin was really able to do it, and his face was stunned. "Uncle San might as well listen to Magpie's words. Maybe she was beaten and stupid just now. She turned upside down for a while, and what she said was not quite complete. ."

Magpie cried, "This time the poison was given to the slave by Xie Ning. On the New Year's day, when he came to Yi'antang to greet the wife, he stuffed the poison into the slave's hand, and the slave must find the opportunity to start... at the latest. Wait until the day that Lady Xiao gave birth, so you can start. Otherwise, he said someone would chop off my father's hand..."

The one crying is called a miserable one.

"It's all his fault!"

Sanye Xie looked at Mother Xie: "Aniang's meaning is based on the side of the maid? In Aniang's heart, there is no possibility that this maid was instigated by the female goddess and poured dirty water on Shiliu. Want to put him to death?" After speaking, she was afraid that Xie's mother would not understand her, so she glanced aside at Madam Wang.

Mrs. Wang's nose is so hung and flat and crooked:

"You really praise Xie Ning, and he deserves it?!"


It's just an outside room, and his life's achievements are limited. Both of them are thirteen or fourteen years old. No one who knows the roots and knows the bottom is willing to marry a girl.

If it’s just a concubine, the problem is that the illegitimate child of a beautiful widow outside the house, who entered the Xie’s house only when she was a teenager, let’s not say what Mrs. Wang means. Will the wife be rubbed by her marriage? It is Xie Ning herself since she was a child. What kind of education did you receive? ? No one wants to try to see what is going on and find out the answer.

Xie Sanye also blamed her for not thinking about it--

She is right without thinking!

With this product, if you really find him a little lady, isn't it a deliberate attempt to cheat others?

She doesn't have such an enemy, let him get married!

The true female goddess secretly instructed the magpie's mother Xie to be poked and scolded by Xie Sanye, so that the whole child's eyes were not good when she saw her son, as if it was filled with ice ball.

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