My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 864: Heart-stuck

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

Xie Xian can not see the thoughts of Emperor Yongping?

Even Yang Shao could see that it was so superficial. In fact, the emperor didn't really care about how Linchuan King reversed, and why he reversed it. The point is that it has been reversed.

How to do?

In case the dragon chair sits unsteadily, what if the unscrupulous people everywhere respond...

Emperor Yongping couldn't sleep at night when he was annoying, and there was a circle of acne on the corner of his mouth. If he didn't look carefully, he thought it was deliberately placed and posted. The distance was perfect.

Who can blame this?

Xie Xian suggested that the emperor decentralize power more than once, and give some good-looking and effective positions to King Huaiyang and King Jiang Xia, but the emperor's defense against that uncle and uncle was like guarding against thieves.

People say they jumped the wall when they pushed the dog in a hurry.

What's more, the two great kings who were used in the first emperor's time and had grown appetites who were able to take the lead, smoothed these two hairs, and no one could break the storm.

No, Yongping Emperor.

He fears.

For fear of being decentralized, for fear of taking the old path of abandoning the prince, I didn't want to give King Huaiyang and King Jiang Xia any chance.

What Xie Xian could say, if he said too much, he deliberately colluded with the feudal king, but the emperor didn't hear it until now.

Okay, King Huaiyang was in a hurry, but instead bit him——

Xie Xian didn't know whether he was too naive to persuade Emperor Yongping to properly decentralize power, or whether he should support Emperor Yongping to beat King Huaiyang to death with one stick, which was too generous.

Now that King Linchuan has turned against him, there is no need to think that Emperor Yongping must guard against King Jiangxia.

It is recommended that King Jiang Xia lead his troops to support Xiao Sikong, and show the world a big show from the moral and rationale. The Yongping Emperor rejected the words before he spoke:

"...This is not allowed at this time. If it was before, then I would definitely let it go. When did I not follow Qing's words? Now, I am afraid,"

The emperor was also frank:

"If King Jiang Xia turns into battle and becomes embarrassed with King Linchuan as a female leader, how should I deal with myself?"

Xie Xian was speechless for a while, now can you deal with yourself?

You can't sleep well, your eyes are blue.

"Why don't you let Yang Hujun support Xiao Sikong with Jiang Xia? Yang Hujun is your majesty's confidant, and is also my great beamer's servant, who always has his heart to your majesty."

What Xie Xian actually wanted to say was that he respected Yang Shao as a hero, so he wouldn't be oblivious to the situation and the foulness of King Jiang Xia. How much **** did he have to get into his head?

Emperor Yongping glanced at Yang Shao.

Yang Shao's heart is a choke, it's better not to ask him to **** the emperor out, aggrieved!

If you don't believe him, he still asked him to protect him. Why didn't the emperor tell King Huaiyang to be stabbed to death!

"It's not that I don't believe in Yang Aiqing, Yang Aiqing is gone, then who protects my safety?"

Although the layout is too small, Yang Shao expressed his thanks to the emperor for his trust! Thank you eight generations of ancestors!

Believe him, just put him around to protect him, and don't give him any major tasks? I thought that if Xiao Sikong hadn't been half-hearted, wouldn't it be him who went to pacify King Linchuan? Why can't you do without him now? You want to protect the emperor from safety?

Can the emperor have a true spectrum?

Think of it, it's one?

Although he was dissatisfied that Xie Xian repeatedly blocked his own future, Yang Shao said that he was aggrieved for Xie Xian as he looked at such an indecisive emperor. Ask people about the plan, if they give you an idea, but you can’t make up your mind, then you can ask a question?

Looking at Xie Xian again, it is the prince of the family, who doesn't change his color and heartbeat, even the rhythm of his breath hasn't changed.

Yang Shao admired it in his heart.

"There is General Zhuge, isn't he taking the post of General Su Wei now? There is also the leading general Xue Jing'er." Xie Xian made the arrangements clearly, "In addition, the husband of the county lord of Shining County, General Yang, is also something that can be made."

The second marriage of the county lord of Shining was the young general who had proposed to Xiao Jingai, but was dismissed by Xiao Jingai. He had never met the young general.

However, General Yang was not idle either, and turned around to find a new wife.

It's a pity that it didn't take long for the daughter-in-law to pass the house, and she was gone after a single illness.

The county lord of Shining is the second marriage, and General Yang is the widower of the bereaved wife. This was picked by Empress Xiao herself. Although Princess Kangle was not satisfied, she had said that she wanted the queen to help in the pick. , Refers to a marriage.

Although she came from a poor family, since Empress Xiao could win the eye, then the emperor would definitely want to reuse it.

Regardless of other things, General Yang Xiao’s face is still very good. This made the head of Shining County nod his head when he saw it, and the first marriage was ruined on his face. The host of Shining County said it was good. The talented person is scum. She didn't believe that so did the untalented Wufu.

If it is true, then she can't avoid the scum pile in her life, she also admits.

Before getting married, Emperor Yongping proposed General Jianwu to General Yang from General Miscellaneous. In the past, he was called a good general. The little general was actually a miscellaneous general who followed Dali. He was not young anymore. He was twenty one. Three years older than the head of Shining County.

General Yang Xiao, who has been on the battlefield since he was a teenager, is also the master of heroic killings, but he is not as influential as Xiao Sikong, so he is not as famous as Xiao Baoshu.

On bravery, in fact, it is not to be underestimated. They are all young talents.

"Big Liang is full of talents. As long as your Majesty employs people properly, in fact, this riot is not a problem at all."

"It's just that your Majesty should beware of Wu Guo in the north." Xie Xian reminded: "It has been more than a year, and no one knows what is going on in Bei Wu. The most feared thing is that they will take advantage of the internal strife to kill them. This is the killer. ."


Emperor Yong Ping slapped his thigh. He was still worried about the internal chaos. He had forgotten that there was Bei Wu, and he really wanted to fight again. It felt like a copy of history.

It went back to two years ago.

Good this time, this trip to Xie's Mansion has two more things to worry about.

It's not over yet. Xie Xian seemed to hesitate again and again before leaving, and then frankly said to Emperor Yongping: "There is something that Xian has thought about for a long time and still feels that it should be known to His Majesty."

Emperor Yongping trembled in his heart. It would not be a good thing to make Xie Xian think about it for so long, and he didn't know what else he had to bear.

"Qing, just...just...speak..."

Yang Shao: I didn't hear the vibrato.

Xie Xian groaned: "On the way to Xiapi's burial in Fu Xian's mother's coffin, someone secretly poisoned him."


Not only Emperor Yongping, but even Yang Shao was shocked.

Is Xie Xian so hateful?

"Who?!" Emperor Yongping turned his face at that time: "Who killed Qing Qing? Qing was resourceful and strategizing, which culprit must not escape Qing's palm! Tell me, which mastermind is behind him?! "

I thought with my **** and knew that he couldn't be the King of Huaiyang. At that time, King Huaiyang was dead.

Yuan Chen was too late to escape, so who else? !

Who wants to kill Xie Xian? That was trying to break his arm. Emperor Yongping regarded that man as an enemy against him, and his eyes were all red.

Never thought that Xie Xian would have personal grievances.

If you have personal grievances, don't you let Xie Xian pound the ground, and there is no room for respite?

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