My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 867: Count in count

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

After entering April, most of Jiankang City breathed a sigh of relief because of Xiao Sikong's good news. A good start, at least they still have an immortal God of War, and they will repeat the chaos of the world before they see it.

This was followed by Xi Jiaerlang's resurrection.

Lao Tingwei Xi has been dead for more than a year, Xi Shangshu is still in his filial piety period as his own son, but the grandfather does not hide his grandchildren, the generation of Xi Shangshu is still there, the third generation of Xi family can actually recover.

Whether it is Xi Shao or Xi Zong, they are all talented and learned, and have been in the eyes of Emperor Yongping.

Just waiting for a reminder from the people around him, the emperor immediately remembered the talents of the Xi family, and the two outstanding talents in the Xi family's generation, especially in the four rooms.

Reinstatement of officials is unrealistic, and the incumbent cannot directly make room for others.

Xi Shao has always been reused by the emperor. He has served as a minister of the Huangmen. Although he has served as the Linhai prefect of less than one world, his political achievements are obvious to all.

At this time, the position of the prime minister in the imperial history was vacant, and several aristocratic families were unwilling to take the position, even if it was a real power position, and some were unwilling to land with the shelf of the aristocratic family. Of course, some are afraid of offending people.

As for those from the poor family, they were also selected. In the first two months after taking office, it was so chilling. The backyard of the family was burnt, so they resigned directly and chose not to do it.

This shows that the xinxing is not good enough. Look at Yan Dong. People can calculate how many times in the dark, but they just hold on to it.

Emperor Yongping regretted that he had let him go to Jingzhou.

Even the pension has been doubled to Yan's house.

At present, no one in the Cheng family is willing to do it, and the poor family is not very popular. The officials recommended a few to Yongping Emperor. Yongping Emperor is hesitating, and it is coincidence that the Xi family’s children are out of filial piety. He immediately thought of the past. His confidant love will.

Xi Shao came from a family, but unfortunately he was a concubine, and he has never been taken seriously.

Since he was a child, he has learned to seize every opportunity that he can seize. The dignified Yushi Zhongcheng has real power. If there is anything he dare not take, the emperor slams the ground and slams his gratitude.

Did not give the emperor time to go back.

A joke, Xi Shao had never been afraid of him.

Emperor Yongping didn’t let Xi Zong wait too long. Knowing that Xi’s family was familiar with the law and family learning, he appointed Ting Weizheng, second only to Qing and Shaoqing, the fifth grade, the master of doubt. If Qing and Shaoqing are absent, they are the principals.

The rapid recovery of the two children of the Xi family as high-ranking officials undoubtedly sent a signal, which was a signal of the emperor's heart of the Xi family.

After Xi Shangshu's filial piety period passed, he couldn't be wrong.

Xi Shao no longer looked forward to it. Once he took office, he made a bold and sturdy stance. He was very upright and honest.

The only thing that bothered Emperor Yongping was that Concubine Chu was there. At the end of March, Concubine Chu gave birth to a child, healthy, white and fat, but Concubine Chu was inexhaustible after giving birth and did not recover well.

Concubine Chu was frightened only when she had today and no tomorrow, and she cried when she saw the emperor every day, or it was Tuogu, so that the emperor would treat his son well, as if he was about to close his eyes.

To say that Empress Xiao, the emperor is really respectful and pity, but he is different to Concubine Chu, I feel that she is delicate, so that all he can see is the tricks and tricks that he can see. I usually hear Rainbow farts a lot, and I really regard her as a confidant, even more confidant than Empress Xiao. Even Concubine Chu's life experience has something in common with him. They are all concubines giving birth to children, and they are often looked down upon by people on weekdays.

Concubine Chu is also a coquettish and weak. Emperor Yongping originally had a defensive heart because she was tired from menstrual periods, but under the terrazzo, she felt the intricate feelings of his father and his mother.

Regarding Concubine Chu, he made great efforts to treat her, and ordered the Taiyuan Hospital to be cured.

But half a month has passed, good or bad, and it has never improved.

Just in time for Empress Xiao's birthday.

Originally, she was in the filial piety period, so she didn't plan to do it big.

It is rare that Xie Xian sent someone to give a big gift in private. Empress Xiao was startled in a cold sweat, and immediately asked Guizhi to send a message to the concubine Chu’s hall, calling the people below to stop.

Sure enough, Emperor Yongping came over to celebrate her birthday that night, and her **** was not hot, so Concubine Chu sent someone over to call for someone.

Empress Xiao followed Emperor Yongping. Concubine Chu was crying when she lay on the bed. The maid next to her charged into the battle, but she got the person out. It was clear that the chariot was to look for the queen and ask someone to instigate her to kill her. .

In the end, Emperor Yongping called the imperial doctor to come over, and he checked that there were no medicines harmful to the concubine Chu. The so-called things added to the medicine were nothing but the imperial doctor's decoction.

I searched the palace, and there were no signs of contraband.

Concubine Chu was dumbfounded, but called Emperor Yongping a good deal.

The intention was too obvious. It was just in the time of Empress Xiao's birthday, and even if she started, Empress Xiao wouldn't choose such a day to respond to her.

Concubine Chu actually made him think that he had the shadow of Concubine Liu Guifei on his body. Her mother was authentic and silly, white and sweet, but she didn't have such a dark heart.

Instead, Empress Xiao comforted Emperor Yongping.

"It is not true that Concubine Chu deliberately uprooted, and it may have been planted up. The secretly drugging this matter, maybe it is really what Concubine Chu said. Your Majesty thinks, if Concubine Chu finds out, she will be upset, and ask your Majesty to do it. Lord. I will definitely fall out of favor or move to the cold palace, and again I will have to lose power, and the empress will be distracted; if Concubine Chu does not find out... If Concubine does not find out, she will die."

"Who is the concubine in the palace who is qualified to raise the concubine's son?"

"If there are clues to Jiaofangdian at that time, no matter if I call out injustice at that time, and there is no real evidence, I am afraid that your majesty will never believe me again. This will kill two birds with one stone."

Emperor Yongping was shocked, and when he thought about it, it really was.

And Empress Xiao was able to speak for her even when Concubine Chu was contaminated, that was a real queen, a generous person.

Can't help but feel ashamed of his suspicion of Empress Xiao for a moment, how many times they have been counted by others, he actually did what others said.

He was very angry, both to the man behind the plot, and to himself.

Empress Xiao saw it, but didn't express it.

This time, thanks to Xie Xian's great gift, she would be designed by Concubine Chu into the sleeve.

I want to know that Concubine Chu’s petty love and petty nature. Without this brain, it is the Chu family’s effort. The Chu family sees Concubine Chu’s momentum in the palace and gave birth to a prince again. Presumably even if she didn’t try her best, the resources are all. Tilted to Concubine Chu.

And when they shot, it was her.

Want to pull her off the horse.

If it weren't for Xie Xian, she would be killed by the Chu family's tricks!

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